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Nancy E Tracy
Texas    I have been writing poetry since the '70's. I like whimsical poetry. I have won a few awards when I was active in "World of …
Pennsylvania    "all my little life, i tried to get it right, but no one hears when the kids cry, and most of our wounds never heal …
Tide Islands
Lost at Sea    A clusterfuck of ramblings from a manic depressive stranger. Artwork: Me Everything here is my original work unless stated otherwise. © J.E. DuPont
United States    I was a back-up plan, a net, a lie, a secret, a disorder. Now I'm a hospital, a fighter, a rock, an angel, a human …
Hi It's Haliyah
"Truly appreciate life and you will find you have more of it." "War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
The back of your mind    c'est la vie
19/Cisgender/find me at a cemetery.    does growing up count as childhood trauma
Limbo    Tick. Tock.
Josh Koepp
Minnesota    Hello my fellow artsy folks. Im a Loyola college student who likes to dabble in music and poetry, so here on this page i decided …
Fish The Pig
I'm terrified of the world.
Anthony Terragna
East Hartford, CT    I'm Anthony. I earned my B.A. in Political Science from the University of Connecticut in 2012. I am the founder of I offer dating …
Christopher Hendrix
Blue Springs, Missouri    Thus bad begins, and worse remains behind. —William Shakespeare, “Hamlet” (III, iiii)

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