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Krusty Aranda Apr 2022
It's how I keep expecting
the fantasies in my mind
to be true
which makes the
much-too-real pain
sting for so much longer
Krusty Aranda Jul 2012
Close your eyes, dear brother,
and I will hold your hand.
We are all here with you.
I know you understand.

Close your eyes, dear brother,
and forget about the pain.
It's not about what we lose,
it's about what we gain.

Close your eyes, dear brother.
Don't you worry about us.
We know you are watching from above,
and singing without pause.

Close your eyes, dear brother,
and dream of a better place.
I will never forget the smiles
you put upon my face.

Close your eyes, dear brother.
You still are here with us.
You live now in our hearts and minds.
You are always in our thoughts.

Close your eyes, dear brother,
and rest forever more.
You are now in a better place,
but we still claim for an encore.
Written months ago for a friend who passed away. R.I.P Jorge Alejandro Alfaro Moore \m/\m/
Krusty Aranda Apr 2016

I've been thinking about it a lot lately.
No. Not thinking about dying, but about the whole concept of it.

The end of life.
The only thing we all share.

There's a million different ways of dying, some better, some worse, but the outcome is always the same.
Some get it sooner. Some get it harder. Some get it painful.
What do I think?
I think death is the ultimate goal.
The cure for this terrible disease called life.
The end of all suffering. A state of eternal bliss.

It hurts when someone close to you dies.
It hurts me too, even though I know they are far better than we, the living.
Life hurts. Life stings. Life kills.

Many people fear death.
No one fears death. We fear the way we die.
We fear the uncertainty of what comes after it.
So what comes after death?
Decomposition of the body. That's it.
Your conscience is as gone as your body, and neither will come back.
Everyone may believe what they want spiritually, religiously or whatever.
Physically, the fact remains the same.

The end of life.
Eternal bliss.
The thing I fear you catch before me.
It is a cult we all adore.
The god we fear.
The one true god we get to meet.
A grim entity that handles us with the utmost care and love.
A cold embrace that doesn't let go.
A symphony of silence.
White paint on a white canvas.
An unsculpted statue.
A figureless sleep.
The most rude awakening.

My most recent thought.
Krusty Aranda Jul 2012
This morning I woke up after having dreamt about you.
Knowing everyday I'm closer to being with you.
just feeling the love we share for each other.

I know that day seems so far away,
but to me time goes faster every day.
I want it to speed up, and stop when we're together
so we can share eternity forever.

December the month. Winter the witness.
You and I the only characters of this romance.
A hot cup of coffee next to the fireplace; the perfect scenario.
An only blanket covering the beauty of our love.

Ingredients in this perfect recipe.

The steps for a perfect romance.

A sweet glimpse to your eyes. The gentle touch of our lips.
The electricity in my body as you say these marvelous three words: "I love you."
The curve of your smile as I reply: "I love you too."
Our voices fuse into one only choir as we both say: "Forever and always.",
and our bodies ignite the fire of our love.

December the month I'm eager to reach.
You, my darling, the prize of this wait.
Love our destiny. Love our story.
This is the first step of the rest of our lives.
I can't wait for December to come.
Krusty Aranda Jul 2012
Your words were always hollow.
They never meant a thing.
I tried to know the meaning,
I even tried to follow.

It was all in vain,
but now I finally understand
that I have to make a stand
to end this excruciating pain.

Soon I will be gone.
You might not see me again.
I broke free from your chain,
my penitence is done.

If you ever want me back,
I won't be here anymore.
Now I'm rotten to the core.
Beware, because I'm about to attack.
Krusty Aranda Jul 2017

Desnuda tus miedos frente al espejo
deja caer tu cabello cobrizo sobre tus hombros
y tus lágrimas amargas rodar por tus mejillas
Desnuda tus alegrías y tira la ira sobre la cama
que en el piso yazca tu tristeza, a tus pies y bajo el tocador
Desnuda tus pasiones y envuélvete con ellas
palpa tu figura con delicadeza y lujuria
que los besos de otros labios te recuerden que eres pura
Desnúdate en la cama y vístete con el calor de otros brazos
con el roce de otra piel
con la respiración pesada de otros pulmones
y el ritmo de otro corazón
Desnúdate bajo la lluvia con el frío de cada gota
con lágrimas en los ojos
y el dolor familiar de las heridas de antaño
Desnúdate de noche en la oscuridad de tu cuarto
Desnúdate de día y que el sol toque tus piernas
que la sombra busque tus nalgas y haga relucir tus senos
Desnúdate para ti
Desnúdate por ti
Desnúdate al completo y permítete sentir la brisa en tu piel
la tierra en tus pies
el amor en tu corazón
y la vida en tu ser
Krusty Aranda Sep 2016
Sucedió una noche en noviembre
Sin decirlo te fuiste a dormir
La noticia la oí de repente
A llorar me senté sin decir

Destapé una cerveza en tu nombre
Tu recuerdo no dejaré ir
El sufrimiento voló con el viento
Embriagué al dolor, mas lo pude sentir

Y lloraba y lloraba tu triste partida
Con la luna me fui a despedir
Luna llena brillaba esa noche
Le pedí que cuidara de ti

Seis botellas vacías quedaron
La vida sin ti no podía concebir
Fue poco el tiempo en el que coincidimos
Más tiempo le quiero a la vida pedir

Quisiera poderte haber dicho un te amo
Por última vez antes de tu partir
Sentarme una noche a tomar un buen trago
Contigo hablando hasta ver el sol salir

Ya débil estabas. Luchaste tu lucha
Con garras y dientes; que necio el vivir
Rendirse, en tu mente, no estaba presente
Las luces se apagan. Ya no más sufrir

Sucedió una noche en noviembre
Borracho y en llanto, en la luna te vi
Hablé con la luna pidiéndole a gritos
Que algún día nos reúna por fin

Y lloraba y lloraba tu triste partida
Con la luna me fui a despedir
Luna llena brillaba esa noche
Le pedí que cuidara de ti
Krusty Aranda Jun 2013
Did you know that
I love you
even though I have not met you yet?
Krusty Aranda Mar 2014
I'm done with this!
**** it!
I've had enough **** already, but no more.
Krusty Aranda Jun 2021
Break my heart if you must
It wouldn't be anything new

I can take it
I won't hate you

Just don't ******* lie to me
Krusty Aranda Mar 2015
And it all has gone downhill from there.
Krusty Aranda Sep 2015
Further and further;
we're slowly drifting away.
Promise you'll come back.
Krusty Aranda Nov 2016
I was so eager to know you
that I forgot to meet you first.
Krusty Aranda Sep 2014
I have wires through my chest
monitoring my heart,
yet I wonder what they'll scan
for my heart's not mine.
Krusty Aranda Apr 2012
When I was alone,
broken, beaten and scarred.
I had no home,
no place to hide.
The sun shone bright,
and I realised.
I found my place,
I found my light.

But suddenly darkness
came crawling back.
The sun hid away
took the brightness I lacked.
My heart pounding hard.
My knees shivering in fear.
Fear I would live
to suffer in here.

The light faded out.
The darkness is here.
It made a home
inside of me.
So here I am alone,
broken, beaten and scarred
with darkness inside me,
and the eclipse in my eyes.
****! I feel this way again.
Krusty Aranda Oct 2016
La vida se me va en las caladas que le das a tu tabaco
Con el fuego me consumo y en humo renazco para desvanecerme con el viento
Atrás queda tan sólo mi perfume oxidado y rancio, impregnando tu ropa y tu cabello
En tu boca se guarda mi último aliento, pesado y asfixiante
En la ***** de tus dedos queda mi cuerpo moribundo, lentamente tornándose en cenizas
Llenas de mi tus pulmones y me expulsas nuevamente con delicada violencia
No reparas en pensar en la última bocanada de disforme humo antes de llevar de nuevo la colilla ahumada a tus labios
El filtro del tabaco no evita que me vaya en él
Tóxica existencia que te fumas en minutos
Y de nuevo yazco entre tus dedos, consumido por completo por el fuego de tu desamor, listo para ser desechado en mi mundana sepultura
De una nueva cajetilla sale un inmaculado cigarrillo
Krusty Aranda Mar 2013
runs through my body
every time you touch me.
Result of having a test on electricity tomorrow... and some craving too.
Krusty Aranda Jan 2012
Cuando pienso en el pasado,
unos meses atrás,
recuerdo lo que te he dado;
lo que no conservas más.

Te he dado mi alegría,
te he dado mi sufrir.
Te dí lo que querías
y lo que podías pedir.

Mis pensamientos y mis sueños
también tuyos fueron.
Mis acciones  y palabras
tus promesas destruyeron.

Te regalé sobre todo
mi corazón de cristal.
Tú solo me regalaste
un beso artificial.

Entendí que la honestidad
nunca fue tu gran virtud.
Tus incesantes mentiras
me tenían en la esclavitud.

Los días que pasamos juntos,
¿qué significaron?
Mis buenas intenciones,
todas se acabaron.

Cuando de mí quieras algo
ya no estaré para tí.
A partir de hoy ya no soy
el tonto que un día fuí.
Krusty Aranda Oct 2017
No es que no quiera;
es que no puedo.

La afinidad de tu voz con la mía,
la necedad de tus argumentos,
el sarcasmo en tus bromas,
la intensidad de tus emociones,
la calidez de tu mirada,
la elegancia de tu rostro,
la suavidad de tus labios,
media luna en tu sonrisa,
la vainilla de tu esencia,
el vaivén de tu cabello,
la constelación de tus ojos,
el universo de tu abrazo,
el edén de tus besos,
el pecado de tu ****,
la pureza de un "te amo"

¿cómo puedo poner en palabras todo lo que eres?
No es que no quiera;
es que no puedo.
Krusty Aranda Oct 2015
She fell down from the sky,
shrouded in mystery.
Her story a tragedy, unknown to the world.

There she lies before me.
She seems so peaceful.

In her face you can see all her worries have gone.

There she lies before me.
She seems so calm.

People are screaming around her,
but she can't hear a thing.
She is profoundly asleep.
Numbed out of this world;
out of her pain.

There she lies before me.
She seems so beautiful.

She knew where she was going,
and dressed accordingly.
She put on her Sunday best.
She climbed the Empire State Building.
She opened her wings into a new world.

*There she lies before me.
She seems so alive.
Krusty Aranda Nov 2014
I wouldn't mind waking up early every morning just to see how beautiful you are when the first rays on sunlight gently reflect on your skin, creating the most marvelous lighting the human eye can ever witness, and shining it right into my heart.
Krusty Aranda Mar 2015
don't let me go to sleep
because every time I wake up
I think of her.
Krusty Aranda Jul 2015
Voices echo in my mind
After the void you left behind.
Never will I be the same.
Exit me at last!
Krusty Aranda Mar 2012
Say the words I want to hear.
Tell me there's nothing to fear.
Spread the message. Make it clear.
I don't want to be stuck here.

Free me from this earthly chain.
Take me to where there's no pain.
This darkness inside must not remain;
it's hunting me all over again.

Take my spirit far away
where there's no night, where there's no day.
To see the light is for what I pray.
I'm tired of being this demon's prey.

Awaken my mind so I can think,
to find this puzzle's missing link.
To drown my sorrow it must first sink.
Watch it fade away as I blink.

So, from this moment I cease to exist,
but I'm not dead yet, I must insist.
This thing called "reality" became my beast.
Now I'm meeting with "fantasy"; that is my tryst.
Krusty Aranda Dec 2017
Today I live in fear

I woke up afraid of the same pillow that comforted me last night
It felt as if my dreams had been soaked up by it
My thoughts dripping out of my ear, one by one, dampening the cloth with which it's covered
My bed wanted me to stay, to lay away forever
Prevent me from going anywhere, pulling me towards it
I was a discarded piece of metal being pulled by the giant magnet that would take me to the dumpster to be crushed next to my scrap brethren
I am afraid of the wind blown from my fan
The cold on my skin burns as my sheets hold me tightly in place
I'm afraid to get out, to step on the floor, one foot at a time
To sit up and gag
To stand up and throw up all the regret, the unspoken words, the tears I so cowardly saved to myself for all these years
The 9 beers and 1 tequila shot
I'm afraid to text you
I'm afraid there will be no reply, the silence, the distance
What is said and what is not
What I know, what you won't fix
I'm afraid of losing this game
I'm afraid of playing my next hand, to look at the cards I've been dealt and find nothing other than hopelessness at the lack of anything good
I'm afraid to write this poem, to let my words gang up on me, and beat me up mercilessly as I can only type on and cry out your name
I'm afarid I won't be here tomorrow
I'm afraid you won't
I'm afraid to be here right now, as I was afraid yesterday
Afraid of the new year
Afraid of our Christmas dinner
Afraid of us, of everyone, of no one
I'm afraid of being alive, dancing in this graveyard of broken dream, of complaints and looking at the floor unable to gaze upon my very own dissapointments
I'm afraid to admit I am worthless, but also afraid to do anything about it
I'm afraid to be everything you were looking for, and missing the mark completely
I'm afraid that I'll hurt you, and that I commited a sin I don't regret
Like Jesus I hang nailed to my own cross by the acts I commited and ommited, while words spurt out of my wonds and into this text screen, as I terrifyingly try to tell myself, it will be ok
I'm afraid it will be ok

Today I live in fear
But I guess I live
Krusty Aranda Nov 2012
So here we are, dying a little bit more with every second that goes by.
Wishing we could live longer to see how this world recovers itself from all the wounds we've inflicted upon it... but we know that won't happen.
Dreaming of another tomorrow, where we can laugh and enjoy the sunlight.

We all know how this ends...

But as long as I live I shall fight!
Fight for me. Fight for us.
For nothing is over until the last grain of sand drops.

I may not succeed, but, if I fail, at least I tried.
And, who knows?
Maybe I will accomplish something. Maybe things will change.

We will never know if we don't try.

So here I am, dying a little bit more with every second that goes by, but not giving up.
I will make this place a better place for you, for me... for us.
People say it's hard. I say, why not try?
Krusty Aranda Aug 2016
I'm afraid again.*
Could I trust myself this time?*
I'll have to find out.
Krusty Aranda Mar 2013
Rain falls ******* the window
producing a distinctive little sound as it hits.
No stars to wonder upon to.
No moon to brighten this night.
Just the dull gray of clouds crying out their pains and worries.
I wish I could do the same.

Truth is I can't cry for you,
for to me this is not over.
Has it even started yet?

Titles were asigned; "boyfriend" and "girlfriend".
Did we ever get to that point?
Sure, it was nice, but, somehow, it wasn't as real as I wanted it to be.
No contact.
No actual dates.
No first kiss.

Now, don't get me wrong.
I do cherish all the moments we spent together.
I really did, and still do love you,
but I want this to be more than a so called reality.
There's still a long road for us to walk.

Is there really no chance for a new begining?
No chance for reality?
I only need our first kiss,
even if it's our last.
Please, don't get me wrong. I know what we had, and will always cherish it. I just think there's still more of it left for us, but, this time, lets make it real.
Krusty Aranda Dec 2012
We met some time ago in a very unusual place.
You were the first one to say hello, and give a small compliment.
When I turned and saw you, I knew you were unlike anybody else.
Those blue eyes of yours had a story to tell.

So we talked and we laughed, and we shared some thoughts.
We liked the same things. Heavy metal and such.
Poetry, literature, all kinds of art.
You were slowly digging your way to my heart.

I was hesitant about what I wanted to do.
I wasn't looking for anything, but along came you.
It was the right time. You were the right person.
You just gave me everything I wasn't looking for.

And I built up the courage to speak out my heart
not knowing what you felt for me at the time.
So I said what I felt. I said "I love you".
You just added a word to make it "I love you too".

That is the way our story began,
and it's still going on. I hope it gets far.
Despite all the bumps we find in our way
I promised I'd love you forever and always.
Yeah, I love her that much and more... waaaay more :)
Krusty Aranda Feb 2013
Forever and always.
The promise we made,
but who would have known that forever had an end?

I won't say I hate you.
Truth is I don't.
Why do we promise what we can't do?

"I love you forever and always (while it lasts)."
The phrase was there, but left untold.
Now I know this is as far as it goes.

Now go. Don't look back.
After all it was you who decided on this.
I won't stop you. I couldn't even if I tried.

I'm fine. Don't you worry about me.
I'm still there if you need me.
Just call my name.

No hard feelings. No regrets.
I really did love you forever and always...
while it lasted.
Krusty Aranda Jun 2013
So where do I start?

I've bullied you for so long.
Told you you're fat,
then anorexic,
then ugly,
then silly...
The list keeps going on.

Recently I saw the scars on your wrist.
I really never saw them coming.

I didn't think you'd do that.

All the things I said I never meant. That's how we used to play.
I never thought it would have this kind of impact on you.

So please forgive me for all the things I've said.
If I ever hurt you, which I now know I did, please find it in your heart to forgive a blind fool.
He who never saw the damage behind a hurtful game, now regrets all the love he wasted on others.
I wish this is just a phase that ends up soon.

I've bullied you for so long, but isn't that what siblings do?
I've been such a hypocritical fool. Never more will I say something hurtful to anyone.
Krusty Aranda May 2021
Saying "I'm sorry" is not good enough
when I've been denied for so long
I've been changing into someone else
Someone who's totally wrong
How can I go back to being myself when I know who myself is no more?

I barely have the memories,
but I have not the strength,
the youth,
or energy

I just go through the motions
following instructions
No will is left in me

For the longest time I haven't been free
I haven't been me
I don't know who he is

******* stranger
Krusty Aranda Apr 2015
You know why.
You played me like an old toy.
Just picked me up, removed the dust, and put me away again.
You exploited my many vulnerabilities, and used them to your advantage.
What did you even get from it?
A couple hugs and kisses?
A meaningless ****?
Did it even mean anything to you?
Because it sure did to me, and now that meaning turns into pain.
You hurt me.
You ******* hurt me, and I hate you for that.
I hate how much you made me fall for you.
I hate the fact you won't leave my thoughts and dreams.
I hate the fact that I love you.


Krusty Aranda Sep 2017
Enraged I throw my fists
In flames my soul, it wilts
In red my vision stops
With blood I stain my clothes
You'll shriek and I will scream
With laughter **** your dream
Struggling to land a blow
Your hands are getting cold
A mocking grin to view
Insanity ensues
Anger in my motions
Fear your only emotion
The beggar and denier
Can't stop the raging fire
Igniter of all instinct
Life or death, it is not distinct
I satisfy desire
Burn out inside the pyre
Breathe not a second breath
You're now free from dread
Krusty Aranda Feb 2012
Trapped in a room,
No way to get out.
Nothing in here but me.

I cannot move,
I can't even breathe,
And they will not set me free.

Four walls surround me
This can't be correct.
I think I'm going insane.

They torture me as if there's no tomorrow.
All that's been left of me is my pain and sorrow.

Suicide looks like the only exit to this pain.
All they want to do is get into my ******* brain.

They want you to obey every ******* command from that who reigns.
I refused to that idea, and now I'm rotting in hell.

******* all!
I won't do what you tell me.
I would rather die.

But trapped in here
Within this four walls
I'm starting to lose my mind.
Krusty Aranda Aug 2015
The warmth.
It escapes your body.
Your limbs grow weaker.
It gets harder to breathe.
The wound won't stop bleeding.

In my hand I hold yours.
Next to you lies a knife.
Your hands get colder.
Your eyes going blank.
Your heart can't keep up.

Stop... Stop...
It ceases to beat.
No more do you breathe.
You can't see.
You can't feel.

Gone. I rest.
Grab my knife and your corpse.
Tidy up the crime scene.
Leave no trace behind.
Rest in peace, my love.
Krusty Aranda Aug 2016
Gotta do this.
And I know it will break me, and it will scar me,
but I also hope it will heal me.
Krusty Aranda Mar 2017
You* always comes before *I
You always comes before I
You always comes before I
You always come before *I
Krusty Aranda May 2013
Growing up
is quite
Most of the time I wish I could stop growing up. Never lose your inner child :)
Krusty Aranda Dec 2015
Hurt me once, shame on you.
Hurt me twice, shame on me.
Hurt me thrice, I'm a fool.
Hate to love you, can you see?
Krusty Aranda Jun 2018
Pensando en quienes se han ido antes que yo, me encuentro volteando al cielo, buscando el lugar en el cual por fin descansan.
¿Pero cuál es este lugar?
¿Es realmente el cielo como nos ha dictado la religión?
Y si no lo es, ¿por qué volteo hacia él cuando yo mismo no tengo religión?

No volteo al cielo buscando el paraíso prometido por Dios a aquellos hombres de noble corazón y fe inquebrantable.
En el cielo busco aquel plano existencial al que nosotros, los vivos, no tenemos acceso ni tendremos nunca.

En la infinidad del azul encuentro la esencia inagotable de las almas que llenan mi ambiente interior de paz,
de amor,
de inspiración,
de magnificencia y maravilla por las vidas que han dejado atrás
y sus contribuciones a la mía propia y a las de otros.

En las nubes veo sus rostros,
su arte,
su humor dibujando nuevas sonrisas en mi.

De noche veo en las estrellas el brillo de sus mentes,
el destello en sus ojos,
la luz que rompía en mil a la oscuridad,
y en la luna veo la compañía que nos dejan en las noches,
la protección del mal que acecha por cada esquina,
la mirada preocupada del padre cuyo hijo no ha vuelto a casa, buscándolo en la oscuridad de su habitación.

El cielo pierde su divinidad para dar paso al amor,
a la gente cuya vida no acaba más allá de la muerte,
la gente cuya vida resuena en nosotros,
en nuestras acciones,
nuestras palabras,
nuestras ideas y pensamientos,

La gente cuyo cuerpo no está más,
pero vive aún con nosotros.
Krusty Aranda Jul 2013
You're beautiful. I'm shy.
If I could live near you, I'd try.
I'm an awkward guy,
so, for now, *goodbye
Greeted a girl like this on a chat, and I liked it, so I decided to put it up here :)
Krusty Aranda Mar 2013
The place where we met.
The place where I fell in love.
The place where I cry.
A little tribute to this great website where I found love (although I later lost it), and where I can let all my pain and thoughts out without anyone judging me. Also, thanks to all the readers and followers :)
Krusty Aranda Oct 2015
Can't wake up this morning.
Can't face another day.
The night is more comforting.
The light; it burns. It's pain.

My will is gone or broken.
I'm too beat to even tell.
The words I haven't spoken
are dragging me to hell.

Retaliation or submission.
I lose in any case.
Can't fight in this condition.
Won't death come take me away?

I give up! I give up!
I'm bleeding out this love.
Tie a noose on the end of this rope.
Tie the other end high above.
Krusty Aranda May 2013
When I think of her I picture her in my bed.
No, not having *** with me, or with her hands under my clothes.
Not even naked.
I see her just lying next to me, looking into my eyes, and whispering
"I love you".
I don't fail to hold her close to me, kiss her forehead, look her in the eyes and say
"I love you too".

Then I see us on the couch.
She rests her head on my lap as we watch a movie.
I start losing interest, and, out of nowhere, I just kiss her.
I say "Be mine forever".
"I already am", she replies.

Finally I see her as an angel, flying above me and lending her hand.
I grab it, and she takes me away to her world.
A world full of beauty, warmth and magic.
She says "Welcome to our world",
and I wake up.
It was a dream, but I turn my head, and there she is. My angel,
still asleep, so innocent, so pure, so beautiful.
I smoothly kiss her on the cheek, and say with a smile on my face
"This is our world".

Some can call me corny.
Some might say I'm gay,
but I can't help but be
a hopeless romantic.
"She" has no name yet, but I hope I find her soon.
Anyone interested? (jaja, just kidding).
Krusty Aranda Jan 2015
If I had known that I would still love you today,
I would've done so much more to keep you around.
Krusty Aranda Mar 2018
How fleeting will this feeling be?
One week?
One month?
One year?
One lifetime?
Krusty Aranda May 2014
The greatest crime against humanity
is its own existance.
Krusty Aranda Aug 2016
If I ever hurt for you,
it would mean I loved you right.
Krusty Aranda Nov 2013
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but to be
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