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 Apr 2017 Krista Joy
I grew up outside with the sun on my face
not indoors to the glow of a screen

I grew up acting and playing pretend  
not inside watching actors on a screen

I grew up going on walks with my friends and my dog
not alone texting friends through a screen

I grew up empowered by the skills I learned through play
not lost and behind because I stayed inside all day
 Apr 2017 Krista Joy
 Apr 2017 Krista Joy
tendency to hate
but constantly seek out.
 Apr 2017 Krista Joy
Why do I feel like just a machine?
With the inabilty to think, to hope.... to dream.

Mindless work that covers all of the hours..
I get home, plop on my bed
through a grumpy mind, I feel sour

To use my mind in healthy ways
not stocking shelves or pulling weeds.

Go for a bike ride
read and write some more
to be intentional..
But nope only time to snore.
 Apr 2017 Krista Joy
 Apr 2017 Krista Joy
college is suffocating.
chained by assignments due tomorrow.
eyelids heavy from five AM shifts
humans glued to screens
bus rides with thoughts unshared
world unexplored
stress high
falling deeper in debt
excited for this sumemr
when the sequioas scoop me up
swallow me whole
and set me free

— The End —