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 Nov 2013 KB
 Nov 2013 KB
it is a word you say
when you're leaving or away
it can be sad
or the opposite of bad

you see the word 'goodbye'
why is it a combination of the two words
good and bye?
i wish i had the knowledge why

but anyway

goodbye my friends
i havent been a good one
but i did try
though soon i realised
that i probably shouldn't have been
why should i -----
but what is the word you put there?
is it care or try
or is it seeking attention or just mere impression

but whatever

i apologise for everything
i really am
i envy you all
all of you are beautiful without doubt
people who be themselves
and dont change for others
are beautiful
and i envy them

anyway my point is
do not change for others
though i highly doubt you will
because you are probably laughing at this ****** piece of work
but whatever right

im saying goodbye
without knowing how
and ended up with this
i bid my goodbyes without saying them
cos thats exactly what i had planned in mind

it was a nice roller coaster meeting you guys
you beautiful crazies
 Nov 2013 KB
I can't imagine how
having art under my skin
makes me *****,
but I can imagine how
lacking art inside your heart
makes you angry
 Nov 2013 KB
Sing to me when the wind blows so she can carry your tune back home-
Breathe the open air from a top the mountains that sit like kings waiting for a cup of tea-
You look so beautiful covered in gold; royal and daring as you make your commands.
And as I, a noble peasant, am who i am your wish is my command-
When winter sends her chills towards my summer heart I hope you'll keep me warm-
I hope you'll grab my hand or kiss my lips as we sip hot coco next to the open fire-
I miss the autumn colors and the way they flowed so nicely with your sky blue eyes-
It's that time of year again when people kiss under mistletoe and love under Christmas lights-
And as I sit alone wrapped in an old blanket and your sweater... I hope you're the happiest you've ever been-
 Nov 2013 KB
Stop crying
 Nov 2013 KB
I can't catch my breath I keep yelling at the mirror about now angry I am.
Tears flow down my face like rivers in the mountains we used to hike in.
WHY I scream just tell me WHY.
PLEASE I cry please just tell me you are joking!
I am sick of the lies people tell when they can't stand the fact they know they are wrong.
I can't stop the two faces people who pretend they love me just as much.
It's getting cold and my heart is freezing over just like the ice on the road.
And hopefully I drive safe enough before I spin completely out of control.
And hopefully the ice melts fast enough before I can't feel my toes.  
Anger floods my eyes with hot quick flashes of fury I know I'm getting over you.
Pain settles in but it's all going to be okay once I stop ******* crying.
 Nov 2013 KB
Marcus Logan
 Nov 2013 KB
Marcus Logan
I stood there in darkness,
smoke rising from another lit cigarette
bellowing out from tarnished lungs
stain with tar, from this habit
but it could not lower my tension
as the moments descended down
til white lights enveloped me
in a deserted parking lot upon the waterfront
memories flooded back, only months ago
I thought were locked away within
scrambling thoughts and words to say
but all I can hear is my heart beating
within my chest, pounding upon the walls
to escape, to be free from another round of torment
but like ice cream in the sun, I melted
the moment those emerald eyes met mine
lost within them, the world disappeared
just me and her once again
"I am truly sorry" she says
like a ring side bell ringing a knockout
I felt my knees go weak, the ground beneath me quaked
off put and disoriented, reeling from a 1-2 blow to the head
as tears streamed down her face, craving canyons into my mona lisa
speechless she left me.
 Nov 2013 KB
Jenny Pearl
 Nov 2013 KB
Jenny Pearl
I'm looking at an object,
Disconnected from me
This object does not define me,
but when you look that's all you see.

I reject the association,
I refuse to be trapped by the limitation
there must be a gap...

between the person I see
and the person I am,
for my soul is concealed by superficial spam.
 Nov 2013 KB
Jenny Pearl
Humble is the heart that can love without limitations, free from the mind.
 Nov 2013 KB
Act now
 Nov 2013 KB
Sure dreams are cool,
Let's meet in some faraway mystical place,
Let's embrace in airports baggage claim,
And pretend that this is the way it is supposed to happen,
Let us say hello and goodbye in opening sentences, 'Sorry I must go...soon',
How about a few days in my life?
Spent like wasted money and time,
9 days of double-shifts and coming home to grab 4 hours of sleep and imagining you beside me,
To give me a reason to keep going,
When all I really want is an eternal kiss and permission to say 'Gnight'. To sleep forever. To leap from a mountain, and turn into a bird before the ground reaches me, and rise on the winds.
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