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412 · Mar 2016
Kenia Almonte Mar 2016
So many memories ...
Going through my mind
Getting me attached to them old times
Thinking in life , how did it change
How did we get to this cruel end .
360 · Mar 2016
Kenia Almonte Mar 2016
Tu Me cambiaste por una Aventura
y ahora esta mi vida llena de amarguras
Estar contigo fue una tortura
Tu me diste mentira y mientra yo Te di ternuras.
316 · Mar 2016
Going back to the past ...
Kenia Almonte Mar 2016
I remember the day we met, it was on  July
You look so handsome I remember I said
I remember when we first kiss , it felt so real  
You Are so shy I remember you said
Now here I am we all this memories , asking them to vanish, To go away
I don't longer want to remember , any of those days , they only make me suffer in all kind of way .
294 · Mar 2016
Kenia Almonte Mar 2016
When I look at you i see the light
When I look at you I see my life
When I look at you I see the lies
When I looked at you I realized it was not fate , they were just nights
274 · Mar 2016
Nothing left .
Kenia Almonte Mar 2016
My feeling changed  
My hope is gone
My soul is lonely  
My life is sad
Because all my life disappear with you  .

— The End —