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823 · Jul 2018
Hearts To Fill
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2018
Love yourself first
  before someone else will

Feelings vested, spirit rhymed
  attraction distilled

Love yourself first
  before someone else will

Your beauty self-reflected
—another’s heart to fill

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2018)
810 · Jul 2018
New Heartbeats
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2018
To die without rhythm
  and bleed without rhyme

Each wish left unspoken
  in coupling divine

New heartbeats unwritten
  that call from within

Their cadence restructured
  all verse—now a hymn

(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2016 )
798 · Jul 2018
Far Better (Blues Poem #18)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2018
It’s better to let her…
  keep those fancy shoes and bags
  if she comes to bed each night

It’s better to let her…
  have the house worn and ragged
  if the trim stays fresh and light

It’s better to let her…
  whine and constantly bemoan
  if she smells like summer rain

It’s better to let her…
  cash the checks you bring home
   —if she’ll whisper those words again

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2018)
793 · Apr 2017
The Last Bell
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2017
Senses untamed,
  spaces to reign

Bodies that die,
  spirits to fly

By length or by width,
  time is a myth

Dimension aground,
  essence refound

Eyes looking forward,
  eyes looking back

Eyes looking inward,
  soul reattached

All that was spoken,
  providence sings

Grand sublimation,
—last bell to ring

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)
791 · Mar 2019
Lost Candle Of Time
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2019
Can time survive in purer form
  devoid of reference

Can the present become
  a bible
  for every sage

Like a black hole
  compressing within itself
  imploding front to back

Its enigma leads
  to an eternity dark
    —lost candle to the flame

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2019)
780 · Apr 2017
At Ease And Unfurled
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2017
Is your pathway to heaven now structured
  with those words that your verse seeks to pray

Is your stairway straight up or diverted,
  with remittance and debts to repay

Is your meaning construed or verbatim,
  with intention set free of this world

Is your love what was given or taken,
—with your heart now at ease and unfurled

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)
775 · Jul 2018
Last Moment To Burn
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2018
Blistering thunder
Cracking asunder
Craters form
High ground being torn
Its ledges are sharp
Concealed in the dark
The rain blows in gales
—ancient prophecy hails

Blistering thunder
Fate pulls you under
Vows you made
Point straight to your grave
Death’s legions await
You fall through its gate
Your last moment burned
—no more chances to learn

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2018)
770 · Feb 2021
The Garden Path
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2021
How do you balance
the kind and the cruel

The good and the bad
of life’s golden rule

As reason pulls tightly,
treason pulls back

Living in conflict,
together intact

Tragic, comedic,
while often as both

Angels and Demons
commingle betrothed

A savior, destroyer,
calling our name

A garden of riches
—caught in the flames

(Haverford College: February, 2021)
765 · Jun 2023
Approaching Storm
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2023
From my new novel, 'Approaching Storm' ...

The winds of war have called again
courage summoned—to befriend
Through evil darkness blowing strong
we face the threatened coming dawn
747 · Aug 2018
Distance & Emptiness
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2018
There is an emptiness
  between Hemingway’s words

A hollow sound
  that slides off the page

The space creates distance
  as the Old Man wanted

From the reader
  and voyeurs of pain

“Distance between himself and the day
   he hauled in that great fish

“Distance from that last great battle
   calling out from beyond his reach

“Distance from the arena, where the
   horns got close but death got closer

“And distance from the many women
   he tried to love and failed”

No matter how far he lived afield,
  be it Paris, Havana, or Ketchum

In no place was there distance enough
  or where his words could be safe

The separation and memory loss
  became deafening and finally too much

As he gave in to the distance
   —one last and final time.

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)
743 · Aug 2016
Through The Keyhole Darkly
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2016
Through the keyhole darkly,
  he could now remember his name

Through the keyhole darkly,
  his medicine kicked in once again

Through the keyhole darkly,
  he knew his daughter by her face

Through the keyhole darkly,
  he was now back home in his space

Through the keyhole darkly,
  his dog was closely by his side

Through the keyhole darkly,
  his eyes though saddened, opened wide

Through the keyhole darkly,
  her voice unwrapped the precious gift

Through the keyhole darkly,
a love once anchored, set adrift

Through the keyhole darkly,
he felt the light begin to dim

Through the keyhole darkly,
his markers fade, his reference thin

Through the keyhole darkly,
the killer thief arrives once more

Through the keyhole darkly,
—all loss of self and nothing more

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2016)
741 · Apr 2017
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2017
If Art …
is our connection to the senses

Then Poetry …
  is our connection to the soul

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)
738 · Aug 2019
That Lonely Road
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2019
Is your poetry now dusty,
abandoned on the shelf

Have your dreams become dismissive,
do you live for someone else

Is there mold inside your memory box,
questions all long gone

Do you walk that lonely road alone
—your heart to drag along

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)
736 · Jun 2019
Half Way To Memphis
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2019
Wasted broke in Kankakee,
  down from Montreal
I’m half way to Memphis,
  with no one left to call

Guitar strings bust or missing,
  motel clerk at my door
I’m half way to Memphis,
  bathroom window as before

The years have run their distance,
  all memories in default
I’m half way to Memphis,
  the songs all packed in salt

And one last time I’m leaving,
  the highway cold and black
I’m half way to Memphis
   —no way of turning back

(Memphis Tennessee: September, 1991)
716 · Jan 2019
Your Mistress Defiled
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2019
Has your violence
taken you to places
I’ve not been?

Or driven you
to things
I’ve not seen?

Was your soul
mired in conflict
once raised from the dead?

Were your walls
built to fortify
excuses and blame?

Have your choices
been forged by
damnation and fear?

Did love matter at all
when it cried
through the pain?

Could you still hear its voice
on those darkest
of nights?

Are those places you
in tribute now shamed?

Did your victims
kneel down
their heads bowed in defeat?

Was mercy rejected
your mistress

Has your violence
taken you to places
I’ve not been?

Or driven you
to things
I’ve not seen?

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2015)
708 · Oct 2018
Headstone Forever Blank
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2018
He died that night
In a cheap motel
In Maryville Tennessee
$35.00 karma mixed with
The smell of curry
Coming from the front office
No one would ever understand
Why he chose to die there
Especially those few
Who claimed to know him well
The gravel parking lot
The towels you could see through
And the lawn chairs inside
For furniture
Made the connection and the
Endless search real
In a way it hadn’t been before
As he sat outside his room
Thinking about the end
The local construction workers
Remembered his name
As they called out to him
At the end of their day
Marking time by a weekly rate
In their rooms just down the hall
They remembered the little things
His own family had forgotten  
Or not so little…

           AND THEN HE DIED
       IN HIS $35.00 MOTEL ROOM


(Newport Tennessee: April, 2013)
708 · Jul 2023
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2023
Buying tomorrow
one day at a time
Each moment invested
in freedom sublime
The future remortgaged
all lien holders paid
The past earning interest
—on fortune today

(The New Room: July, 2023)
703 · Jan 2019
The Only Cost
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2019
Painting myself into an emotional corner
  feelings trapped and staid

Family eliminated one by one
  old hurts and wounds replayed

Each year a brick in this wall of pain
  to shield me from the loss

Isolation my next of kin
  —love the only cost

(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2019)
693 · Nov 2016
Song From The Mountaintop
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2016
The cry of an eagle floats across a distant peak
  bear tracks visible in the spring thawing snow

Sunlight, spreading its dance upon the land
  the Ponderosa Pine and Aspen all in bloom

The glaciers look down smiling, the higher you climb
  searching for that redemption never offered below

The wolf trails the hare back inside its snowy den
  the road to all new entry having now been cleared

Permission never asked for, granted, as the music starts
  it’s early May in the Rockies—the January of renewal

In a celebration of new life, flowers wrap the landscape like ribbon, tying close the promises like good wishes on a Christmas morning

It’s springtime even on the highest peak, and old questions lost of meaning now seem gone away...

Until reborn in the arrival of yet another desperate beginning,
—holding nothing back

Columbia Falls Montana: June, 2011)
690 · Jan 2021
Gold Standard
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2021
In the currency of dreams
—you can never make change

(Dreamsleep: January, 2021)
687 · Sep 2018
Art's Greatest Gift
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2018
The lack of fame
  my spirit free

A bird uncaged
  amongst the trees

Its weight not lifted
  and never there

My breath in sequence
   above the air

The lack of fame
  art’s greatest gift

My oath to no one
  allegiance kept

As thoughts go hither
  and feelings yon

My soul untempered
  —my words to song

(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2018)
686 · Feb 2019
Wanting Only To Rhyme
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2019
Before I could return to writing prose,
  the Muse kidnapped my pen by decree

Most days fully structured and measured on end,
  but tonight
     —words yearned to be free

Each story cerebral, its words to describe,
  new plots marching forward in time

With fables inscribed for others, not I,
   my true voice
      —wanting only to rhyme

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)
684 · Nov 2016
The Cook May Go Home
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2016
The last of the bread bakes silently in the oven,
  as feelings stir warmly inside my heart

The smell and the aroma, an invitation to greatness,
  as the temperature rises—announcing I’m done

Loaves cook in the silence of a sweeter deliverance,
  letters rising as words, their meaning devours

The invitations to the meal have all been sent out,
and responded to

The cook may go home, the feast now leavened,
  has begun

(Telluride Colorado: 10:00 p.m. Sheridan Hotel, May, 1996, rewritten August, 2011)
680 · Nov 2016
Alone, In Search Of You
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2016
I see the world in shades of gray,
  where has the color gone

My faith erodes with each new day,
  a weakness growing strong

I sense a feeling deep within,
  it spreads and reaches near

And tighten my coat against the wind,
  a buttress to this fear

I hear your voice, the inflection slight,
  its meaning still reveals

And reach for you in the waning light,
  under cover that conceals

No longer red, or blue, or white,
  prism distant and askew

I call once more in the cold dark night,
—alone, in search of you

(Villanova Pennsylvania: October, 2016)
680 · Sep 2016
Never A Question
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2016
How open is your window,
  how tall is your door

How wide is your pool,
  how slippery is your floor

How fresh is your perception,
  how broad is your scope

How clear is your reflection,
  how real is your hope

How solid are your friendships,
  how many pray tell

How strong is your commitment,
  how deep is your well

How right is your grammar,
  how your words become strong

How your heart achieves freedom,
—turning verse into song

(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2016)
673 · Dec 2016
To Shout Divine
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2016
Each phrase a gift,
  mine to unwrap

The Muse bequeaths,
  when spirit lacks

Each word a jewel,
  to cut and shine

Together placed,
—then shout divine

(Villanova Pennsylvania: December, 2016)
669 · Feb 2017
The Wings Of An Angel
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2017
God is a poet,
  his blessings in rhyme

Salvation unmetered,
  inspiration divine

His voice calls us inward,
  temptation now gone

Where the wings of an Angel,
  carry words into song

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2016)
666 · Jan 2022
Apex Predator
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2022
To run from today
or hide from tomorrow,
the ultimate hunter,
time waiting downwind

Each day a stalking,
your tracks to betray you,
escape out of season
—the wolf closing in

(Sacandaga Lake, New York: January, 2022)
660 · Jul 2022
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2022
Love entitled
hate defaults
—buying back the time

(Dreamsleep: July, 2022)
659 · Dec 2023
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2023
Forget the past
—and the future is lost

(Dreamsleep: December, 2023)
657 · Dec 2016
Feeding My Soul
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2016
Feeding my soul,
  I look at barns
  and want inside

Feeding my soul,
  I smile at children
  and touch their hands

Feeding my soul,
  I talk to truckers
  and watch them cry

Feeding my soul,
   I tip the hobos
   and hear the truth

Feeding my soul,
  I count the geese
  in southern flight

Feeding my soul,
  I love my family
  wife, and friends

Feeding my soul,
  I wander in the sea air
  and smell the morning

Feeding my soul,
  I catch the devil
  in disguise

Feeding my soul,
  I trade redemption
  for the promise of another wish

Feeding my soul,
  I write these words,
—feeding my soul

(69th St. Philadelphia: August, 1977)
654 · Jul 2019
To Finish Her Song
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2019
Polymath Siren,
her flower returns

New stirrings to write
new melody to learn

Renaissance memory,
its present announced

Freeing your psyche,
past-future recount

Polymath harlot,
  love pledged again

Petals now varied,
spread from within

Bouquet filled enigma,
here until gone

Leaving always one seedling
—to finish her song

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)
648 · Jan 2023
Hiding In Plain Sight
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2023
Music has a special taste
feelings lost in sound
Touching heard across the room
vision by the pound

References left unto themselves
choir boys in tune
Trading what they never had
tribute to the loon

One last chance to make the grade
masks come flying off
Darwin leaving Born in chains
climbing through the moss

Menageries have come and gone
kaleidoscopes diffused
Nomenclature chameleons
—confounded and bemused

(The New Room: January, 2023)
646 · Mar 2017
My Crutch
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2017
I’ve written now a thousand Poems,
  in search of just that one

Each word to slay the demon time,
  each phrase my soul undone

I’ve come so close a hundred nights,
   to see but not to touch

Then left to limp between the lines,
 —their failure now my crutch

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)
645 · Nov 2018
Only Two Ways
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2018
There are only two ways
  to become immortal

One is to become a warrior
  —the other a writer

(Villanova Pennsylvania:  Watching ‘The Last Samurai,’ October, 2014)
645 · Feb 2019
Last Domino
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2019
To change one word and rock the world,
   a verse now dancing free

Its weight unmeasured, breadth untold,
  whose key unlocks the dream

The bottle open, the genie gone,
  last domino to fall

One word pulled out, or inserted in
  —new meaning to enthrall

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)
641 · Oct 2021
'Coming About'
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2021
Roaming the prairies and fields
of confusion
Coursing the oceans and lakes
of delusion
Resetting my compass by the
northernmost star
Journeying inward
—where near meets the far

(Dreamsleep: October, 2021)
635 · Dec 2018
The Dog & The Kitty
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2018
The Doggie was white,
  and the Kitty was black,
  as they crouched at each end of the floor

Their eyes never met,
  because the rules were set,
  that the dog would chase the cat as before

At night came the darkness,
  and the Kitty stood up
  and headed right straight to the door

But the Doggie just lay there with his head
  on his paws, and thought:
  “Tonight—is quite different for sure”

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)
‘For Kiley, Hunter, Braden & Parker’
            My Grandchildren
635 · Jul 2018
Spirit's Cry
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2018
We’ve had forever to get it right
  this religion we hold dear

But why the ****** and ‘holy wars’
  that underwrite our fear

We stand in judgment and wield belief
  with weapons poorly thrown

Our eyes rejecting while spirit’s cry
  —our futures poorly sown

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2018)
630 · Mar 2023
All And Nothing At All
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2023
A therapist skirts the edge of lunacy
like a priest engages sin

An evangelist disavows poverty and fear
like a snake that sheds its skin

Together they paint the corridors black
with a promised light to come

Their patients and converts alone in the dark
salvation zero-sum

(Dreamsleep: March, 2023)
618 · Apr 2023
Daring Greatly
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2023
Harder vison
softer rhyme
Lion tamed
—tomorrow thine

(Dreamsleep: April, 2023)
614 · Jul 2023
Straight Emes
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2023
Words serve the meaning
and not the form
To awaken the morning
in spirit reborn

Each phrase as created
each couplet of verse
In praise of itself
—the structure to curse

(Dreamsleep: June, 2023)
614 · Oct 2018
End To End
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2018
That first book
That last book
That next book
That other book
Beginning and ending in the middle
  —they all turn out the same

The first book
The last book
The middle book
The forgotten book
Memory plagues that already said
  —only to be said again

The first book
The last book
The borrowed book
The successful book
Images recreated
  —as words jump page to page

The first book
The last book
The closing book
The memory book
An orchestra calls a final waltz
  —its conductor off the stage

The promised book
The distant book
The transforming book
The forever book
Sameness trapped a clone of time
   —as difference strikes again

That finished book
That published book
That famous book
That holy book
All critics choking in the dark
  —light burning end to end

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2014)
612 · Nov 2016
Only A Dream
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2016
She stole your heart
  without asking,
  —leaving only a dream to chase

(Villanova Pennsylvania: November, 2016)
609 · Oct 2023
Song Of The Swan
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2023
Were you invited
to the party
Do you paint
or write or sing
Have the voices
come to visit
Did new feelings
lodge within
Were you courted
by seduction
Has your soul
become entranced
As you sit alone
and wonder
Will this be
—the final dance

(Dreamsleep: October, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2016
Through the eye of the needle,
Not to the left or the right
Dodging both on the comets tail

I streak into the light
My last wish out in front
As words melt in a fiery contrail

And with only one question
To weaken my heart
With only one thing to know

The seasons entwine
All beanstalks are felled
With the exit signs all aglow

I crash through the doubt
Releasing new hope
My affirmation now to reign

And look ever further
Beyond my scope
As my senses become untrained

I feel the loose pieces
Start to come off
A new lightness now abounds

The last burden has lifted
Burning bright in my wake
Crossing over—turned around

(Villanova Pennsylvania: November, 2016)
604 · Sep 2016
First Poem
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2016
Release your mind from the
  drought of expedience

And harvest in the crops
  of your insanity

(Philadelphia, Woodand Ave: September 1972)

Note:  This is the first serious poem that I wrote as
            a struggling graduate student living in the
            bowels of West Philadelphia.
604 · Dec 2021
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2021
Most miserable
when she’s happy

Most shameful
when she’s proud

Most prescient
when unconscious

Most distant
in a crowd

Most forthright
when not speaking

Most giving
when denied

Most secret
when she’s telling all

Most dead
—but still alive

(Dreamsleep: December, 2021)
603 · Sep 2022
Closing The Circle
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2022
The end layers over the beginning
in contours of time
Blanketing the middle
in consorts of connection
Rescuing the lost from themselves
—saving the foundling’s parade

(Dreamsleep: September, 2022)
602 · Apr 2019
Nightmare Awoken
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2019
Avatar Queen
The mask or the screen,
What’s never to know
What’s never to see

Avatar Queen
Your name to mislead,
One more cryptic posting
That always deceives

Avatar Queen
Both petty and preened,
The bees in your bonnet
No stinger foreseen

Avatar Queen
You know what I mean,
With feelings all borrowed
And vistas unseen

Avatar Queen
The sourest cream,
No reason to wish
All hope dressed in green

Avatar Queen
Your anger unweaned,
My answer then sharp
My rapier free

Avatar Queen
Not to sleep or to dream,
Your nightmare awoken
In daylight you scream

Avatar Queen
One curse washes clean,
Your blessings defaced
  —no chance to redeem

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2016)
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