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Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2020
Once you had arms
that held me so tight

Once you had legs
that stood up for right

Once you had eyes
that could see in the dark

Once your strong hands
plotted courses to chart

Once we would walk
and the birds would proclaim

Once we would sing
and the heavens refrained

Once we thought time
was our servant and slave

Once, before war
we forgot and forgave

Now that you’re gone,
my memory’s gone dark

Now that you’re gone,
paths unwalked in the park

Now that you’re gone,
surname given and fast

Now that you’re gone
—my heart beats in the past

(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2020)
Part 1:
He looked out the third floor window of his office, wistfully, at the last of the students going home for the summer.  The exodus had started Friday and today, Monday, was the last day they had to vacate their rooms.

Father Frank Fitzsimmons O.S.A. (Order of Saint Augustine) was the building prefect for Alumni Hall. It was the university's oldest building and dated back to the Civil War. It had gone through a myriad of uses over the years and was now the largest male dorm on campus.

Father Frank had a heavy heart as he watched the last of the students load up their cars and SUV’s heading either home or to one of the many beach communities along the Jersey Shore.  Villanova University catered to an upper crust student body, and many had summer homes sitting and waiting for their yearly sojourn.

Watching the students leave was not what was weighing on Father Frank’s heart.  For the past six months he had been having a crisis of faith, and his daily interaction with students had been a welcome distraction from the dark empty questions his conscience held.

As the building prefect, Father Frank had an office on the third floor.  His job was to mentor and counsel the more than 300 students who occupied the building from September until May.  He lived in the Augustinian Monastery directly across from Alumni Hall, and it was a short 30 second walk both to and from work.

Normally, Father Frank would have closed down his office and spent the summer in the monastery with the older retired priests.  Many of whom he had had as teachers and professors when he had attended Villanova just 15 years before. This summer would be different …

Because of construction and renovations, his apartment was needed to house several of the older priests who had been suffering with debilitating health problems.  He had been asked to stay in Alumni Hall for the summer, until the work was completed, and the students were back for the Fall semester.

Father Frank knew the first students to come back would be the football team when they arrived for summer camp in mid-August. That would be a full 3 months from now. He was the only young (under 40) priest on campus, and it would be a long and lonely 3 months dealing with the solitude and the weight of his uncertainty.

He thought about moving a cot into his office but decided to stay in the now empty dorm room next door.  Sitting on its twin bed brought back memories of when he had lived in this very building just one floor below.

Frank had been a defensive back on the 1962 Villanova ‘Wildcat’ Football Team that had faced Oregon State in the Liberty Bowl.  Oregon State had the country’s best player and Heisman Trophy winner, Terry Baker, at quarterback.  The game ended with a score of 6-0 resulting from a 99-yard run for a touchdown by Baker.  It would be the only score of the game.  Frank had had one shot at tackling Baker but had missed his chance when Baker juked around him at the 25-yard line.  Although 15 years had passed, the wound was still fresh every time Frank walked by the stadium and the memories came flashing back.

Frank’s favorite coach had been one of the assistants, **** Moore, who everyone called Pappy.  Pappy had a habit of saying just the right thing, at the appropriate time, to keep players motivated and moving in the right direction. Pappy was an Augustinian Brother and had been on campus since being a Chaplain’s Assistant during World War 2.

He also had a physical move that accentuated his instruction. Pappy would lower his shoulder and tackle a player lifting him up while shaking him back and forth. He did this until the player repeated what he had just told him.  It became a badge of honor, on the Wildcat Football Team, to count the number of times Pappy had lifted you off the ground and force fed you the truth.

Part 2:
It took less than an hour to get his new room set up with his personal effects from the monastery, and Frank decided to go for a run … anything to try and escape the questions that became worse during periods of inactivity.

As anyone who has lived alone will tell you, after an extended period of time, the world takes on a new normalcy and the days repeat in quiet monotony.  Frank still took his meals at the monastery but because of the age difference, he didn’t have much in common with the older priests to spark interesting conversations.  Mostly, they reminded him of the almost great victory over Oregon State, and how if they were to play the game again Villanova would surely win.  This was the LAST thing Frank wanted to hear.

Father Frank continued to say the Sunday morning 10:30 a.m. Mass at the campus chapel connected to the monastery.  Other than that, the days dragged on.

It was now Friday, July 5th, and Frank had gone to bed early.
The tower clock, outside his window, showed 2:00 a.m. when he was awakened by a noise on the other side of his door.  After clearing the sleep from his eyes, he decided to take a look.  He knew the building was locked, and no maintenance worker would be working this late.

He walked the long distance to the other end of the hall using his hand, sliding along the left side of the corridor wall, as a guide.  When he came to its end, he turned around and headed back.

To Cut Costs, All Of The Auxiliary Lights Had Been Turned Off For The Summer

Halfway down the hall, he heard the noise again and he stopped.  This time, it seemed to be coming from his room. He started to walk the rest of the way but was suddenly confronted by someone or something in front of him blocking his passage.  As he started to struggle, he was lifted off the ground and shaken back and forth.  Conflicting and confusing memories came rushing back, and he went into full denial as to what might be happening.  Before he could get one word out of his mouth, he was back on his feet and whoever or whatever had assaulted him was gone.

He took a hurried step toward his room and immediately slipped on something wet on the dark floor. Still rattled from what had happened, he rushed back, locked the door, and got into bed. Had it been a bad dream or was it possibly something more … something at face value he couldn’t reconcile?

Frank woke up early still wondering if it had all been a bad dream.  He walked back down the hall and could see what he had slipped on the night before.  A small puddle of water was lying in the middle of the floor.  Looking up, Frank saw nothing dripping from the ceiling.  He went back to his room, got a towel, and wiped up the spill before going to the monastery for breakfast.

Upon returning from breakfast, he was stunned at what he saw.  The puddle had reappeared in exactly the same spot as before. Again, Frank wiped it up and went on with his day, but the small puddle continued to reappear.

Frank decided to take a new tack….

Before going to bed on the second night, he wiped up the puddle with his towel and covered the spot with a stool to confirm it was coming from a leak somewhere above. The next morning the stool was still in place, and had not moved, but the water had reappeared again directly underneath it on the floor.

Every time Frank had wiped up the spot, he noticed that something was happening inside of himself. The water that was cleaned up was washing the conflict and doubt out of his spirit, and he felt a lightness that he hadn’t experienced since his ordination almost 10 years ago.

The water continued to reappear all summer until the first student athletes arrived back on campus.  That first day, there was knock on Frank’s office door and a freshman football player was standing there with a stool in his hand.  “Father Frank, does this stool belong to you?  It was sitting in the middle of the hall and this small bottle was sitting under it.”  “Yes, it’s mine, thanks for returning it.  I used it as a marker in the dark hall this summer.”

Frank looked at the tiny cut glass bottle which was whole in its design … it had no cork or ***** off top.  It was solid all the way around.

Fifty years later, that small bottle sat on Frank’s night table in the monastery across the way. He was now one of the older priests having spent his life in service to the university and students he loved.  Since that Summer Of Doubt, so many years ago, his faith had been as secure and contained as the Holy Water inside the bottle.

Every time he looked at it, he made a silent prayer that started with … “Thanks Pappy.’

Kurt Philip Behm: June, 2024
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2023
The ***** of tomorrow’s rage
burning undelivered
waiting for perdition's womb
vengeance baptized—christened tears

The seed that carries darkness on
planted in the shadows
hiding what we most despise
hatred pregnant—birthing fear

(Dreamsleep: June, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2017
With every cold defeat
  of the human spirit

The answers move deeper
  within the polar arc

Victim to its wanton roaming
  and endless chill

Questions left to wander
—fatherless and alone

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2013)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2019
“You can’t play with something you don’t own," said
the father.  “But father, that is the truest definition
of play,” said the Russian boy.  “What is not owned is
not worried about, and what is not worried about sets
you free.”

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2021
I grew up
having never become an adult,
the years to now betray
My body infirm,
my vision impaired,
my hair has turned to gray

I grew old
while living within myself,
false promises to none
Retuning to boyhood
each night in my dreams,
my age still zero-sum

(The New Room: March, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2020
Clothed in fraud,
his disguise supreme

Frightening listeners,
confusion schemed

His world inside,
a caldera waits

Armageddon trembling
—the hour late

(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2021
Deeper than love,
deeper than hate
the abyss that surrounds
inclement to wait

Fortune redundant,
heads in the clouds
escape not an option
—lost faces surround

(Ronald McDonald House: September, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2023
The message complex …
your form should be simple
A carrier pigeon
no longer confined

Direct and straight forward
the fault lines will rupture
The magma exploding
—forever to find

(The New Room: December, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2021
Spiritual draftsmen,
builders of walls
Demanding blind homage,
tithes of false hope

Fortressing darkness,
ministering fear
Evangelist’s rumbling
—prophets who quake

(Rosemont College: July, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2023
points to something
the many to the one

liege to someone
with fealty’s bow restrung

started somewhere
whose map undrawn curates

Every song
birthed in silence
—where voices incubate

(The New Room: September, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2019
Get through the dialectic
  before the day is late

Don’t wait for an invitation
  as they slowly shut the gate

The wolf now dressed in spun wool
  has broken from his cage

He hungers deep inside our fear
  with ignorance and rage

As traitors lurk in front of us
  to vanquish and to quell

All time has stopped, their curses screamed
  assassins pledged to hell

The moment to act is calling
  the odds both long and wide

This battle worth refighting
    for those before who thought and died

So if truth’s your greatest weapon
   wield it willingly and free

The enemy is upon us
  —and must leave on bended knee

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2022
Don’t make the time,
take the time
—life inside the difference

(Warsaw: March, 2022)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2018
Repelled by tradition
  and past status-quo

I enter the jungle
  where hides the unknown

Rejecting excuses
  and all that’s passé

My bow is drawn tightly
  —with fear now my prey

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2019
Repelled by tradition
  and past status-quo

I enter the jungle
  where hides the unknown

Rejecting excuses
  and all that’s passé

My bow is drawn tightly
  —with fear now my prey

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2019
Victim of passion,
purveyor of lies

Betrayer of talent,
bending the I

Captive obsession,
perspective now gone

Fear self-indicts
—when right turns to wrong

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2017
Making sense of it all…
  our grandest myth

Wisdom born of age,
  bleeds from youth’s betrayal

Questions drying unvarnished,
  naked meanings

Darker darks reface the cliff,
  edges sharper cut

Two images, clearer than before,
   preying in deadly contrast
As wonder divides the day,
  —fear stalks the night

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2019
Making sense of it all…
our grandest myth

Wisdom born of age,
bleeding youth’s betrayal

Questions dry unvarnished,
cold naked in the night

Darker darks reface the cliff,
all edges sharper cut

Two images, clearer than before,
preying in deadly contrast

Wonder imprisoning the day
—fear stalking the night

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2018
For forty years I walked alone
  and lived on borrowed time

And thought each year that came and went
  would be my very last

The ending close as days rolled on
  tomorrow left unrhymed

Caught looking back or then ahead
  the moments never fast

For forty years my steps were soft
  the eggshells cold and hard

With broken dreams to mark my way
  and rocks my garden thronged

But now my mind has been released
  the past and future charred

With time undone, all reference lost
  —my fears all turned to song

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2018)
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2018
Feeding on my hunger
  the days were longer still

That yet to come and still undone
  left victim to my will

Starvation my horizon
  its emptiness on fire

Unending pangs my souls repast
  —a famine to inspire

(Villanova Pennsylvania: December, 2018)
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2016
Feeding my soul,
  I look at barns
  and want inside

Feeding my soul,
  I smile at children
  and touch their hands

Feeding my soul,
  I talk to truckers
  and watch them cry

Feeding my soul,
   I tip the hobos
   and hear the truth

Feeding my soul,
  I count the geese
  in southern flight

Feeding my soul,
  I love my family
  wife, and friends

Feeding my soul,
  I wander in the sea air
  and smell the morning

Feeding my soul,
  I catch the devil
  in disguise

Feeding my soul,
  I trade redemption
  for the promise of another wish

Feeding my soul,
  I write these words,
—feeding my soul

(69th St. Philadelphia: August, 1977)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2023
You can’t burn out
if you’re not on fire

Jim roaming wild
pyre to pyre

The only way out
the only way in

Flaming the moment
—death rebegins

(Las Vegas Boulevard: January, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2019
Can your humanity
  transcend your intellect?

Can your love
  outlive your mind?

Can your reasons
  put your excuses to rest?

Can your vision
  survive being blind?

Can you rise above
  the factual?

Can you see
  beyond what’s plain?

Can you journey inside
  to find yourself?

Can you feel
  —beyond pleasure or pain?

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2023
Waiting with answers
to questions unasked,
a vacuum state appears

Smelling the ozone
feeling its weight,
all time reduced to tears

A newness reborn
a prophecy filled,
the words await unsaid

As what was created
before it was made
—returns to raise the dead

(Dreamsleep: January, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2017
Pain in the doing,
  ease in the writing

Memory calls distant,
  words answer back

Time of no meaning,
  experience flows

Images resurface
—feelings attack

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2020
I don’t write for you,
I write for me

To dream each dream,
in darkness freed

All gifts unwrapped,
my table set

My voice as spoken,
no regrets

I don’t speak for you,
I speak for me

The trails I’ve bloodied,
scars decree

Each moment purchased,
verses loaned

My feelings sacred
—words my own

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2020)
The quicksand of anticipation
— the fire below

(Dreamsleep: February, 2024)


A changing experience
— is not an experience of change

(Dreamsleep: February, 2024)

Dark Feelings

Captive of emotion
— prisoner of deceit

(Dreamsleep: February, 2024)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2019
Making love to the words,
  our tryst lasted till dawn

The sun now a blanket,
  covered verses to warm

Making love to the words,
  all new phrases to sleep

Resting fertile and silent
  —until daylight retreats

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2023
Stay true to your words
embattle the storm
With rudder set deeply
each letter reborn
Stay true to the verse
in couplets of rhyme
To capture the moment
—in oceans of time

(Dreamsleep: April, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2020
Divorce not an option,
vows to remain

The altar enmired,
betrothal reclaimed

Children all lettered,
their offspring to spin

My nuptials enduring
—faithful within

(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2020)
Marrying war
the true soldier is wed
Betrothal of blood
asleep in his bed

The men he would die for
as groomsmen rejoice
A vow ringed in glory
his weapon of choice

The years become marked
by each battle romanced
Anniversaries pledged
at the point of a lance

Divorce not an option
fidelity cries
His love bleeding freely
—with honor his bride

(Dreamsleep: January, 2024)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2019
If you can choose the battlefield
  —you can determine the outcome

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2019)
  Adrian Simpson in ‘Falling Into The Darkness’
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2018
Seeing better from a distance
  than you ever could up close

The memories play like children
   in voices that you spoke

The truth is where you find it
   every season, every turn

Where space creates acceptance
  —your soul to file or to burn

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2019
Seeing better from a distance,
  than you ever could up close

The memories play like children,
   in voices that you spoke

The truth is where you find it,
   every season, every turn

Where space becomes entitled
  —your soul to file or to burn

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2018
Filling my words with music
  the moment took off and flew

All heaven to await its arrival
  the Angels and Sirens in view

Filling my words with song
  their spirit released once again

The devil to cover his ears
—the past and future in sin

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2018)
Do you know
many things
not one

your weakness
on the run

The trash bin
of knowledge
left unchecked

spout off
— to infect

(The New Room: July, 2024)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2021
The issue…
only fate to know
—and only time to heal

(Dreamsleep: April, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2019
My truth
              —the words

Your truth

(Villanova Pennsylvania: December, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2023
It’s never about
—what it’s really about

(Dreamsleep: October, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2019
Be the champion of your art…
  or your playing fields will be empty
    —and your spectators left suffering alone

(Villanova Pennsylvania: October, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2020
Punching in the numbers
on the celestial dial tone

Eternity became toll free
—its area code my own

(Dreamsleep: November, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2021
My poetry selfish,
a teacher I’m not,
my message once for saying

Instruction a tool
long missing and gone,
imagery not relaying

The ivory tower
a dungeon to me
where freedom goes to die

The wind in the willows,
a hawk on the wing
—my verse to course and fly

(The New Room: October, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2023
A moment of truth
a century of lies
The left hand deflects
what the right hand decries  

A little bit pregnant
the ending begins
A monster gestating
—and living within

(The New Room: December, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2022
Shedding a final tear
from the cellar of my pain
The walls close in the sorrow
imprisoning me again

Breathing a final sigh
into a memory you forget
My words trapped into silence
—alone with my regret

(The New Room: January, 2022)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2021
I didn’t go far,
but I went far enough
I could have reached deeper,
though finding so much

I could have seen more,
but my vision remains
I could have hoped longer,
though wishes retain

I could have stood taller,
but my back is still straight
I could have blamed others,
though forgiveness my trait

I could have loved more,
but my heart is still full
Bereft of my yearnings
—eternity lulls

(Dreamsleep: January, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2019
Death courting life…
inextricably entwined

Most star crossed of lovers
their hatred of time

Death courting life…
new beginning at the end

Last promise to make
—final message to send

(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2017
I played out my string,
  I ran my race

My chaps are frayed,
  but spurs in place

Still one horse to ride,
  with saddle in hand

That last trail awaits
—final sunset commands

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2018
With days becoming short
  the light is growing dim

My eyes no longer search
  this vow my final hymn

Its message splits the air
  a flight with no return

The journey to within
—one final torch to burn  

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2018)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2018
Beneath the cover of defeat,
  final victory comes late
Sustained only by a will
—refusing to give in

(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2016)
Over life
Over death

The other
In joy
And regret

And ending
More of the same

To both
—in refrain

(The New Room: January, 2024)
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