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 Nov 2014 Kendall Rose
the black lines
i draw across my wrist
have nothing to the red blood
that washes away with my tears

the black lines
i draw across my wrist
keep me sane
because i can
rinse away the sorrow

the black lines
i draw across my wrist
can't take away
the pain of tomorrow
but can take away
the pain of today

the black lines
I draw across my wrist
can't compare to
the sharpness of
the smooth silver blade
i tore out of a
pencil sharpener

The black lines
i draw across my wrist
won't last for long
not leaving a scar
nor a sign that shows
i am not strong enough
 Nov 2014 Kendall Rose
In the 21st century,
we only care about beauty
and outer appearance,
we sometimes forget
what our lives really mean.

Tiny waists, *******
that aren’t too big, but
are big enough,
a space between
your thighs, and
a smile to ****-
this is what defines you,
If you’re not attractive,
you’re not worth it.

In the 21st century,
it doesn’t matter how you feel,
your self worth will be
flushed down the drain.

In the 21st century,
if you’re not perfect,
just walk away and

— The End —