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Krusty Aranda May 2015
N**ever would I have imagined you'd like me, even if it was only for a day.

You were so sweet to me. I loved the compliments you gave me, and I absolutely adored the way I made you blush and smile shyly and awkwardly. It somehow made you look even better than you already do.

Everytime we hugged I could feel how you would fit perfectly in my arms. It felt like the last piece of the puzzle was finally in place. The warmth you made me feel was unlike anything I had felt before, and when we kissed... well, I can't even begin to describe how your kisses made me feel. They took me out of this world, even out of my own body. They made me fly to a place where nothing could go wrong... but it eventually did.

It all went away as soon as it had come, but, even if it was short lived, I really developed feelings for you. My friends told me I was crazy, confused, even desperate.

You really just were too good... too good to be true.
Seven Letters: Letter #3
Krusty Aranda May 2015
Another day. One more class next to you. It somehow hurts to sit and listen to what you did last weekend, and what you'll do on this one, while I've been sitting home alone the whole weekend for the last two months. I lost myself when I lost you. I've been building myself up since then, but there's still a along way to go.

Now I'm even asking myself why I'm even writing this to you. I'm not trying to make you feel sorry for me... am I? And even while you read this, would you care about how I feel?

There's times when I want to be with you, and times when I want to be as far away from you as possible. I'm so bitter-sweet about you. *You're tearing me apart!
Hope you get that reference. That'd mean you have a good cinematographical taste, which I know you have, but I still wonder if you've watched that movie. Maybe we should watch it together... *maybe.
Seven Letters: Letter #2
Krusty Aranda May 2015
V**engeance. I've thought about it once or twice before. To be honest, it was a recurring thought for a while. Now I'm not so sure if I want it.

I hated you for what you did to me. You hurt me really bad. You took advantage of my many weaknesses, and I still don't know why. But does it even matter anymore? We already talked about it; you apologized, and gave me as many reasons as you were comfortable telling. We're good now.

Well... Kind of. You're good. I'm not precisely broken, but I can't seem to stop liking you, even when I've seen a side of you that just puts me off. Yet I still sometimes dream about you. I wake up with you in my mind, but why? I'm not in love with you, although I do care much for you.

How do I forget you without losing you? You're still a good friend, and I really enjoy your company. I just want to forget I ever felt anything for you. I wish I knew how to. I wish it had meant as little to me as it did to you, but maybe I wish too much. Maybe I should start doing something about it.
Seven Letters: Letter #1
Krusty Aranda Apr 2015
Your name.
Your sweet name.
Even when I hear it from someone else
it has a particular sonority
that affects my soul, weakens it,
and surrenders to you.

And it haunts me. And it follows me.
Wherever I go someone calls your name.

Oh, your name.
Each letter hurts me, digging in my heart
like seven tiny daggers,
bleeding out.

It hurts to know.
Reaffirm day after day the fact that you are not mine,
and that you never will.

Far away.
I want you far away, but not distant.
The pain of your absence is greater than the pain of your presence.
Violent convulsion that my heart suffers every time I lay my eyes upon you.

Visual representation of a name.
A name that kills me and gives me life.
A name that moves me and paralizes me.
A name.
Your name.
Krusty Aranda Apr 2015
Tu nombre.
Tu dulce nombre.
Aún cuando lo escucho en otras personas tiene una sonoridad particular
que enternece mi alma, la debilita,
y se entrega a ti.

Y me acecha. Y me sigue.
A donde sea que vaya, alguien menciona tu nombre.

Oh, tu nombre.
Cada letra me hiere, clavándose en mi corazón
como siete pequeñas dagas,

Me hiere el saber.
Reafirmar día con día el hecho de que no eres mía, y que nunca lo serás.

Lejos te quiero, mas no distante.
El dolor de tu ausencia es más fuerte que el dolor de tu presencia.
Violenta convulsión que sufre mi corazón cada vez que mis ojos se posan en ti.

Represantación visual de un nombre.
Un nombre que me mata y me da vida.
Un nombre que me mueve y paraliza.
Un nombre.
Tu nombre.
Krusty Aranda Apr 2015
Have you heard the news?
The age of self loathing is reaching its end.
The winds are changing in our favour,
and they bring fortune, and success, and love.
Embrace this new age of prosperity.
Make it your own.
Forget about the past, and live for the day.
Throw your worries out the window,
and breathe the fresh air blowing in from the streets.
Let it fill your lungs, and fuel your actions
so you can achieve your dreams,
no matter how far-fetched they may seem.
If you believe in yourself, no one will stop you.
Cry out your pain,
and find a reason to smile again,
to love again,
to give the next step and continue your path,
for life is but a road trip,
and you are the driver.
Krusty Aranda Apr 2015
I don't want to see you,
yet I always find myself looking out for you.
Not because I'm in love with you.
The reason is that
I miss you.

I miss the laughs we used to share.
I miss hanging out together after doing homework.
I miss talking about anything I wanted with you, because I knew you were listening.
I miss our rides in your car.
I miss when we shared our art.
I miss all that and much more.

I know things didn't turn out how they were expected to,
but I really miss the person I started to consider
my friend.
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