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 Dec 2019 Kim McCarthy
Your friendship
has calmed the storm that ravaged inside.
Your love
has extinguished the fire in my head.
Your laughter
has evaporated the tears in my eyes.
All that remains is calmness
 Sep 2013 Kim McCarthy
As I listen to whispers trapped in my tears
I'm haunted by regret
A shadow that's followed me all of my years
Making sure I never forget

Time has recorded the mistakes I've made
And stores them in the past
Long and winding, the path that I've laid
I didn't expect it to last

Twisted and broken as days pass me by
Time will never relent
Uncertain, disheartened, as tomorrow draws nigh
I fear it's too late to repent

I see the world with a reprobate mind
Confused in all that I see
Today is so clear but my future is blind
Whatever will be, will be

Forever I'm tied to the path that I chose
Be it Heaven or be it hell
Will tomorrow bring judgement? nobody knows
It's still too early to tell
 Aug 2013 Kim McCarthy
Jen Rem
Let me say, Oh I am witty!
You doubted me, what a pity!
Making me feel ******, now
I walk alone in this big city.

My handsome man, Oh I was smitten!
My feelings so alive,
smitten like a kitten, now
I hide. Its my confidence nose dive!!

I have a bleeding heart.
I wish it would restart.
So sad, you want to sleep apart.
I don't think that is smart!!

I've never felt the comfort of your manly grip.
Like an external emotional port;
That's where I took my bleeding heart trip.

P.S....Don't ever give up on the one you love =)
The fire in her eyes tonight
calls forth the thought that they invite,
though I recall, not long ago
my absence seemed more apropos.

The smile that lingers on her lips
says more than many verbal slips -
the times it pierced me, sad and grim
lie in the past, though far from dim.

She flayed me once... nay, more than twice,
she flayed me both with flame and ice,
and once again, predictably,
she primes me for catastrophe.

The curious naively watch
her try to carve a deeper notch,
for even they don’t claim to know
the depths to which she’d really go.

Upon my face a smile appears
which hides my thoughts, obscures my sneers,
for now I too have learned the rules
from her - ah, yes, the best of schools.

Because I’m acting somewhat cool,
thus pouring on her fire, fuel,
she  burns and yearns and wants me more
than when I was her cuspidor.

Since, unbeknownst I’m not the same,
she plans again her guileful game.
But when her teardrops seep and swell,
will she be proud she taught me well?

The others leave, I stay behind
(they all know what she has in mind)
and take her in my arms once more
then slip her through her bedroom door.

She whispers secrets in my ear,
as I once did (she didn’t hear);
I listen with a mirthless smile
while thinking of a desert isle.

The night is passed, her trusting grows;
I leave before the morning glows.
Aroused, she’ll seek a waking thrill
but find instead a dollar bill.
 May 2013 Kim McCarthy
Tim Knight
Open internet bookmarked pages,
creased and cut newspaper pages
and what do you find laying there?
Lies! Written and typed white lies
that can change the minds of men
and the diet restrictions of nervous, plump women.

I know what is real, I think:
          1. Gradient blue skies that are swiped across the Cambridge ceiling at night. They are real.
          2. The feelings you feel for those you have felt feelings for. They’re real
          3. Falling hail and wet shoes, socks moist with Spring’s choice of weather. That was real.
          4. Falling shrapnel of the Boston Bombs that embedded themselves into the tired thighs of  marathon runners running upon high. That was real.
          5.  This poem may well be real, but I haven’t the guts to say in concrete-words that it matters in the grand scheme of things. This might not be real, I regularly think.
I turn from this once known certainty,
Free from the burden of love,
Hoping this world will have me -
May I become what was meant to be.
We are married to the Earth in an endless dance,
Floating through the abyss of life,
Imagining adventures with the stars -
Using the universe as our stage.
"Cratered with imperfections. We are the moon." - Lacus Crystalthorn
She inspired this poem with her words. :)
Rocking and ready to rumble
Moving forward trying to stay humble
Laugh hard hard enjoy life
Smile always don't have time to hate life
It might **** but not afraid to live it up
Back from the dead my soul feels alive
Doing all the things that made me happy
Gave it up but taking it back up
Haven't been the same keep getting better
My clear of bs not letting others fill it with doubt
I'm ******* myself I could do without others
Judging pointing there fingers
saying I'm doing wrong when they aren't right
Standing tall back in the fight not staying out
Push me be prepared to be pushed back
Now you're stopped lets see how you like being told how to act
No reaction but your going to overreact stand tall or stand back
 Apr 2013 Kim McCarthy
She said
I'm not a writer
Hardly a listener
Not one of the talented ones

I said
*You sound like poetry to me
I wish I could capture the contents of your mind
Between black ink and blue lines
 Apr 2013 Kim McCarthy
 Apr 2013 Kim McCarthy
The whole poetry thing is horse crap
I've read better words on receipt backs
Prescription Pill Bottles
Labels Billboards Words
Spilling out in a constant horde
Fire Please light it all on fire
I'll watch your words pour black smoke
A burning tire
Some people wake up
To automatic gunfire
Primate, your environment constantly spins
Living in holes smoking crack with your
Tuned out I step from a third story window
Leaving two daughters and a pill head widow
Tired of seeing my pack torn apart from within
Alcohol sleeping pills its fun to pretend
Just trying to be alive! But
My poetry comes out so cheap and contrived
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