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Feb 8 · 81
But Winners & Losers
I have no regard
for other poets
how could it be other

As they conscript
the words away
of which I’ve not discovered

A battle royal
zero sum
as phrases block and parry

The winner left
his voice reclaimed
— the loser most disparaged

(The New Room: February, 2024)
Feb 8 · 44
The Devil's Fiddle
Signs that might be seen as omens
send me on my way
the daylight waning for today
and luck still ****** on display
flying close to danger’s coven

The wind blows fortune’s empty cast
as trackless dreams setout
dispelling hope and bringing doubt
without a name to even tout
caught within tomorrows fast

I see each warning clearly now
they speak much like a friend
whose words as tokens try to bend
rushing blindly toward the end
captured voices left to bow

Those signs that led me all point down
the road is changing fast
no clear distinction first from last
my future ****** to be my past
— the devils fiddle calling loud

(Saint David’s Pennsylvania: February, 2024)
Feb 7 · 63
This One Bet
Were I to explain
what then would I say …
That the moon loves its axis
that each dog has its day
That the question unanswered
most answered indeed
That each start an enigma
and truth often bleeds
That the mind unexplored
without mention at all
That from season to season
time stumbles and falls
Against my better nature
I’ll place this one bet
The answer you hoped for
— you’re never to get

(Dreamsleep: February, 2024)
Feb 7 · 54
Shadows Of Light
When night
is your mistress
all wishing is gone
Espoused to
the sun
till divorce came along
your one offspring
lying dead in repose
— your tryst ill disposed

(Dreamsleep: February, 2024)
Feb 7 · 108
Votive Candles
They come to me in phrases
in couplets newly born

Screaming from the highest places
fitted but unworn

They come to me in dreamsleep
the moon recycled new

Time released in words immortal
—scratched into the pew

(The New Room: February, 2024)
Toby was special
beyond any words
His love monumental
for country and Lord

He fought to the end
accepting his fate
A legacy giant
— our hearts to embrace

(Tony Keith’s Death: February 5, 2024)
Feb 6 · 43
Independence Brawl
Abandon your party
stand up for what’s right
the partisan madness
a liar’s delight

Honor the founders
revolt and derail
the graft and corruption
— both factions entail

(Dreamsleep: February, 2024)
Feb 6 · 64
the last poem
I’m ever to write
My body
Sophia’s delight
With eyes
dimming slowly
each breath growing thin
My spark
to an Angel
— as light to begin

(1st Book Of Prayers: February, 2024)
Feb 6 · 37
Unholy Grail
The Christians
and the Gnostics
can either sect be right
Would God omniscient
have created
such violence and blight
To **** and maim
**** and burn
for scripture misconstrued
Defies the spirit
and the mind
— disproving Him anew

(Villanova University: February, 2024)
Feb 5 · 76
One Voice
The playing field level
your words versus mine
A race to forever
embedded in rhyme

The score has been tied
neither side giving ground
Both phrases and couplets
inscribed to astound

It’s late in the game
when a stanza takes off
Outpacing the others
no images lost

As darkness approaches
but one voice remains
Returned from the heavens
— posterity claimed

(The New Room: February, 2024)
Feb 5 · 81
Leaving The Flock
To understand
the one to the many

the weakest in need

Your heart always
when starting the journey

The sheep
that’s been lost
— where humanity bleeds

(The New Room: February, 2024)
Feb 5 · 30
King Of Beasts
a heavy burden
speaking loudest
from exile

The distance
and confinement
like a magnet
to iron

within you
when ready
for travel

The weight
— the roar of the lion

(Dreamsleep: February, 2024)
Feb 5 · 27
Dearest Juliet
What is faith
but a journey
What is time
but a moment
What is truth
but a figment
What is love
— but goodbye

(Dreamsleep: February, 2024)
Feb 4 · 38
Fortunate Son
Speak the truth
at your own risk
Wager fortune
for just one kiss
Walk the tightrope
of joy and pain
No past or future
—the moment gained

(The New Room: January, 2024)
Feb 4 · 28
A Trillion Souls
Satan hides
within the shadows
Among your thoughts
his evil trolls
His masquerade
beyond the body
  Feigning silence
inside your soul

He takes up space
at God’s indulgence
The part he plays
unscripted low
In brimstone’s fire
he finds acceptance
From prodigals
his demon’s flow

The battle royal
lasts forever
Cast in darkness
waits his throne
To live in shame
while unrepentant
A trillion souls
—one more to go

(Dreamsleep: January, 2024)
Feb 3 · 118
Carried On The Wind
Only when writing
do you become ageless
Communing with eternity
— transcending time

(Dreamsleep: February, 2024)
Feb 3 · 64
So Close / So Far
My spirit frost bitten
yet still the river flows
Mercy on the distant bank
my fate caught in between
Wishes drift across the ice
but this side holds me fast
Deliverance oh so very near
— in sight beyond my reach

(Dreamsleep: February, 2024)
Feb 3 · 88
Cold Feet
You’ll never find out
where you might have gone
If you don’t leave
where you’ve been

You’ll never approach
who you might become
If you change
with every whim

You’ll never discover what’s
over the hill
With both feet stuck
in the sand

You’ll never discern the
right from the wrong
—your command

(The New Room: January, 2024)
Feb 2 · 57
Cyphers Brief
Complex thoughts
need simple words
The meaning foremost
verse to show

The mind expands
new seeds put down
Cross pollinated
left to grow

The soil fertile
just sun and rain
As fields once fallow
rise anew

The world awaits
each problem solved
In cyphers brief
— with letters few

(Rosemont College: January, 2024)
Feb 2 · 128
Black Mold
Intellectual larceny
the academic elite
Immune from indictment
inured and effete
They swing their false knowledge
like weapons to maim
The truth left in ashes
— their lies to inflame

(Septa R5: February, 2024)
Feb 2 · 48
The Mousai
There’s a well
in your meadow
only music can fill

It’s deeper
and wider
and calls to you still

With its bucket
and rope fastened tight

Sweet melodies  
— to quench your delight

(The New Room: February, 2024)
Feb 1 · 69
Inside Out
Last night
I was able
to outgrow myself …
for the very
first time

Life was unspun
in the moment
where tomorrow
and yesterday

Competing with
the future
the sky
and the moon
my wandering

Turning my
inside out
my nature

(Dreamsleep: February, 2024)
Feb 1 · 40
Himalayan Nuptials
Better to reach for something
and miss
than to hold back playing it safe

Destiny in the intention
and choice
hesitance falling from grace

Better to be adopted
by truth in flight
than the orphan of a lie

Where words and music marry as one
on the highest mountain
—you climb

(The New Room: January, 2024)
Jan 31 · 44
Fame Or Infamy
The best thing of all …
a memory treasured
The worst thing of all …
a memory shamed
Blessing the one
cursing the other
To live on beyond us
— in praise or blame

(Dreamsleep: January, 2024)
Jan 31 · 45
Behind The Veil
Like a thief in the night
wears enlightenment
as a mask
hiding its true agenda
— a stranglehold on the truth

(Dreamsleep: January, 2024)
Jan 31 · 146
Philosopher's Stone
Monetizing poetry
— the darkest form of alchemy

(Villanova University: January, 2024)
Jan 30 · 163
Divinity’s candle
stays burning alive
not born or created
conceived or contrived

Its light from the center
forever shines through
the moment’s unveiling
delivering you

To places all knowing
through spaces unknown
the mix in the crucible
its myth to atone

The vision self-granted
when time is deposed
confirmed refutation
— with nothing to know

(Villanova University: January, 2024)
Jan 30 · 38
To Joseph
Who do you call
when there’s nothing to share
How do you act
with tomorrow unfair

What do you dream
when your sleep is deprived
Why are the questions
though answered, contrived

When did your wonder
wander away
When did the path
eternally stray

How did the moment
slip over the line
How will you tell me
— your memory gone blind

(North Wales Pennsylvania: January, 2024)
Jan 29 · 116
My Present To You
I remember the day
you borrowed my pain
“Take it,” I told you
no need to explain

It’s shopworn and battered
each scar duly earned
Its weight a true burden
of prophecy spurned

Then when you’ve finished
the torture complete
Find a new soul
to will it discrete

But no matter what happens
or how much you cry
This loan is forever
—forever goodbye

(Haverford College: January, 2024)
Jan 29 · 49
In Debt To The Devil
Money buys
when blood’s

Money buys
its truth
to bemoan
the future
— on loan

(Dreamsleep: January, 2024)
Jan 29 · 46
To drink
from my well
first must believe
Each cup
that I proffer
The fuller
your bucket
the stronger
your vow
Each word
that you ladle
— aloud

(The Radnor House: January, 2024)
Jan 28 · 64
Logan Pass
I’m a poet devoid
of Cliff Notes
not my thing

Don’t ask me
to explain my words
I’d rather hum
and sing

in ghettos
of the word

Where vagrants
pull and tear apart
what only should
— be heard

(Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania: January, 2024)
Jan 28 · 84
The First Cut ...
Avoid needless
Say it
straight out

Frost and
then Hemingway
Set the rules

Between meaning
and verbiage
The idea
is king

the point
The message
— the thing

(Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania: January, 2024)
Jan 28 · 47
My Advice To Poets
When you find your true voice
marry it
— never to divorce

(Deamsleep: January, 2024)
Jan 28 · 40
Show me a man
without a dream

And I’ll show you
— no man at all

(James River Writer's Conference: October, 2016)
Jan 27 · 85
Black Rain
I have zero regard
for structure and form
if the words as written work
A poetic outlaw
to ruled acceptance
in search of what may lurk
Critics and enemies
seed the cloud
that overflows with spite
To rain upon  
my chosen path
— of radical delight

(Bryn Mawr College: January, 2024)
Jan 27 · 79
Contrasting Similarity
The difference between
poetry and prose
Whose words live together
under your nose
With prose you can finish
last page period end
But poetry boundless
— to forever extend

(The New Room: January, 2024)
Jan 27 · 37
in tomorrow’s shadow
on yesterday’s whim
to the moment’s calling
again, again — and again

(Dreamsleep: January, 2024)
Jan 26 · 64
Home On The Range
Letting up
the tightest

space for
to stick

to wander
to grow

when sacred
— to know

(Deamsleep: January, 2024)
Jan 26 · 67
Kill Shot
When Freedom itself becomes politicized
— is the death of America

(Dreamsleep: January, 2024)
Jan 26 · 174
Failing The Muse
Have I let
her down again
Have I failed
once more
Have I jumbled
up the words
Have I graded
Have I taken her
for granted
Have I missed
the mark
Have I disappointed
—who pulled me from the dark

(Dreamsleep: January, 2024)
Jan 25 · 60
Tears Wait
A heart turning back
Last stab in the back
New morning
The day unatoned
The verdict
Whose sentence disowns
And lizards
The swamp but the same
On hunger
Starvation the game
each blessing
with heartache reset
While living
— new tears wait unwept

(The New Room: January, 2024)
Jan 25 · 34
Lighting The Fuse
A Poet is not like other writers …
all narrative be ******

Charging and fusing each word with a spark
redundancy to ban

Poets and Novelists both drawn to the fire
their kindling looks the same

The differences clear when striking a match
— poetic verse rising in flames

(Dreamsleep: January, 2024)
Jan 24 · 85
Closing The Circle
When routine things
start to look typical
The typical
—becomes routine

(Dreamsleep: January, 2024)
Jan 24 · 61
Awaiting The Dark
Lost inside passion
with burning desire
Vision refocused
in tunnels of fire

Screams of delirium
christen the night
Darkness a metaphor
tainted delight

One then another
the virgins do fall
Lascivious demons
unleashed in the hall

Till daybreak approaches
new light on the way
The beast back in harness
—this evening to stray

(The New Room: January, 2024)
Jan 23 · 42
Impaling Our Psyches
Hiding in daylight
concealing his teeth
Flying at night
in flocks of deceit
When fortune demands it
he says he’s a bird
When birds are in season
a flittermouse heard
He courses the difference
of right into wrong
Impaling our psyches
— with fears to prolong

(The University Of Pennsylvania: January, 2024)
Jan 23 · 29
Childhood Waits
When born as old
then aging young
Youth before us
with laughter sung

Each day better
than one before
Sick or senile
the past absorbs

Born decrepit
our weakness shows
A mother’s milk
of hope to grow

As childhood waits
the future plays
Where years befriend
—each passing day

(Septa R5: January, 2024)
Jan 22 · 50
The Font Of Angels
Desperation to breed contempt
the moment shattered
time illy spent

Choices bartered and freedom gone
the reaper chanting
old righteous wrongs

Panic stricken the nights repeat
the days long orphaned
abandoned sheep

One promise lingers in chastened air
the font of Angels
— baptism’s prayer

(Dreamsleep: January, 2023)
To my Grandchildren, those great and beyond,
  whom I will never meet

Know that I love you and have seen you in the
  eyes of your parents when they were very small
I’ve heard your voices in the trees, when the
  wind blows softly calling my name as I walk

I’ve seen your arms reaching out to me in my
  dreams, as you cry “Papa" and then drift away

Your spirit is mine, as my spirit is yours; and no
  lifetime can keep us apart

I watch over you now and will watch over you then,
  whenever the need is great

I’m that voice you hear when no one else listens, and
  no one else understands

And the heart that feels what you will feel, when no
   one else seems to care

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)
I was somewhere deep in Kansas
on a Triumph 69’
When your song came on the jukebox
and hit me from behind
I was headed for a bad place
and cared for nothing much
When I heard the song ‘Melissa,’
my heart and soul were struck
Entranced, your lyrics captured me
  like nothing had before
When you sang about ‘The Gypsy,’
I headed for the door
But something made me turn around
and grab another dime
Ten more times in that diner’s booth,
still lost within your rhyme
Now back inside the bus station
and sleeping on the bench
I scratch your words into the wood,
last dollar gone and spent
My bike outside against the wall,
the kickstand was long gone
And out of gas, my hopes were dashed…
that unrelenting song
Waking up at ten unsettled,
across the street I pushed
The sign said Triumph-BSA,
the owner Mister Cush
He asked, “What’s with your motor,”
I said “Nothing—out of gas
“But worse I’m out of money,
can I sell the bike for cash?
“Would you please just buy my Triumph,
I know it’s old and worn
“It got me here through seven states,
runs great both cold and warm”
“I’ll pay three hundred on the spot,
on that can we agree?”
We walked back up inside his shop,
three bills he handed me
I thought about a bus ride home,
my thumb looked more in line
Facing East on old route 50,
my heart in deep decline
The first big rig that came along
was bound for York Pa.
The driver said “If you like dogs,
I’ll take you on your way”
In York I caught a fast ride out,
two ‘dodgers’ going North
And got back home with hat in hand,
your song to guide me forth
Two years then passed, I met my wife,
four more and our first child
We named her ‘Sweet Melissa,’
her dad back from the wilds
Now forty years have come and gone,
my beard and hair both gray
I owe you Gregg, and always will,
your song, her name—that day

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)

For Gregg Allman
I sent this to Gregg in May, 2017.  It's on his website.
We spent two days together in Richmond Virginia in
a blizzard in 1982.
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