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Never to discover
the limits of soul
Such is the depth
of its station

The nature of being
  not what’s distilled
But what’s left
— from evaporation

(Septa R5: March, 2025)
One too many
Two too many
Three too many
An apostates

Four too many
Five too many
Six too many
— too many tears

(Dreamsleep: March, 2025)
1d · 93
Did they dare you to be
what you already were
Your profile kept hidden
unshaken or stirred
To wander in your
unbroken discontent
A path that lies hidden
—by unspoken words

(Dreamsleep: March, 2025)
The butcher
in a trance
this death
then many more
The cleaver
paused in motion
to the fore

The blood
is pooling downward
in images
Its stain
a violent crimson
tattooing life
— with fear

(Dreamsleep: March, 2025)
2d · 65
Founders Ink
Defense of freedom
takes a courage
rare and dearly won

Through wars endured
with tyrants scourged
and despots on the run

The words in place
by Founders Ink
on parchment
closely held

As children roam
the halls of light
with precepts
— deeply felt

(The New Room: February, 2025)
Stealing your thoughts
a crime of dispassion
the penalty fatal
my name stays unknown

A larcenous caper
whose felony looming
authorities chasing
though lost will they roam

Returning your musings
a word to each notion
attached and delivered
through eyes that retake

Enlightened resplendence
unfenced by Jehovah
no borrowers promise
— this thief ever makes

(The 1st Book Of Prayers: March, 2025)
3d · 103
Pulling Me Onward
The woods never yawned
at the end of my stories
The streams never laughed
when I stuttered in haste
The mountains stood firm
when I lost my last footing
The sky understanding
in joy or disgrace

These natural things
forever behold me
Forgiving my weakness
rewarding my nerve
Their arms reaching out
through each change of the season
Pulling me onward
— my voice undeterred

(The New Room: March, 2025)
The older
I get
the more
my hunger
for knowledge

The more
my hunger
for knowledge
the younger
— I get

(The New Room: March, 2025)
4d · 41
Free At Last
Real education
when the university
in your rearview mirror
Its nihilistic
in the mist
the ties
are cut
as light
comes rushing in
The wax of
banal professors
— melting in the past

(Dreamsleep: March, 2025)
at the altar
of self-destruction
western man enshrined

Paying false homage
to every tree
the forest
in deep decline

Losing his place
among God’s creatures
to wander
far and wide

Asking flawed questions
running in place
— ill defined

(The 1st Book Of Prayers: March, 2025)
The Universe had
a beginning ...
something caused it
to begin
with the measured
stones and
stepping akin
Cause and effect
logicians praise
Thomas’ words
like a gun
Space and Time
adopted twins
creating creation
— from zero sum

(The New Room: March, 2025)
6d · 168
A Prince's Blood
The Kingdom’s seeds
within his heart
its reign
a heavy stone
The Jester dancing
with the Queen
caught naked
on the throne

His back now turned
the Jack of Spades
a dagger
up his sleeve
A palace coup
in bold relief
his lineage

The music stops
the Jester laughs
the Queen cries out
for more
The Princess
in the tower
where her subjects
cry out ‘*****’

The drawbridge falls
the King is back
his armor
red and stained
The final battle
yet unfought
dark prophecy
— ordained

(The New Room: February, 2025)
Many die
to walk unknown
the living dead

Their hearts reclaimed
yet beating still
whose verses
go unread

They wander freely
in the night
their chains
relock the grave

Awaiting words
you’ve yet to write
to free
— their death enslaved

(Calvary Cemetery: February, 2025)
Is the distinction between
science and philosophy
nothing but
Affirming what it wouldst
certainly and firmly most deny
Proponents of formulaic truth
require a defense against critique
judgment unrelenting
as their proof is self-inured
Science thus infallible
because its findings are collective
Their community not disposed
to answer
questions they will
— never ask

(Amtrak R5- February, 2025)
7d · 82
Dark Reflection
to know
but not

What lies
that darkened

every squint
and fact

Old feelings
through memory
— bound

(Dreamsleep: February, 2025)
Wrapping each
In letters
of sound

Freeing the
Words deep
within me
Calling the
Where verses
— resound

(The New Room: February, 2025)
Feb 26 · 68
We all become
at the end
of the day

The true
and the false
the black
and the grey

The plot lines
will vary
the ends
in due course

As history
with joy
— and remorse

(Dreamsleep: February, 2025)
Feb 25 · 53
Whetting The Stone
Whittling the point
paring it down
cutting the volume
honing the sound

Sharpening each line
words drop and fall
meaning to thunder
— lightning recalled

(Dreamsleep: February, 2025)
Feb 24 · 162
Cursed To Repeat
Blisters of
and boil

rubbed raw
in the darkness

lie scattered
and burned

our history
with lessons
— unlearned

(Dreamsleep: February, 2025)
Feb 23 · 62
Orphaned Moments
haunts me
of what’s not
in play

my choosing
my will
Each sight
in blindness
— distilled  

(The New Room: February, 2025)
Feb 22 · 41
The Empty Hourglass
your memory
the funeral
dragged on
the remnants
that pain
had prolonged

The pallbearers
each side
of the grave
A grieving
that time
— had enslaved

(Dreamsleep: February, 2025)
Feb 21 · 87
To David
The gift
of a friend
A blessing
from God

An arm
that protects
A light
in the fog

The gift
of a friend
and true

For life
To live
— inside you

(To My Dear Friend, David Mackrell: February, 2025)
Feb 20 · 102
in the space
of words unspoken
— truth most dearly hides

(The New Room: February, 2025)
Feb 19 · 81
Waiting For Supper
Rows of forgiveness
fallow in winter
Waiting for summer
their treasure installed

Leftover morsels
heated in darkness
Sating the hunger
  of those who are called

Seeds from the past
replenish the future
Buried salvation  
awaits in the ground

Fasting on yesterday
feasting tomorrow
Waiting for supper
— when dinner bells sound  

(The New Room: February, 2025)
Feb 18 · 103
Point Blank
into the essence
of what sunlight
often hides

plain sight
the truth takes flight
— in nature’s great disguise

(The New Room: February, 2025)
Feb 17 · 80
Within The Wind
Stuck out on
a highway
between reality
and truth

The status quo
of transience
allures as it

Looking for an
exit ramp
to slow
my troubles down

Each sign I see
in bold relief
to distant towns

Till finally
I hear it
though faint
within the wind

From distant North
it beckons forth
to welcome me

The truth
respects no congress
and tows the line
for none

It flies within
our hopes and dreams
to leave us
— zero sum

(The New Room: February, 2025)
Their shouts remain
as hope reclaimed
the smoke still
on the beach

The roars that hide
of those who died
is heard
within the breach

A spirit roams  
within the bones
of men
who went beyond

In freedom’s quest
to give their best
in times
— forever long

(Operation Dynamo - Dunkirk, 1940: February, 2025)
Feb 15 · 199
Dear Winston ...
is often attended
by a bodyguard
of lies”

A consequence
so precious
its veracity
must hide

Deep within
the smoke
on a battlefield
most dire

Victory burns
within each man
— to inspire

(Tribute To D-Day: February, 2025)
Feb 14 · 71
A Heavy Shadow
The weight
of what I
haven’t done
far outweighs
my past

Those things
left vacant
on the shelf
of what I left
for last

as empty
following behind

Reminding me
of what
I’m not
in content
— and in kind

(Dreamsleep: February, 2025)
Feb 13 · 72
Gift Horses
you can’t explain
Forever joyous
— hope’s refrain

(The New Room: February, 2025)
Feb 12 · 73
Ode To Bobby D'
The minute I say
what it means to me
It will never mean
something different to you

Words are like highways
they begin and they end
You can get on and get off
where you choose

If I tell you the mile marker
I travel the most
You may miss one
I still haven’t seen

If I break it apart
and then spell it all out
There’s no mileage left
— to wander and dream

(Dreamsleep: February, 2025)
Feb 11 · 208
The Lion Of Babylon
The only thing
that changes
is perspective

The only thing
sight unseen

The only thing
that’s lasting
stays redundant

The only thing
that lingers
— is a dream

(Dreamsleep: February, 2025)
Feb 10 · 131
Hades Revisited
Having less
suffering more
Doors were slamming
wolf at the door

Arriving first
finishing last
Spiraling downward
— perdition recast  

(The New Room: February, 2025)
Feb 9 · 81
Leavened Redemption
Lost in a ditch
on the highway
of life

A change
came upon him
from darkness to light

That dead end
arose and broke free

his spirit
— at last unto Thee

(1st Book Of Prayers: February, 2025)
Feb 8 · 109
Free Words
I wrote them
for the wind
not publication

I wrote them
for the now
future be ******

I wrote them
in a sweet

I wrote them
to release
— upon the land

(Dreamsleep: February, 2025)
Feb 7 · 73
Dark Sustenance
in the alleyway
their main concern

someone else’s
hunger’s infliction
— to burn

(Dreamsleep: February, 2025)
Feb 6 · 91
Plasma Of Time
My heart bled
and writing
was an open wound
As words
poured out
in hemorrhaged pleadings
No suture
or hemostat
clotting their flow
The nearer
the end
the harder it pumped
In gushing
pulsations of
Bleeding out
what time
— could never give back  

(Dreamsleep: February, 2025)
Feb 5 · 59
The chorus of criticism
echoes unblessed
Where millions hide waiting
misled and repressed

Destruction and mayhem
the rallying cry
With freedom the villain
— in hope’s genocide

(The New Room: February, 2025)
Feb 4 · 62
When a man
has nothing
The easiest thing to sell him
— is a dream

(Dreamsleep: February, 2025)
Feb 3 · 57
Do I think
you can silence a poem
In a word
the answer is NO

Do I think
you can bridle a passion
You’d be better served
melting a stone

Do I think
you can marry tomorrow
Still married
to yesterday’s pain

Do I think
you can joyously wander
Locked in step
— with the devil again

(The New Room: February, 2025)
Feb 2 · 63
without proof
without doubt
without fear
— devout

(1st Book Of Prayers: February, 2025)
Feb 1 · 94
Dark Symbiosis
You look at me
and all feeling is absent
without understanding
or care

Calling me brother
remaining a stranger
defined by the
distance we share

Caught in the fury
of loves abandon
You wander inclement
storm raging inside

A ghost in the mirror
a twin of reflection
Two eyes that stare coldly
— across the divide

(Dreamsleep: February, 2025)
Jan 31 · 87
A Valentine Card
Style and grace
I thought I knew
Until I spent
my life with you

The joy you shower
my luck to claim
The love you flower
— my hearts refrain

(Dreamsleep: January, 2025)
Jan 30 · 85
John Lennon Knew ...
always eats
its children

on prodigy
— dogma be ******

(Dreamsleep: January, 2025)
Jan 29 · 73
Rainbows End
The greatest obstacle
to discovery
— is discovery itself

(Dreamsleep: January, 2025)
Jan 28 · 87
'Lost In A Masquerade'
The DNA of Illusion
— is Time

(Thank You, Leon: January, 2025)
Jan 27 · 500
The Garden Beneath
You bloom where  
you’re planted
the Sage
told the Priest

Your flowers
won’t blossom
if distant
and bleak

As fate
seeds your valley
the force
reaches out

in whispers
— that shout

(The New Room: January, 2025)
Jan 26 · 97
Trapped In The Middle
If I ask you ...  
“How Does A Watch Work”
And you say ...  
“Keep An Eye On The Time”

The anecdote preying
answer naysaying  
Pathway to reason
— unrhymed

(Dreamsleep: January, 2025)
Jan 25 · 220
Sifting Sand
In his
he changed
Only to
become more
of what he had
— never been

(Dreamsleep: January, 2025)
Jan 24 · 96
Fault Lines
of illusion
the surface

Each step
poorly taken
new death
— to allure

(Dreamsleep: January, 2025)
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