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Krusty Aranda Jun 2015
I tried. Really did.
I don't know where it went wrong.
Don't fall back again.
Krusty Aranda Jun 2015
Twenty four hours a day.
Seven days a week.
I miss you when you're not in bed.
I miss you when we speak.

But when I get to see you
my frown turns upside down.
Your luscious lips. Your beady eyes.
Your naked back, and **** thighs.

I must admit my weakness.
For me you are too much.
You make me feel so warm inside
without even your touch.

I love the way you look at me
when we're alone in my room.
It is the way you steal my breath
that will lead to my doom.

You watch me. You tease me.
You encourage lustful behaviour.
You're quiet, yet screaming;
the cards turn in your favour.

You got me. I'm yours.
Even if you don't know it.
This secret I will keep,
for I'm starting to love it.
Krusty Aranda May 2015
This letter I write to myself.*

Accept it. It's over, and it's never happening again. Did you really expect it to work out? Did you really think lives change for the better that fast? Did you really think you wouldn't **** up?

You always expect too much from people. You believe in the kind nature of humanity not realizing it only exists in a select few. You have to stop being so naive.

You knew she was too good to be true. Sometimes it's wise to listen to reason instead of the heart. The heart is a selfish entity that tends to take us down uncertain paths that, mostly, end in pain.

Well, now it's time to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and move on to the next path. It'll all be better before we know it.
Seven Letters: The End
Krusty Aranda May 2015
A**gain I dreamt about you, and, in my dream, you did it all over again. You tried to get back with me (as if we had ever been a thing), but this time I wasn't so sure about it.

You leaned in for a kiss. Our breaths synchronized, harmoniously fused into one. As your lips gently caressed mine, I found the strength in myself to say no. I wasn't going through it unless I knew you were commited to making it work... You weren't. When I saw you next, you were already with another guy. I woke up, mad at myself for having dreamt about you one more time. I guess it won't stop happening soon.

Anyway, this is it. This is the last letter I'm writing to you. I don't even know why I did this, but I did. I just wish you the best, and tell you not to worry about me. I'll know how to move on
Seven Letters: Letter #7
Krusty Aranda May 2015
S**omething inside of me can't let you go, even though I really want to, and I don't really know why. It maybe because I really love talking to you, and spending time with you. It may also be how I love the way you smile, the goofy gestures you sometimes make, and even the way you move.

You make me feel like I hadn't in a really long time, and I know I've said it many times before, but I just can't forget how the world just seemed right for a moment.

Maybe it's not even you. Maybe it's the baggage I've been carying, and you were just the one that crushed me under the weight of it.

Whatever the reason may be, and even though I want to forget you, I do not want to lose you. I'd love to be comfortable with just being your friend.
Seven Letters: Letter #6
Krusty Aranda May 2015
S*aturday night I was still unsure if I wanted to go to that club with you. I didn't want to be witness of my defeat a couple months back. I was afraid to see you with someone else. Afraid I'd be drunk enough to fall apart right there. But, in the end, I decided to go.

You picked me up, and we went to your friend's house. On the way there, I kept wondering if you thought I looked handsome. We got there, and talked for a while with your friend (really nice guy, by the way). Then, we went for beer and hamburgers, and got back so you could get dressed.

Once you were all dressed up, and ready to go, I could hardly believe my eyes. I didn't say anything, but *GOD!
,  did you look gorgeous. I was honestly marveled at how stunning you looked.

The rest of the night went better than I had expected. You went your way, and I went mine, trying not to run into you as much. When the night was over, you dropped me off at my place, I got into bed, and blacked out, but that image of you in that dress, the deep, blue blazer, and high heels is forever imprinted in my brain.
Seven Letters: Letter #5
Krusty Aranda May 2015
E**very time I look at you, I remember the few days when I felt my life couldn't be better.

I had just made a huge change in my life, leaving the comfort of my family to start anew. Left behind the loneliness, the sadness, the monotony to finally do what I wanted to do, and my luck started to change right away.

I never thought it'd change that much, though. I really never expected to have feelings for you, as well as I never expected you to tease me in such a way.

But I don't blame you. If there's ayone to blame, that has to be me, still making the same mistakes I had promised myself I wouldn't make.

I guess things happen for a reason. I still don't know what the reason for this was.
Seven Letters: Letter #4
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