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 Nov 2013 KB
I hold my arms out to catch
people even when they're falling
far & fast... even when I know the
impact is going to crush me inside
and out, I stand here anyway

And I love people even when
they're filled completely with pain...
even when there's so much, it's pouring
out from their edges & washing over me...
even when I know I'll drown in
their waves, I can't move from this spot
 Nov 2013 KB
Jenny Pearl
There's a crack in the floor
Whether from old age or misuse
There's a crack in the floor.

There's scuff marks where chairs have been pulled across the room
There's scratches where kitchen utensils fell
There's dirt, whether carried in from outside or a prolonged build-up of a weary mind.

There's a crack in the floor
It's in the middle of the kitchen
A novilon road map to the life of a lonely woman
Did the crack grow larger as she grew stagnant?
Did she notice the ever creeping gorge,
or the rust covered table legs?
Did she feel trapped by her own rusted legs or was she so far down the hole that she'd forgotten how to use them?

There's a crack in my floor
Not visible, not tangible
Just there...looming
There's scuff marks and scratches
There's dirt and rust
There is need for a new floor.

But how? with my feet planted firmly
Not sure whats beneath out-dated self abused easily trusting floor
It's so damaged. No one could love this floor.
But I do. i I do? Familiar and comfortable, is that love?
It's also unforgiving, not compassionate with mistakes..
That's not what I want.

If I rip it up, how long to get a new floor?
How long will it take to remove the deep settled in scars of the old?
Did it make impressions in the foundation?
If I break it out, where will it end?
I just see darkness, scared of the mysteriousness that's within the soil
What if through all this, the crack is still there?

There's a crack in the floor
Whether from old age or misuse
There's a crack in everyone's floor
some just larger than others.
never knew it could mean
so much
to know that
means so much.


*reason resides in living
No, nothing. is a coincidence
is to

is to
there often isn't the perfect words to say what I mean.
I apologize for this.
 Nov 2013 KB
when i was born,
my mom said that i lived in a trailer.
she said it was nice.
i can not remember it.

when i was two years old,
my mother and my father moved us to a duplex.
my childhood best friend lived next door,
there were cat tails growing in a ditch behind us,
and the garage was a giant mouth
with bicycle teeth.
it is blurry in my mind.

when i was five years old,
they took me to a house.
it was an older house,
one with an '80s basement
and monsters in the laundry room.
it seems like a movie missing a few scenes.

when i turned eight,
we moved to a new house.
they moved while i was at a Titanic exhibit
at the science center.
it was the house where my father turned bad,
and we made him leave,
and he resides there now.
it is something i read in a book one year ago.

when i was thirteen,
we didn't have a home to go home to.
we stayed where we could.
we moved to a fire hazard.
we left again.
it seems like a nightmare.

when i was fourteen,
we found another home.
it was the best we could do.
it was infested with crickets
and mold on the concrete.
and my best friend lived down the street,
and we no longer speak.
it is a dream.

when i was fifteen,
we scurried off to an apartment.
the buildings were blue,
and the people were rude,
and the downstairs neighbor always makes his children cry.
and another neighbor is a stripper,
she is never home.
and another escapes with pills,
the prescription type,
she smokes a lot and talks on the phone.
even this is beginning to fade away.
 Nov 2013 KB
Ilia Talalai
I just realized,
my love is unconditional.

I do not keep my tiger love caged in my heart,
awaiting the day you unlock it from its silent captivity.

I do not envelope my childish love in a colorful plastic ball,
floating only on a steady stream of your affection.

I do not lay my heavy love on a bed of nails,
praying that not one spike protrudes

My love does not bite its nails
in anticipation of your call.

My love does not boil
in heated angst for your touch.

my love is.
It just is.

It sits happily in my chest,
with a smile that knows.

It just knows.

I would say you have my love,
but that would be a lie.

It rests, in joyous surrender
where you left it.

It is my guide when I explore the mysteries
deep inside of me.

My love is your gift.

I surrender the rest of my life
to ruminations on its wonder

so that I may learn to gift it as you have:
freely, patiently... unconditionally.
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