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Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2022
Fate the end game
time is fleeting
Moments pass
hate unleashing
Choices lost
reason stalls
Darkness calling
—hell enthralled

(Dreamsleep: March, 2022)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2022
With no respect for time,
words revisit
Invading my consciousness,
attacking my fear
The moment conscripted
beyond all denial
An ageless understanding
—of what’s to become

(Dreamsleep: April, 2022)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2018
A strange thing happens
  once you’re as old as your heroes

The mystery less enchanting
  the romance nearly gone

A stranger thing happens
  when you outlive your heroes

The nuances shouting boldly
   —permission now won

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2021
We serve the moment,
bespeaks the Lord

To live eternal
—in time untoward

(The Book Of Prayers: January, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2023
**** one man
and you go
to the gallows
**** one hundred
and you’re lauded
a hero
Intention like rain
falls on
mountain and plain
The one
flowing downward
—the other to drain

(Dreamsleep: November, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2023
The further out your writing goes
—the further in you are

(Dreamsleep: December, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2017
Because of *******,
  the straightest path bends

Because of *******,
  confusion befriends

Because of *******,
  all smiles a frown

Because of *******,
  up is now down

Because of *******,
  the truth is a lie

Because of *******,
  a pig seeks to fly

Because of *******,
  all evil portends

Because of *******
—this world will soon end

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2020
I took health for granted,
my youth like a rose

To bloom in the present,
till thorns would depose

Attacking my body,
invading my mind

The sleep I’d grown used to,
much harder to find

Not a cold or a fever
for so many a year

No matter the weather,
with nothing to fear

But time is recalling
its card worn and thin

Infirmity threatens
—death budding within

(Villanova Pennsylvania: October, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2017
Unlike an opera Diva,
  a writer hides his age

Scores to bear eternal youth,
  a Contralto dies on stage

Ink reclaims the Land of Oz,
  Dorothy to know

Toto barks—old lyrics march
  Peter Pan aglow

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2023
Writing the words
imprisoning the words

Lettered confinement
—frozen in time

(Dreamsleep: January, 2023)
Monetizing poetry
— the darkest form of alchemy

(Villanova University: January, 2024)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2021
Paper may burn,
but vision lives on

In ashes of memory
—and words to a song

(Rosemont Pennsylvania: July, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2019
*****—Broads—The Bible,
  which poison will you claim

The one that numbs, the one that thrills
   —the one your soul to shame

Captain Tony's, Key West: June, 1971
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2018
I lose myself over and over
  before finding my way again

Promises surely I will break
  pieces—my heart to mend

(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2014)
Three Forks Montana
                                         July 22nd, 1998

Headed south from Helena on Rt. #287, it was early on a bright sunny afternoon and I needed to stop.  The bike and I were both empty and needed a rest.  I was also that ravaged kind of hungry that only four hours of Montana scenery can create. We left Glacier National Park early this morning, and except for one quick pull-over for gas in Choteau, this little town of Winston Montana would be our first real stop.  Real stops are where the helmet and jacket come off, and the crushed soda can goes under the kickstand to keep it from sinking into the soft asphalt.

It was incredibly bright and warm and now thirty-five minutes past the lunch hour.  That’s what the hostess told me at the only Café in town as she was closing up until supper.  “We reopen at 4:30, but for now the bakery’s the only place in town that has anything at all, and they’re only open for another twenty minutes.”

It was twenty minutes till two as I hurried down the street. Just as the hostess had said, the bakery was still open. It had only one person working behind the glass cases, which were all empty as I walked in through the screen door.  Of strange interest to me was the pool table that sat in the middle of the bakery floor. It was in the middle and surrounded by eight small tables, each having two chairs apiece.  The ***** were all stacked neatly inside the rack, and there were two cues laying side by side on the green felt in the center of the table.

“All we got left is pie, and that’s only if you like blueberry,” the waitress said, as I walked toward her.” The bell on the screen door was still ringing and she had one hand on her hip.  She started to smile as she saw the look on my face. “I’m not kiddin, it’s all we got,” as she stared right into and through me as if she had known me all her life. “All you got is just about perfect I said, and can I get coffee along with it,” she not knowing that blueberry pie was a favorite of mine.  

The first time I ate it as a child I broke out with the hives, but it was so good I couldn’t help myself and I went back for more.
Aren’t many of life’s best things just like that!   The hives never happened again, but I still think about it every time I order blueberry pie. I always wonder if I’m going to leave the diner or café all swollen and red in the face, having trouble breathing and headed for the nearest E.R. for the EpiPen injection.

         From The Looks Of Things, This Town Had No E.R.

I sat there in the bright sunlight with the ceiling fan spinning slowly above me offering up a quiet thanks to whoever is in control of things like this.  With blue stains on my teeth and mouth, I went back up to the counter and asked the waitress if I could have just one more piece, and more coffee too.  She looked at me squarely and said, “I have only a quarter of a pie left.  How about if I give you this piece here and wrap up the last piece to go at no charge? If you’ve got a travel thermos, I’ll fill that up with the last of the coffee, it’ll only save me from having to pour it down the drain.  It’s pretty strong by now, but you already know that cause you’ve come back for more.”  “Strong is the way I like it” I said, and with a smile formed over a thousand miles, I thanked her again.

As I sat at the table eating my second piece of pie it reminded me that sometimes, just sometimes, the second time really is the charm.  Today, this second piece of blueberry pie was even better than the first.  I asked the waitress her name as I cleared my table, paid the check and tipped her.

“Agnes, she said, and you ride safe on that bike darlin, you hear.”

Walking back outside I still wasn’t ready to leave, so I put the pie and coffee in the bike’s trunk and started to walk around town to get a better feel for the place.

Dead still and quiet in the mid-afternoon sun, the Winston Montana shopkeepers were all safe behind their windows and doors. There was no traffic on the street.  It reminded me of those Twilight Zone episodes on T.V. from when I was a kid where everything seemed so familiar while at the same time being so strange. I walked the perimeter of the town and ended up back at my bike.  I slowly put my jacket and helmet back on, and in the glare of a south central Montana afternoon, I rode away.

The memory of that blueberry pie has stayed with me all of these years as a reminder that the best things in life are almost always honest and good.  In our daily confusion, we often get off track and forget the bounty that is right there before us — gifts that are usually just inches away from what we already know and are sometimes afraid to admit.  Afraid, because it might not meet someone else’s standard. We too often live in search of false glory — that which is often stolen from a ‘world of consensus,’ and that which is most likely now lost to us in its deception.

                       As For Me, I’ll Take The Blueberry Pie

If I could structure my life like the pie that Agnes served in her bakery in that remote Montana town, I would create an unfolding trinity of one for now, one for later, and then one for just in case.  ‘Just in case,’ is the great maybe, or mystery, contained within the possibility of our spirit. It’s in the knowing that something better is out there, and believing that that something is going to be good that allows us to hope.

The ‘now’ and the ‘later’ control our daily lives.  It is the ‘maybe, or the just in case,’ that gives us the great hope to go on when the place we now find ourselves in just doesn’t work. Like the three persons in one God, acknowledging the ‘maybe’ in our lives, provides the Holy Spirit for all vision and promise to appear.

The great Chiefs, Joseph and Crazy Horse, knew this inside them, as they led their people to strive even beyond the borders of their own beliefs.  Their pie for today and tomorrow had been taken from them, but they believed in their hearts that they would in fact eat again. In the land of the Great Spirit, and the home of their Fathers and Grandfathers, they knew they would some day feast around the Council Fires of those who had gone before.

From the mountaintops to the canyons, to the bakery in that small Montana town, people still search for that last piece of pie ‘to go.’ They wait patiently for the sweet taste of tomorrow to return, while trying desperately to hold on to the belief that — tomorrow will ultimately be good.

               And Tomorrow By Its Very Nature Will Be Good!

As I head further South on #287 the radio plays Bob Dylan’s ‘Blowin In The Wind.’ In the song Bob asks once again “How many roads must a man walk down?”  

             Just One Bob, As Long As It Leads Back To Today  

Kurt Philip Behm
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2020
Reaching into the maelstrom,
my hands were consumed

My spirit to follow
—my will to assume

(Villanova Pennsylvania: October, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2021
Jello mold converts…
frozen believers

Trapped in plain sight,
their freedom to lose

Set in the form,
immobile and suspect

Hope locked in stillness
—unable to move

(Dreamsleep: July, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2023
is the death of God
conscripting Him away

Cloaked in false
enlightenment at bay

is the death of God
scriptures to mislead

All piety
a false disguise
worshipping the creed

is the death of God
whose armies rage and burn

in the name of One
—whose love they claim to yearn

(The New Room: December, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2020
The Country Club of walking death,
calls out across the ferns

The 1st hole starts with pain unmatched,
its traps to flame and burn

The 9th hole calls you back to life,
just to send you down again

The 14th hole, a dismal swamp,
your demons there within

The 18th hole where soul’s are judged,
double bogeyed with a six

The clubhouse dark, your blood trail marked
—devil carrying your sticks

                (Overbrook Golf Club: March, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2019
crutch for the unenlightened

Support system
for the crippled mind

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2019
crutch for the unenlightened

Support system
for the crippled mind

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2021
To not appease the critics,
success within our grasp

The charlatans of written words,
venom of the asp

They bury deep inside their dens,
ordained iconoclasts

Passing judgment, casting blame
—on what they fear might last

(To T.R.’s ‘Man In The Arena’ March, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2021
Hiding in their basement caves,
the ‘journalists’ deride

The light of facts and truth cast dim,
a downward fatal slide

Where once out in the open,
clear vision far and wide

Credibility buries deep
—their fear a den of lies

(The New Room: February, 2021)
I’m tired of people
slinging hash
   and calling it Haute Cuisine

  The Emperor naked
behind the mirror
where truth still reigns supreme

Waiting for accolades
pity more apt
so they again can void

Leaving their excrement
out on display
— only the rats to enjoy

(The New Room: March, 2024)
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2021
If the message complex,
the delivery simple

The meaning the magic,
the words zero-sum

(Dreamsleep: December, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2018
The extravagance of leisure
   —to have exploited spare time

Beyond the reach of my grandfathers
  —beyond the joy and the pain

(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2019
An extravagance of leisure
   —exploiting the time

Beyond the reach of my Grandfathers
   —the joy and the pain

(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2020
Without exception, throughout all time,
governments devolve

Aristocracy, the Philosopher King,
benign in his resolve

Timocracy, the city state,
landed and secure

The Oligarch, his army placed,
to rule in peace and war

Democracy, each voice to shout,
as chaos takes the reins

When Tyranny must force its hand
—as socialists have deigned

(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2023
“You play words like an instrument”
someone once said
Each vowel as a whole note
to consonants wed

High praise from a seeker
deftly looking for more
New songs in the making
—words singing du jour

(The New Room: March, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2022
The past and the future
fold into the present
Conceptually vacant
twice empty refrains
No before and no after
perpetually frozen
The ice of indenture
—this moment contains

(Dreamsleep: September, 2022)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2022
Can nothingness exist
could existence be as nothing

Can something break from everything
—subtraction zero sum

(Villanova University: August, 2022)
what you want to say
what you don’t
A writer’s choice
is zero sum
You will
until you won’t

that time well spent
Brings on
its just desserts
the poet’s form
Twice forward
— once reversed

(Dreamsleep: May, 2024)
No more

Mothballs and cedar assault my nose

The dust mites and stale air dry my throat

A wardrobe that is just that

The lion roars no more

Neutered and robbed of his fire

The last time the words were read

In the darkness of this cell I fear the witch no more

Drunk at her cauldron

Slurred words conjure no magic

Snow driven mountains of pure white

Have dissolved into a gray haze

Footprints like bread crumbs dissolved

My desperate escape blocked

Solid wood between me and salvation

My world made infinitely smaller

-          When the gateway to Narnia can no longer be imagined, the magic dies

(Trystan Colin Behm- April, 2024)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2019
Prince without a lineage
King without a throne

Master without servants
Lover of that unknown

Hearer of what’s unspoken
Seer of things divine

Lord among the jesters
Voice for all the mimes

Reason, when excuses falter
Questioner, when answers fail

Link between the seasons
  —first breath a baby wails

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2018
Prince without lineage
King without a throne

Master without servants
Lover of that unknown

Hearer of what’s unspoken
Seer of things divine

Lord among the jesters
Voice for all the mimes

Reason, when excuses falter
Questioner, when answers fail

Link between the seasons
—first breath a baby wails

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February,2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2018

(Villanova Pennsylvania: December, 2015)
Freedom without question
Truth without doubt
Love without heartache
Hope without pain

Truth without question
Freedom without doubt
Light without darkness
— fault without blame

(Dreamsleep: April, 2024)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2017
  barbell of the written word

Resistance exercise
  for the status-quo

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2018
Today a Poet needs to cast
  a hook with many tines

To reel in those who’re lulled to sleep
  with cautionary lines

These days a Poet needs an edge
  much sharper than before

To cut through all the excess flesh
  —that blocks the metaphor

(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2018)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2019
A nuclear missile            
A singular rose
A Montana sunset
A one-year-olds toes
A diary unfound
A moment unclaimed
A story unwritten
A lover renamed
A sadness rekindled
A joy beyond bounds
A cry from an eagle
A wink from a clown
A walk among Angels
A glimpse into hell
A crossing of rainbows
A last wishing well
A father unsired
A son higher bred
A Grand Canyon sunrise
A note from the dead
A beggar enthroned
A gift undeserved
A feeling eternal
  —a feeling to own

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2018
Where science ends
   poetry begins

The wonder of it all
  —questioned again

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2015)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2018
A novel can be written and detach
  from its author
   —but poetry can’t

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2020
Joni said…
“If I tell you what the song is about,
it won’t be about you anymore”

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2020)
‘Watching Joni Mitchell On AXS’
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2022
Poets of convenience
reality to sway
A stain that lasts forever
excuses not parlayed

“Thou Shalt Not ****” long spoken
ancient law upon the land
Religious, secular, or more’ bound
the truth has one command

A billion screaming babies
by curettes scraped away
As smug self-righteous killers
demand to have their way

The pathway to eternity
lined with voices put to death
“Thou Shalt Not ****” their epitaph
—damning your last breath

(St. Josephs University: September, 1972)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2020
No mountain more imposing
than an idea

No gun more deadly
than intent

No cruelty more powerful
than love

No lie more convincing
—than the truth

(Las Vegas Nevada: January, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2018
In the search for Crazy Horse,
  I found myself

He freed my voice,
  as he opened up my heart

Sharpening my words
  like the tip of his lance

Leading me through the forest
  back into the light

Across the wide prairie
  where the winds blow free

The sun not only rising
  —but pointing the way

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2021
We turn a deaf ear
as they live with the pain
of those who we cancel
with biting disdain

Unable to rise
above selfish intent
with opioid bias
our progeny bent

colors the flow
young ears once thought distant
to reap what we sow

The world as we leave it
our tracks in the sand
forever to haunt us
—as children disband

(Radnor Pennsylvania: December, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2019
Explosion / Implosion,
caught in the din

Forces once pushing,
now pull from within

The physicist cries,
as the mockingbird calls

To see past tomorrow,
today in freefall

A binary motion
of polar extremes

All consciousness split
—dark hole of my dreams

(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2023
The vagaries within
truth and falsity …
are greater than
the differences between them

(Dreamsleep: February, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2021
The riff smiled first,
as the raff smiled back

Each knowing the other,
the white from the black

“They’ll never accept us,”
they both would exclaim

“The ‘grays’ have the mantle,
defiled and profane”

(Dreamsleep: May, 2021)
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