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The quicksand of anticipation
— the fire below

(Dreamsleep: February, 2024)


A changing experience
— is not an experience of change

(Dreamsleep: February, 2024)

Dark Feelings

Captive of emotion
— prisoner of deceit

(Dreamsleep: February, 2024)
He died
the day before
his birth
the curse had worked again

in the womb
their feticide
a last amen

The garden path
a stepford trap
whose fruit trees
bear the scorn

Enoch built
to hide the curse
the Mark of Cain
— damnation born

(The New Room: February, 2024)
Running off with tomorrow
divorcing today
The moment left orphaned
— all time astray

(Dreamsleep: February, 2024)
Camels in the
Memories in the
Voices in the
Panic in the

First shot
breaks the silence
Last shot
— lights the pyre

(The New Room: February, 2024)
Future horizons
tomorrow in embers

Sparks in the distance
— time set on fire

(The New Room: February, 2024)
Adding together
numbers and colors
red + 7 sku’d

Living in another
event horizon
yellow + 1 = Q

Orange + 31
sweetness defined
Euclidian paradox

Counting + feeling
the universe prime
— nth truth outside the box

(Villanova University: February, 2024)

Sands Of Time

Memories in the hourglass
  tumble and fall
  feelings receding
— meaning recalled  

(The New Room: February, 2024)
The timid
find courage
in the well
— of another’s fear

(Valley Forge Park: February, 2024)

Call Me Ishmael

Mediocre writing
spawns editing
The Great Works
— born unchanged

‘Thoughts of: Bob Dylan, Laura Nyro, John Lennon, Steve Winwood, Kris Kristofferson’
(February: 2024)
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