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Kristo Frost Sep 2014

trick               poem             belie
this              smooth,           until

frank               and          exposed


mind,               lost,                   it...
now               maybe          daresay
it's                 hidden     elsewhere


redundant      guesses              and/or
questions          about                      life

make               meaning            certain


subtly                different          thoughts

grace               realizations,           which

our                      starkest                  blur


time,                          its                            eyes
your                         poem,                      blink

now;                          gray                        scene


bear                     witness,                            a

child                  con­suming               poison

like                       purpose,                   watch


now,                      slip                    knots,

firm                      words                    they

ghost,                    into                   tangle


steal                    night,                       to

quiet                    your                      tear

of                           joy                     apart


engineer,      through               your

close        conversation,    tempting

doors             guarding          secrets


end,          the    ramble,

only        read   literally

when     words         fail

Read triplets left to right and up to down, but also up to down and left to right.  Ongoing work at this time.   Suggestions welcome!
Kristo Frost Sep 2014
Haikus are cop-outs;

no real substance and/or thought,

just numb excuse poems.


Your anger is hot,

pooled, frozen acid on flesh

galvanized like steel.


You believe you were

told somewhere along the line

that you do exist.


You can’t forget that

demons need exercise too;

let them run again tonight.


Rules are meant to break:

glass and bones and laws and down.

Rabbit holes feather.


Within your soul’s soul

rabbit spiral quiet dark

machete falling.


Psychic doubt is back. back to back to back to...

business booming low.


Underground moisture,

creeping into bones like mold,

your rabbit decays.


Spring, flowers and dance;

sun warmth, on fly’s beating wings.

Live and die too fast.


Hungry olives growl,

soft, and panther black, like oil

except the sky's blue.


Bright over raw sand

sea shifting low dunes drift by

your mother's  closed eyes.


Warm, dirt-tangle roots

an eyelash in your right eye--

you are not crying.


LOUD crash of hubris;

wave goodbye, then charge the surf.

Defy its silence.


Gasp: breathe deep rabbit.

Beat your heart where the home is.

Do you have a home?


Raise your right hand and

repeat after me: be free.

Just don't disobey.


Twitch at dissonance;

run, tunnel faster, blink now

thump, devil quiet.


Pure distilled instinct;

not fang, or fear, but laughter...

nervous in the dark.


Shadow to the wall

around the corner slow down

don't want them to hear.


You listen to that

(no tremors follow your fear),

that pulsing faint glow.


Desperate your hope,

though diamond venom quickens,

drips the need to move.


Iced creep in white veins

soft. Fur on frozen roses;

a beautiful death?


No. Run. Now. RUN!

You can't  live, but die ******* trying;

hope is full of spite.


Heart pounds, the door drips

blood and limps away ignored.

Listen to them grin.


Leap rift, run without

thinking; forget crisp sunlight

draped across water.


This is your movie

and you sound like your parents

you want, you blink now.


She's ******* someone

and she likes it a lot more;

they **** like rabbits.


Boots erupt water

around town, yellow ankles;

youth just felt so long.


Plastic bag covers

your bike seat, and then your face

swimming in the sink.


Broken dreams wither,

yet still you remember just

reflecting on fear.


Do you exist yet?

You just can't count on some things,

like words, tricking you.


Lost in these tunnels,

the walls of your house collapse,

memory in heaps.


Soft surf wets your socks;

your legs ache with reckoning

but can't run their course.


Fenceposts in the snow,

stark the wind, howling, all rage,

biting your hot flesh.


The hate is back now

you can't breathe, all your

hope has expired.


Chin water sun eyes

wine glass fragments of concrete

dry throat, blood, scream, moon.


Waiting now, behind

within meaning, without hope;

fresh red footprints air.


Waiting, still, to die

as always, poorly informed

you don't see an end
Some hate this poem. Fact.
Kristo Frost Aug 2014
I wish I had that nest egg;
that California confidence she forgets.

My envy for it has never ended;
it's laid in wait this decadent decade.

Desire, a wildfire, crests the hill that night;
smoke flowers from room to room.

We start to suffocate but are good runners;
by now, she has caught her breath.

Behind us, our ashes;
above, her sky.

Starlit pathways unfold before her feet;
my envy sighs and rolls over.

I give stumbling chase, emerald eyesight;
I chase her laughter through the maze.
Kristo Frost Aug 2014
There is no past in this world,
just echoes; Shadows remain.

You and Me.
Right Now.

Eclipse shimmers peek round our silhouettes.
We speak in the same room Now.

We'll soon reassume our assumptions.
We won't forget our conclusions.

Memory is All, we are Now, the two of Us.
The reflections in crossing ripples of thought.

Wave as I echo away for awhile.
Shadows always return.
Kristo Frost Aug 2014
Example: some candles smell best just past their last gasp.
Divorce: when a lover doesn't love what they've done.
Annulment: when it might as well have never happened.

Reboot? [Y/N]:Y

Wake yourself up on a pillow of gravel with your bike in the bushes beyond.
You might be that undaunted worrier of ways to evade.
You might fight with the tide of those lingering days.
Likely unlikely but possibly nightly they leave you behind; Spite, your mind.

Reboot? [Y/N]:Y

You're left threading through time as your Been and your Being age.
Your breath ebbs slower as the world rolls beneath you.
You're still pursuing your quiet addiction to the hustle of life.
Your gentle cage will help to keep you objective-oriented.

You'll die.

Accept it.

Reboot? [Y/N]:_
Formatting issues with the italics.  Will fix when I feel like it, which could be never.  What?
Kristo Frost Aug 2014
This notebook and I share a secret,
which I will never reveal.

This notebook, on the other hand,
has at times sleighted me slightly.

This notebook is not to be trusted,
for if I trust it, I may be betrayed.

This notebook and I share a secret;
it will never be told lest I talk.
Thanks to all the readers!
Kristo Frost Jun 2014
Hello, you said, to the space on this page of your life.

I know, you read, with the thought of a Wink in your eye.

Alas, we met, and yet now we are waving goodbye.
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