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 Dec 2011 KM
Robyn Kekacs
I wanted an afternoon
An afternoon was all
A stroll through distraction
Some paintings on a wall

All I wanted was an ornament
To brighten up a room
Instead I bought a boquet
One for me, one for you

It's temporary
Yes it is
To hang in windows and dry
But what a beautiful, lingering way to go
What an excellent way to die

I set out on certainty to
Find myself a blend
Life's a dash,
A one line race
So let your fingers touch the end

Toss your hair and bend the straight
Don't color in lines and out-run fate

Learn that a race is only won when there's two
And learn that though there's anyone, there will always be you

So sure.
Make sense of the theories you'll never define
But I won't trust anyone
Unless that anyone's mine.
 Nov 2011 KM
Haley Adshead
you're new,
i'm not sure what to think.

you make my mind go crazy,
i can't stop thinking
about you.

you tell me i'm beautiful,
when no one else does,
you think i'm wonderful,
even when i don't agree.

you intrigue me,
i want to know you,
your thoughts,
and all about your life.

share your secrets with me,
i swear
i wont tell a soul.

get to know me.
 Nov 2011 KM
Robyn Kekacs
 Nov 2011 KM
Robyn Kekacs
The other day you turned your head
And looked at me
Nostalgia clouds my memory
The recoveries I've conjured are
Pointless, as I find you

I remembered your meter
I remembered your lines
As cut and sculpted as I recollect
Your control is spectacular
Teach me what you know
 Nov 2011 KM
Robyn Kekacs
The emotion
Of what I've become
Is something of a pendulum
I drift in lows and soar when high
I move, unless disturbed

If you'd like to feel my pressure
Feel the weight of keeping time
You can hold me all you'd like but
Hold me by the chain. At times
It seems like a boundary
But I take precaution
When healthy heart beats tug my core
Because if you hold me
Feel me
Knead me in your hands, you'll find the sharp point
Of what I'm living for

It may seem teasing
Delaying or sly
But I'm messy, so restless
Just test me
Swaying is what I do the best.
 Nov 2011 KM
Haley Adshead
 Nov 2011 KM
Haley Adshead
i try to scream,
but nothing comes out.

i try to cry quietly,
as not to wake anyone,
but loud
sobs come out.

i try to mask my pain,
but sometimes that mask,
that guard,
it falls down,
weak from standing strong all the time.

people think i cant be harmed,
im a strong woman,
but im not...
i let them keep thinking that though.

i dont like people to know me,
my emotions,
they are for me,
and you,
but you left.

so now,
my emotions are not allowed to roam free,
they are caged and trapped,
not allowed to move,
unless everyone is asleep.

thats when i try and scream,
and rein them in,
but i make no noise,
and they come flooding out
in the form of sobs and anger.

they like the night...
 Nov 2011 KM
Robyn Kekacs
 Nov 2011 KM
Robyn Kekacs
Today is a day for wishful thinking
Or day long television marathons
A day of binging until your soul wears thin

Today is a day for bleaching
Licking envelopes so they will
Rip when pried
Just to hide what they hold

Today is a day for sacrifice
To sacrifice depriving yourself
Don't be so greedy about the amount you ignore

Today is a day to sit and cry
Even though you don't know why

Today is one of the days you can let yourself lull in the
Hangover of love
To feel the buzz of everyone else's call
But want no one else at all
This, is the day to waste away

Maybe yesterday was forbading
And tomorrow may be delayed
But I've put my foot down
I'm not ******* around
Because today?
Is a happy day.
 Nov 2011 KM
Robyn Kekacs
Eye to Eye
 Nov 2011 KM
Robyn Kekacs
Always gonna want your name
At the front of my shirt
Always gonna scream from the stands the way I did for you
And just fake the way I do, my lungs stay true

Never gonna
Stop missing the way your mouth wanted air
But when it had my lips?
For air, it no longer cared
Though my lips may be shared with the cold until they're blue
I'll just fake the way I do, my lips stay true

Always hated it
When you ran your fingers through my one curl
I worked so hard!
But you never ceased
And you loved it up
Tucked up in a bun and you melted over me like butter
Wish I could recreate the lines on my skin you drew
Still fakin' the way I do, my hair and skin? Are true

Forever I'm going to sit
Move my mind in stills to touch your translucency
Never seen eyes so fixed, they stuck to me
Baby you know me, I look everywhere
But only have eyes for you
So I'll fake the way I do, my eyes stay true

And the way my heart used to twirl
Like a heart-wrought lover with a head of curls
My life was a movie

When the feature ended you were an actor
Captured by the role of raptures
Tired of faking what was always there
Problems nesting themselves in my hair to my brain
To my eyes
My lungs
They all tell me I have no room, to be with you
But they can all just fake it, 'cause my heart stays true.
 Oct 2011 KM
Roberta Day
 Oct 2011 KM
Roberta Day
I want to sleep forever and reside in my dreams
           To frolic through a collage of different spectacles and scenes
                An escape from the insufferable, cruel world at large
I want to sleep forever

I want to sleep forever so I can live in my dreams
           The ruler of the lands, the queen of all kings
               With nothing to fear but the darkside of the conscience
I want to sleep forever

I want to sleep forever and fight my inner demons
        Provide peace of mind for all bothered and exhausted
              Float on utter bliss; those monsters, I'll never miss
I want to sleep forever

I want to sleep forever and never show sadness again
        Bright, long-lasting smiles on weekly sullen days
             Created and maintained in a variety of ways
I want to sleep forever

I want to sleep forever to erase everything
       I want to sleep forever and feel warmth again
           To bathe myself in content that won't ever end
Let me sleep forever
 Oct 2011 KM
Robyn Kekacs
Treat the lemon
Like it's rain
Find the rind's weak side and cringe
Blowing softly at the fringe it delights the mind for one,
Whole night

You smile in rows
In columns and dots
They line me up and slather me with offense
Knock one down and forget the rest

Look at me for two whole seconds
Just enough time to make me start
The hungry thunder of my heart
The warmth spreads like a second skin
And a nasty laughter folds within
How've I been, how've you been?

Knead the dough until it's dry
Knead until your knuckles crack
Fold over but it never shrinks
Just enough to make you think
Keep running 'til I die.
 Oct 2011 KM
Robyn Kekacs
I can only sweep the same
place so many times
Thrilling, debilitating way to live
Let's debate about which side should give

No, I won't turn my head
To anything other than hair so blonde and
Bones so long
Watch me as I adjust what's mine
I'll push myself while you keep time
So right
So clean

Our tongues frill and jump
As sarcastic formings flee our lungs
Stick it to me
I'm a sucker for a hopeless case
Don't make me chase what's not there.
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