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 Mar 2014 KM
Robyn Kekacs
 Mar 2014 KM
Robyn Kekacs
If memories take time
Then I'm giving them away,
'Cause all I want's the closeness
Of thoughts from yesterday

If you turn your back to a tree
It falls, and you don't see
Is it different when you return to reality?

It remains that the tree is wood
The cores and rings and fibers still good
But I'm sure that doesn't matter
Because it changed the way it stood

I do my best to be unchanging
To coax you when you fell.
For friendship,I'd even let
You chop me down, as well

But you've sunken into shallow soils
Called these termites all your friends
And though it's your integrity rotting,
My memories have spoiled.

So think about that once again
When I've grown tired, and tough
Because height can give you limelight
But it's the roots that give you love
 Nov 2012 KM
Orien Autumn
Your emotions crumble………… like bricks of clay.
Colored………… every shade of grey.
A lucid dream,
A graveyard screams.
Your love is on my tombstone.
The sky is now a yellow foggy snow.
The ground is colder than your heart.
I’m so alone, walking slowly, softly, moaning, and growing weary? Tired? Ill?
I’m made with broken pieces. I’m filled with broken hearts. If I was smart I’d **** this pain. I’d drown in alcohol.
Falling, falling, falling, falling, and falling, without hope.
I called your name five times and woke.
 May 2012 KM
Robyn Kekacs
 May 2012 KM
Robyn Kekacs
I cannot fathom a particle
More beautiful than stardust
It builds from core to sediment
To rocks and slabs of ocean floor
The grass that dies and breathes again
The sand beneath my arches

The rubber soles
The air we breathe
The air we share, the air we need
We care for youth until they're meant
To add more forms of sediment
They'll cry, and their babies
Will cry
Not quite out of frustration, but everybody's inclination
And urge to touch the sky

Because we can't breathe this vicious air
We belong to the world up there
Of imploding super nova sights
The nebulas crossing like interstate highways
The traffic of matter holds orbit over all

You can take pride in the life you live
In the air you breathe
In the joy you give
But as for power? Nothing.
Humbled is what you are
Even behind your material goods
You're just the remnants of a star.
 Apr 2012 KM
Robyn Kekacs
 Apr 2012 KM
Robyn Kekacs
Float to me unraveled
Wrap me in your arms of travel
Let your fingers prattle on

Your shirt, my skirt
I feel unearthed
Tell falling fractions of my climb

A line
Strewn from frown to frown
And as one flies up,
The other floats down
Lips are not full with atoms but with laughter

Stardust is ******
The clippings of a song
The dresses hem
A lemon rind
A dog who bit too many times

A stitch in the side
Don't play with your food,
Can't you tell when I'm in a good mood?
We're firing on cylinders
And prisms, cubes and cones
I feel liquid limelight in my eyes
I can taste it in my bones

Digging back from China
We're channels in the ground
But we can make a life well spent
The second time around.
 Apr 2012 KM
Robyn Kekacs
The Ant
 Apr 2012 KM
Robyn Kekacs
You can't hear me talk, can barely hear me sing
My apologies fall deaf on you and what washes over, stings
I fall head first into your ocean, enveloped in waves of rough cement
But through this capture you are peaceful
My battered form makes you content

It's funny how they call the past, the past,
And not the present
You greet the currency of times with nothing but resent
You tell me you know what I see
Laugh toothily as I fall to my knees
Engulfed with pain deeper, than my own
As I watch you fall steeper

It is impossible to stamp the blame
To disrupt your flawless form
I wouldn't dare to place a mark on you, nor tell you what you've worn
I'll motivate my stiffened mind, though you tell me that I can't
Collective moments form the clog
And I have become the ant

It comes as no surprise that
Your comfort scares me so
Behind each understanding is a reckless anecdote
A fury-littered monologue
A venom worded rant
The apology won't matter
Cause I am still the ant

It's difficult to swallow, though
My pills were hours ago
I softly stroke the future that I know is doomed, but floats
It treads above the water, as buoyant as it can
I guess future doesn't matter
I will always be the ant.
 Apr 2012 KM
I walk tonight.
The sky casts no light.
The lack of shadows hides my solitude.
My dormant heart beats alone.
Awaiting to be heard.
Longing to be held.
By the one so wrongfully taken for granted.
The only one that truly cares,
If it beats at all.
This heart beats for you.
These tears fall for you.
These feet walk for you…

A gleaming light flickers in the distance.
Lightening is strewn across the horizon.
Such power given by gods to move mountains with profound toxicity.
A power given to slay the inexhaustible flame I hold deep within.
I have been stricken down.
By this hand of fate.
What you call an obstacle,
I see a labyrinth.
Twisting and contorting with layers unreachable by the most straining efforts.
To be wandered for eternity,
These walls hold me in captivity.

Adjacent lies the potent moon.
Tearing a lucid hole in the darkness,
Light pours in.
Thrown to my knees by the fiery fervor that drips so elegantly.
Diminutive under these chains of misery,
I look up.
And cry out!
But I am not heard…
I am not seen…
I am forgotten.

And so…
Once again,
The moon has fallen…
Left in darkness.
No shadow for company.
I hunger.
For another day.
Another chance.
To prove myself worthy.
So that some day,
I can again feel your supple skin beneath my fingertips.
Taste your succulent lips.
And embrace you for what you are worth.

 Dec 2011 KM
Robyn Kekacs
He looked ahead and said
For the life of me, I cannot recall
A life held just for you
I twisted sour, hurt by the words
That cut
Made me come to

But if it drew me close enough
He'd close the walls and brush my weighty smile aside
He'd say there's too much here to **** out
There's too many shells to find the good inside

So I sit back on my headboard
And think about the times your rational side, touched mine
Let me in
Or how our legs intertwined

I didn't sob a bunch from sadness
But from the intensity that shook my frame loose
Of a direction it should be going in
And the one your heart had in store for us
The latter
Is always the one I will climb

This ground will thaw
And the irrational might touch again
But as long as we keep ourselves in line
I think that I could call you friend.
 Dec 2011 KM
Robyn Kekacs
 Dec 2011 KM
Robyn Kekacs
The pretty people do the drugs
The criminals will do the time
The homely people do the work
They don't like what they find
They don't have you
The way I do
Your t-shirt's large but belongs right here

You think I'm hot in yesterday's get-up
You prefer me when I'm fresh from a morning
When we both have a twang of slight halitosis
You're gross
But you loved the smell of my hair

I know that it's wrong
To think of you and grin
To recall the definition of your chin
The freckles on your chest
You hated them, wanted them removed
And I'd shake my head
And press my nose against your neck

Remember when we used to dance?
Front and center, your locks of gold would gather
And condensate
Salty, sweet times
I'll find them once again.
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