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 Jul 2014 KM
Mike Hauser
I've been here a little over a year
And never would have guessed
That in the reading of some poems
I would end up so depressed

Have these people ever stepped out in the sun
To breath in the fresh air
I'm not trying to put them down
I am one who really cares

I've found in life it's all in the attitude
So if your one of those on the brink
Please back up a step or two
Before you take the final leap

And try to think of happy thoughts
Like skipping in the park?
Butterflies and puppy dogs?
Might bring you from the dark

How about cotton candy?
The Circus or the Zoo?
You might want to try something fast
Before you totally come unglued

Well, I'm felling much better now!
I hope that you are too and this diatribe has helped you
Cause if you stay on this demented path
I'm afraid the best of life you'll lose
I know poetry is an outlet (therapy) for many to get their feelings out. It's just some poems are so heartbreaking I truly feel the pain but know personally there is a happy side to life. Face it, life is hard for all of us, some harder than others but a lot of it does have to do with attitude. So let's get out there Buckaroonies and take on this day!!! Let's do this! Who's with me! Hey....where'd everybody go?
 Jul 2014 KM
Disaster Child
Secret messages I did hide
In numerous places, inside
Little notes and pads and books
Awaiting for her loving looks
To see them there in my own hand
Secret messages that I planned
 Jun 2014 KM
Mike Hauser
Grandpa, tell me about the good old days
I want to hear of your younger ways

When there was no T.V. and there were no cars
When at night you looked up and could count the stars

About how you skipped stones across the lake
With no video games to entertain

What's all this about fun being free?
All this old I hear sure is new to me

Did people really sit and talk?
And where they went did they actually walk?

How did you survive without a microwave?
I bet cooking then must have taken days

You say your parents let you just run about
Were they not afraid you would be kidnapped?

And you didn't come home till dinner time?
Grandpa to me that just doesn't seem right

Did Moms and Dads really stay together
like they promised, till death do us part?

Cause they don't do that that much anymore
and it can really mess up some hearts

Did you talk much with your neighbors
even though you lived miles apart?

Cause mine are living right next door
and I don't even know who they are

You say there weren't warning labels on everything
How in the world did you feel safe back then

And without a cell phone in your hand
How did you keep up with all your friends

Grandpa, did you not ever get bored
Chasing down the wind in the great outdoors

And you say you had everything that you could need
All this old I hear sure is new to me
 Jun 2014 KM
Mike Hauser
she spills a little bit

of herself each day
as she makes her way
along the path that she has laid

says she likes the idea of it

leaving behind some of herself
to be found by someone else
in case her winter ever melts
The trouble with Hello Poetry
Is that I fall in love daily
Held under so many captivating spells
moulded and crafted by all walks of life
I find myself longing for all of you
the broken, the fallen, the bruised
the saints, the sinners
the righteous, the dispossessed
the holy, the unholy
all meet here
to speak of life
as they feel it
as only we know it.
Onwards, upwards
Downward spirals
kindness, cruelty
crashing through boundaries
bounding across oceans
carried on wistful sighs and broken dreams
The trouble with Hello Poetry
Is that it breaks my heart
Then brings me back to love again
All within an hour.
 May 2014 KM
Muggle Ginger
Stormy weather is God's way of saying we could have done better
Or tried harder
The sound of breathing is just the rhythm
Undoing all the potential I used to have
I hide under my covers hoping that my fears
Are as afraid of the dark as I am
My smile is just the curve of the lies I tell myself
“Everything is going to be okay, one day.”
I might be sleeping two hours a day
And that’s a long time
To be with someone you don’t like and doesn’t like you back
Or maybe it’s because I’m scared of what my self-concise might tell me
In my dreams
The alarm clock that illuminates my room reminds me
I’m not on time for being myself.
I missed being who I wanted to be
A few years ago
And I haven’t caught up
It reminds me of how far I have to go and how little time I have left
Sometimes I have to let a tear fall, to remind myself
I’m alive
Every day I memorize my name
So it wouldn’t sound weird as I talk to myself in the mirror
I want my name to sound like something I can be proud of
We are our own heroes and until we realize our strength
We’ll bend at the knee to heed the directions of people
who know us less than we know ourselves
It seems impossible because when I cry I have to no idea why
When I laugh I don’t understand that
I’m the joke
Like a clown without makeup
Like the girl sitting in the back of class: self-conscious about her bad hair day
I love the mess because it’s how I really feel and at least
She’s brave enough to embrace it and face it.
I simply hide behind my shower curtain of indulgence and cowardice
Unfortunately, I’m not very fast and my problems are catching up
I’m throwing up my hands in shackles
Limiting my ability to wipe my tears
After 23 years I understand we’re all kids in adult clothing
Trying to fill our baggy pants with our own pride and big egos
We have neck ties of lies we tell others to fell a little bigger
Stripped down to loose shorts we con show the tattoos of humility
We weren’t ready to show
And unable to let go
Make it through the night and look outside
The sunrise is simply God’s interpretation of what our dreams may have looked like
He does it because we can’t remember the details
 May 2014 KM
Disaster Child
I used to have a button
Held in place by thread
But now the button's missing
I hope that he's not dead!

A thread is prone to wear,
A moment we dread and wait
But why would the thread let go,
Of such a ***** mate?

I hope to find my button;
For he was my friend too
And tie him down with a thread
Forever strong and true
Just having fun cause I lost a button.
 May 2014 KM
the next time you say
"no one loves me",
remember how its like to have a fever
don't reach the glass of water your throat is thirsting for
close your eyes for a little bit
and see your body for what it is
it is a warzone
and it is fighting to keep you alive
because it loves you
it doesn't know what you are
who you are
what you have done
but with every cut you etch across your skin
as if you are trying to erase your mistake
it heals you as if it is
trying to tell you
you are worth it
worth it
even if you don't think you are
even if everyone else doesn't think you are

so if you are looking for unconditional love,
reach for that glass of water - clench your thirst
pull that blanket over yourself
sleep knowing that your body loves you, even if you don't love you
everything will be okay
hold on a little bit.
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