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 Nov 2016 kfaye
Sara Went Sailing
I lie there without any excuses
Let’s face it, we’re out of practice/
so when it’s over the reality is
that *** has become
as sanitary
as soap and toothpaste/
pillow talk is for *****'s
and we can go back now
to respecting each other's
personal space just as
stale as the air hanging out
up there around
the stationary blades of
the ceiling fan

Written by Sara Fielder © Nov 2016
 Nov 2016 kfaye
Allow me to
c o l l  e  c   t.
along tunneled ceilings^ and
unused bones.
They tell me that fire
is hot**
and lakes freeze [over in winter
but I can feel
china doll shar"ds underlying
skins. (Some mornings, when I wake up too early, they've protruded a bit so that they catch against my bedsheets and ensnare us. I grab a hammer from under the bed, pound out silt-size rubies and tangles of flesh)

(Oh, mother, mother, take me in, take me in)
 Oct 2016 kfaye
look at me with
       unseeing eyes, fevered cheeks,
so I reach
down into my throat and pull out my stomach.
Here. Here! Touch! Taste!
This is me! Thus I am!

I clench it in my fists. I squeeze, nails subducting into pinkish jellies.
I lunge wildly for their mouths, I smear.
~Alas, they also lack tongues.
 Oct 2016 kfaye
Sara Went Sailing
The night you walked out I went looking for you,
still barefoot in pink flannel pajamas
carrying a Coleman flashlight,
hoping that I could find the right words
to calm you down and bring you back home

The sidewalks were lit by giant retro aluminum
street lamps attracting tiny moths in fluttering confusion
The neighborhood houses dark, casual and asleep
with their doors unlocked in trust, unlike ours which
were used to slam so hard they shook the roof

You'd left before, this time though in the
surreal silence of our block I doubted my
tear streaked face would have any affect on you
I knew it was all my fault and that I was the
only one to blame for your unhappiness

I found you crouched down behind some shrubbery,
hiding like the wounded animal you had made
me believe you were all those early years,
but to this day the seven year old little girl in me
has not ever recovered from hearing
her mother say, "I don’t love you anymore”.

Written by Sara Fielder © Mar 2016
 Oct 2016 kfaye
Fridays are for drowning.
Tipsy, tipsy, let me ~shell out my kidneys.
-Says he works at the smoothie bar, looks at me, has a heroic jawline, I


Waves lash ankles, steer comatose foams - my waist is grabbed at as i slog into waters.

Smiles, nods, propels with wide eyes.

I ate with a fork.
 Oct 2016 kfaye
Numbed spines, turn-table minds of froth and iron, we shook-
Holding the flashlight while he wrenched at engine and rubber in the rain. Ward of the physical touch. When it wasn't too wet, we'd paint the windshield to match infinity then get in and drive. Drive, just go! As we

Or lie in feilds. How many they are, numerous as stars, grassbeds sprinkled with violets and clover. -So similar. So same. The roads (we'd race, tires screeching, screaming, outrunning, false) and clouds that look like bedroom windows.

Anything's better than home when you don't know you're sick.
 Oct 2016 kfaye
everyone is dying
has died
will die
the greatest predictor of the death sentence is ethnicity
we're been increasing the income gap so our children leave home without shoes or umbrellas or lunches or coats
i hate this world so much i
choke on my worthless privilege
reading research pieces playing
playstation to escape my own existence
i am breaking apart like waves of
radio static on unconscious shores
waiting for the end to sweep the earth into
sand glass broken teeth
the sun's plasma core
**** your cult of everything will be alright
my gender studies tutor was ***** because you stood by
and said the world isn't a fair place
and to get over it
i ******* hate you all
down down down dig devour falling failing sheets shaking shivering breaking broken fractured pieces pieces piece no nothing grasping always nowhere black and shivering aching floor crumpled wasting watching silent sealed lips teeth tongue eyes scared always away disappear dissipate folded placed tucked gone hidden seven one two three four shut closed door enter exit passageways transitions alleys streets hallways movement falter stutter wait hesitate lose time place purpose self everything twists turns left alone apart further further further precipice light pinpoint placement displaced dissolve fingers eyelids cheeks arms stretching heaven sky clouds rain water drowning choking falling always blanket cover cower kneel knee cold winter streetlights orange white snow shoulders leaning loving losing receding distance sunset dusk twilight penumbra cast caught flattened bounded trapped traveller travelling stranger faceless unknown unknowing unknowable knowledge suffering shrinking burning blackened paper ashes red black grey split scattered severed severing never never never never never
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