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I love him
I have loved him since the first time I saw him
And somehow knew him despite myself

His awkward silence and surprising satirical comments
His loping long legged gait
And the sadness so rooted in his bones
That I think I would like to just hold him


To sap it all away
Leaving only his gangly thin ***** limbs
That I could find a home in
His dark eyes too

With the intelligence within so evident
That sit under even darker eyebrows
To compliment his raven locks
Which I want to run a hand through

As he sighs into me
Comfort flowing through my finger tips
And through his skull
To seek out the sorrow that lurks

I want to pull him out of the life he is making too short
And into a word so full of color
Of sound
And of beauty

That he could never imagine life as it was before
Being called life again

I want to wash away his haunted gaze
That leaves my skin feeling so oppressive
I can’t even imagine being stuck in his mind

Tormented, by past and present
In a warring cocktail of bad memories
And self-imposed solitude

He is the lonely dark shadow to my side
That I long so desperately to pull into the light
Knowing too well I don’t have the brightness within to fill him

I am darker that he
I will be gone all too soon
In a flush of crimson

Not even getting to ask him
Please don’t blame yourself

And forgive me
 Sep 2013 Kelly O'Connor
Why am I so attracted to you
I've never thought the the cheerleaders or popular girls were attractive
I think a person with depth and flaws is beautiful
People with substance attract me
People who are passionate about life and not so caught up in this egotistical world that we all find ourselves drowning in attract me
To me, finding an emotional connection is far more valuable than a simple physical attraction
Intrigue me with your thoughts and you can have my body
There is such a discrete difference between attraction and connection
Don't be so easily fooled by what catches your eye because beyond a pretty face may lie an ugly soul
But if you want to talk attraction then explain to me how a bland mind is so attractive
Tell me about the conversations that you carry with this person
Are the meaningful? Do they mean anything at all?
I want someone who will tell me about their scars and where they come from
I want that emotional connection that is so rare to find these days
 Sep 2013 Kelly O'Connor
A piano I was born to be. But not just black and white because my fingernails are blue except for three of them. I feel safer in fresh white sheets and 8 foot deep water than I do by your side. You are a dangerous convict who has never committed a felony but you are also the vulnerable grandmother who has a mean right hook.

One time I sat and watched a tree fall and **** the ground almost, shot it right in the center and left a crater for critters to crawl. Adult hood should be a lot more scarier than my childhood. But it isn't. Fear of the Inevitable is irrational because God is inevitable and so is Buddha and Jesus and any other deities. Speaking of diets, my mother went on one and lost a lot of money (weight, too) because I could have told her for free but parents are a weird thing because they always say they're looking out for you but instead all they do is look down (or up depending on how tall you are). I'm 5'3" but I like to think I'm 5'2" but I act like I'm 6'4" but I feel like I'm 4'3".

And every day is a struggle when you aren't the same height as you feel.

The gas in my car goes quick and so does my temper and my friends. When waterfalls crash another boat is built to break. Whoever created the car also created the car crash and that deserves a round of applause because it is beautiful and destructive and just the way i like it. I'm a ******* so when people tell me to cheer up I take it to offense, but a fence gouged my stomach once and I told all my friends it was my appendix which is an appendage you don't need like your heart when it turns cold because no one can thaw ice without melting it to a puddle.
this was written at 3 am so im terribly sorry if it makes sense to no one else but me
 Sep 2013 Kelly O'Connor
Bees buzz lazily
Sweet flowers dance in the meadow
Sunshine dances on the grass
Bluebirds call to each other
I'm sitting under a weeping willow tree
Sipping lemonade
Drinking in the beauty around me
Royal white clouds float in the deep blue sky
Honeysuckles perfume the air
Smell the scent of Summer
And listen to the creek
Its always Summer

 Sep 2013 Kelly O'Connor
I feel genuinely not okay
On a daily basis.
It is a sincere struggle to pry myself out of bed,
Or take a shower,
Or go outside.
So I am baffled at the thought
Of having to do work
And look presentable all the time.
I can barely breath right now.
 Sep 2013 Kelly O'Connor
you've faded away like the ashes
and whirled about in the air
like the
 Sep 2013 Kelly O'Connor
She enchants all the butterflies to be around her beauty,
She is a maiden beautiful and lovely,
I just love her stained-glass wings;
And her heart that forever sings.
All the butterflies come dancing into her cave,
Because she is always sweet and brave,
With gentle hands she strokes their wings;
Calming them by the songs she sings.
And even though they take wings and fly away from her cave,
They come back to visit her because she is pretty and brave,
With a gentle voice she bids them goodbye;
And watches them fly away into the sky.
After a few days them come back to her cave dancing as they come,
After awhile they fly away and are gone,
This maiden is the sweetest maiden ever;
And I shall admire her and love her forever!

Another poem dedicated to my Mom, of course!! :)
I hope she enjoys it!! :) ~<3
 Sep 2013 Kelly O'Connor
I can't find my mascara or the ir-
on to ease the creases from my jumper.
The girl with golden hair waits; I wonder
as she crowns my head with flowers, tucks them
high behind my ears. My skin blushes
in thanks to the sun as we defrost
our bellies with black tea and french toast.
I see a man, his feet bare and his ru-
ined jeans rolled up to the knee. I find the
sand between his toes and the salt on his
lips; he sees more than I would usually
allow. I cross my fingers tight, hopeful
he missed it, but I feel his grasp behind
my eyes, catching sight of the bruises.
My uncle slit a man's throat with a box cutter in my childhood home and didn't apologize.
Sitting in a circle filled with crack smoke and stale beer breath.
This is a shining example of what I've lived with
and the lengths I've had to go to escape the thing people call "destiny".

Thievery, lies, pressure, and violence
has been calling my name for the longest.
But I know the voice too well to be taunted.  

Words are my freedom and words are my piece of mind.
There is not a single substitute.
Whether poem, prose, or paragraph,
This is the only calling I've ever had.

I've lived with a hoarder, addicts, senility, and ignorance
in a variety of different combinations and forms.
At times, power, water, freedom, money, necessities, have all been an unachievable thing to me.
Lost to the vile goals of those folk I love.
I am the only one who sees the beauty in the fragile and odd.
The others see only a mess on a paper, and move their eyes to the nearest glowing box.

My father drowned when I was six.
My grandfather followed soon after.
My mother felt the stab of this and caved so many times.
I witnessed and shared the burden of her pain and grief.
My grandmother forgot everything she ever loved or knew, and short after passed as well.
Pets and possessions,
friends and followers.
All gone with a drastic breeze.
I am the one with the vision, but I am trapped in a shell of a city,
covered with that wretched stink of refined soy.

Will I be able to unburden the world from myself?
You all give me such great courage and allow me to share the beauty as I see it.
You all have such great skill with symbols and it makes me feel like home isn't far.
I want this. I want this.

If I keep breathing like the rest of the world
I feel I may miss the sound of the world's heartbeat.
But my death would not bring a solution for the ones I love.
Only a warrant for more death.
I need this. I need this.

With my words, I conjure up hell.
And hell brings with it the familiar.
Run little kitties, run.
The Doubling House and The Sequential Church will not hold forever.
My havens are temporary, but the craters are forever.
I will struggle till the pain becomes all I am
and I buckle under the weight of what I shouldn't have taken
from the mighty Atlas.

I do this for me.
I do this for you.
I plan on this being much longer once I find the time and courage to add to it.
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