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 Jul 2017 Kendra R
Tamsin Gray
 Jul 2017 Kendra R
Tamsin Gray
This is you, my love
You see the wildness in things
and you call it out.
 Feb 2015 Kendra R
Brent Kincaid

I am an atypical gay guy
I don’t match any mold.
I am not young any more
But not in any way old.
Too fem to be a he-man
Too butch to be a queen.
I am neither fish nor fowl
Always Mr. In-Between.

I do love my show tunes
And of course Miss Babs
And I do put a bit of product
In my hair, just a few dabs.
I don’t haunt the health clubs
Flexing on the big machines
Trying to bring to vapors
Our local workout queens.

I do like to cook a little bit
But, my house is usually a mess.
I don’t like angora sweaters
And would never wear a dress.
You couldn’t really peg me
By the way I usually walk.
I don’t lisp or squeal, so
It’s a manly way I talk.

I do cruise quite normally
When hot guys walk by me.
But, I try my best to do so
Undetected, and slyly.
My taste in men does not
Run to muscled guys.
When I see someone pass
I first look at his eyes.

It’s hard to get me into bed,
I am really rather choosy.
I don’t do promiscuity,
Not a backdoor loosey-goosey.
So don’t go giving birthday gifts
Of dildoes and leather goods.
You won’t find me in costumes
Like rubber and leather hoods.

I am an atypical gay guy
I don’t match any mold.
I am not young any more
But not in any way old.
Too fem to be a he-man
Too butch to be a queen.
I am neither fish nor fowl
Always Mr. In-Between.

Brent Kincaid
atypical gay male butch manly
She tastes her tongue
-stuttering, spluttering-
and recoils -bitterness
and bile- slobber down
the side of the chin,
spitting it out.

She tapes her tongue
to the front of her
teeth -so that it
does not touch her
uttering buds going

Slurping loudly
the syrupy silence
and its sounds
her thirst grows
to frenzy

blood offering
to the ancients
within her
Assembly of the doodles that are my notes from She tries her tongue, her silence softly breaks M.Nourbese Philip
 Jun 2013 Kendra R
Harry J Baxter
reflecting upon a cigarette
I discovered a small fact
the middle burns stronger
any ash comes from the edge
the same is true of people
we age,
but  we still burn incredibly bright
from our centers
don't let the fire
ever die
• reflect any light that shines upon you
• chase after only the brightest star
• always keep the best parts of you hidden
• play with the ocean
• don't respond to hoots or wolf-whistles
• disappear completely at least once a month
© 2013 Jene'e Patitucci
my darling
you have
the most beautiful eyes

how i’d love
to pluck them
from out your fairest skull

and swallow them whole
so you can see
my inner demons

and i can taste
your tears
inside of me
© Jene'e Patitucci
 Jun 2013 Kendra R
Harry J Baxter
Too broke to smoke
Too drunk to ****
Too high to lie
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