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  May 2014 kiera
My pens keep running out
I think I am too
kiera May 2014
clever minded folk
gaze at the world
through a kaleidoscope

kiera May 2014
you know
you know
you know.
do you?
know you
wonk uoy
wkno ouy
wky oyu
why you?

kiera May 2014
writing poetry can be frightening
i'm vulnerable
wide open
my bare skin is hanging on the clothes line
letting another read my poems
is like letting my glass jar drop
and hit the floor
my reflection glinting
in every scattered shard

kiera May 2014
have you ever felt so upset?
but you don't know why?
have you ever felt a twisting in your gut?
quiet for a time
then someone tries to speak to you
and you burst into sudden flames
that make you realize
you were keeping in so much pain?
reasons unknown
ammunition just kept on loading
until there was no more room in the barrel
sometimes i worry
that i'm a ticking time bomb
but the tick is so soft
that sometimes it soothes me to sleep
i fear i have too much anger coiled
too many feelings strung between my bones
i worry for the safety of others
i think that is why i feel so alone.

i always have trouble with the titles
kiera May 2014

I have a lot to say
kiera May 2014
Dear beautiful one,
Please stop hurting me. Because I am you.

young girl
idk hah
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