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 Mar 2014 Kodis
 Mar 2014 Kodis
Does he see
Does he glance
Does he look
Does he gaze
Does he watch
Does he stare

Well, he sees
And I hope i feed his eyes right
Well, he glances
And I hope there's good light
Well, he looks
And I hope he's satisfied
Well, he gazes
And the reason he gives is justified
Well, he watches
And of course it gets me petrified
Well, he stares
I stare back, and our love is immortalized
The progression of a mysterious guy's affection
 Mar 2014 Kodis
Bobbie McCord
We stand
two figures, strong, opposing
yet complimenting each other, like yin and yang
We stand
facing the world together
because everything is better with someone by your side
For some reason I can't explain... one day you turned away
cold as ice.
All I really wanted was your warm embrace but that's forever gone
You jumped out of my life
replaced by the infinite space between us
I'm giving up
because the ledge I stand on is solid ground
hanging over a vast chasm
doubts, words, pain, anger, broken trust
There's no way across
So we do what we do best and save ourselves
and turn away from what matters most at the other side
The one we want so desperately to save
The hopes we had of mending the bond slowly slip away
Nothing seems to help
So, we hide ourselves away, saying "There's no reason to come out"
we accept
there is no way across
some part of me knows nothing is impossible
but right now, it sure as hell feels like it
my heart was born for battle
my heart was born for war
why should I give up
after fighting so much to get this far

So many years
so many tears
finally i have conquered
all these fears

i can stand tall
i can stand proud
I can scream

my heart was born for battle
my heart was born for war
I achieved what i was
fighting for

all these years

written on a napking in some bar.
whisky and beer.
 Mar 2014 Kodis
 Mar 2014 Kodis
The light aids our growth
As we grow
The world grows darker
Does that make sense?
Should it?
 Mar 2014 Kodis
Simon Soane
 Mar 2014 Kodis
Simon Soane
Presents from present,
not anticipating
gifts wrapped tightly
and stowed beyond reach ;
this moment to seek.
 Mar 2014 Kodis
Your quiet but your mind is loud
Soaking up every little thing you hear or see
Studying and carefully concentrating on the creatures
The creatures functioning around you
Your the one that hides out in the big parties
Taking up the wonderful space in the corner
Taking photograpic memories of everyone in the room
Laughing drinking and forgetting there problems
You watch
And you silently wish that was you

But you have no idea
That being different is the best thing you can be
And you should feel bad for them
Cause they're not different
In fact they're all the same
 Mar 2014 Kodis
 Mar 2014 Kodis
I have a problem
with falling
in love with things
that don't last.
Like this cigar
that kisses my lips.
It's already
half-smoked and
I'm already disappointed.
It's kind of like
my relationships.
Delicious and satisfying
at first,
until I inhaled
too fast and it's
almost gone.
 Mar 2014 Kodis
you know why some people are mean?

because thats a way for them to not be heart broken.

to act like they dont have one.
 Mar 2014 Kodis
Who is She
 Mar 2014 Kodis
Bushy eyebrows arch over
Blue-gray eyes.
They fill with tears.
Bushy brown hair
Sticking out in every direction.
Each strand smells of smoke.
Pale skin riddled with red spots of acne.
A few beauty marks breakthrough,
But not enough to make her beautiful.
She loves the irony in that.
Pale, white scars
Lie hidden on her thighs.
You can only see them when it is summer
And the sun is only shining on her.

She's a master of disguise.
She knows how to be invisible,
How to disappear.
A Houdini in the making.

Her arms are full of books
And pens
And poems
And apologies scrawled out on her wrists
In sloppy handwriting.
She holds her bottom lip
Between her teeth.
Hopes no one can see the bloodstains.

Sometimes she smiles.
Sometimes she walks the dog
Until the heat becomes too much and
She vomits on the sidewalk.
Sometimes she listens to old records in
Her attic while the cat
Claws at the door.
Sometimes she forgets to eat.
Sometimes she just is.

She has a lisp.
People lie and tell her they can't hear it.
She knows.
She used to wear bracelets
But they felt like handcuffs.
She used to wear necklaces
But they felt like nooses.
People love her,
But not in the way she wants to be loved.

She lets grenades explode on her tongue.
She swallows spit like liquor.
Her heart drums too loudly for her liking.
She bites her nails.
They tell her to stop.

She thinks about war.
About bullets falling like rain.
People dropping like flies.
She thinks about bloodshed.
Her heart breaks again.
She is fine china.

Her teeth fall out.
Her hands shake.
She doesn't know how to be okay.
She needs to be reminded
She is real.
Breathing is too hard for her.
The skin on her palms crack.
She doesn't even care.

One time they left her alone.
For two days.
She went insane.
She rocked herself back and forth
On the sun porch.
A locked oven.
She didn't wash her hair.
Didn't sleep.
She took the bus to work
And watched a man lick the window.
She was sick.

She went home.
Slept for 14 hours straight.

He touched her.
She thawed her frozen shield
And he touched her.
She didn't know it at the time.
She kept quiet.
Only talks about on paper.
She saw him the other day,
Felt the acid of his saliva burn holes in her skin.
She couldn't look away.
Her eyes rolled back in her head again.

They say she's dark.
She has stopped being a girl.
Started being a force of nature.
A tornado.
A thunderstorm.
An earthquake.
A volcano bleeding fire.
She is broken,
Held together by tape.
She is tired.
Tired of pretending.
Tired of being nice.
Tired of the silence that fills her skull like a bullets.

She found a spider the other day
And couldn't find the strength
To **** it.
I’ve spent days in stretched perception;
my elongated arms sit across the room,
my swelling hands bulge on the mantelpiece
and the room throbs like a ribbiting frog.

“Nothing’s wrong” I lie, dazed and *****
and close my eyes. One hand obscures the breeze
between lips, another clamps my nostrils shut.
But your hands are your own and bare no place
on my feverish, inclement face.

I **** bolt upright, and glare full beam.
Reel back, I tumble in and out of dreams.
Blink and the menace subsides; as cobra
turns to darting hare, you shriek and stare.

“What’s wrong?” your banshee screech pierces
ear to ear. Scrunch my eyelids, so returns
fierce medusa cursing in the mirror.
Hose me down and seize me from this fever
and for god’s sake woman, call the doctor.
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