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We have a God who
Is true to His word
We a Savior who
Is Christ our redeemer
Who carries the burdens
Of everyone calling on His name
We have a true God, an awesome God
A God who cares and who loves us
We know our God
We  believe in the word
That He has spoken
Believing in everything
He has given and done
To help us
Throughout the nations
All through the universe
There is only one true God
The God of mercy, forgiveness
The God of power and He is
The God of all sinners
He is our holy and true God
True God, Jesus and His
Father God

      BY:  Leona Chaput
longing to be liquid
a restless wanderer
let loose the lines
unfurled the main
with severed heart
set solitary course
on an uncaring sea

the lonely sailor
preserved remains
from his lips
the final note
love's lost
Manfred Fritz Bajorat's mummified remains were recently discovered aboard his sailboat by fishermen off the coast of the Philippines.

Found on a internet sailor's forum were Manfred's final words, written to his deceased wife, Claudia:
"Thirty years we’re together on the same path. Then the power of the demons was stronger than the will to live. You’re gone. May your soul find its peace. Your Manfred."

Like the tiger shark he was nicknamed for, Manfred roamed the oceans alone for many years.  He hadn't been seen by anyone since 2009...
my world changed today
and nobody has noticed
i don't like change
don't deal well
with upheaval
with letting go

even when it is needed

but at least there are words
and time has a way
of erasing memories

a year from now
no one will even remember
i once filled a chair
during the night shift
being able to see that you fulfill a certain time and purpose doesn't make it any easier to accept when folks move on, i guess

— The End —