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 Nov 2013 Keith J Collard
K Mae
you have gone
but not from me
you walk in beauty
matching stride
in song forever
over the rainbow
stormy weather
not forgotten
Do not Hunny Bunny Me
Do not "Oh My Pretty" me
By any means find a genuine thought
a compliment that is not
words spat out to satisfy me
Where is the meaning
wheres the heart?
Do not hunny bunny me!
ranting- I dislike auto responses from bots posing as humans-husbands
 Nov 2013 Keith J Collard
K Mae
safe isolation
                   pride covers fear

        numb doesn't feel
                            *reflections clear
Starve* your ego, wake your pride
Marry death's eternal bride
Wear the ring upon your head

Tighter still it turns you red
Fury fury build your bond
Mold the eyes you rest upon

Take a day or two or three
More than this will set you free
If the blood inside your hands

Bares itself in lonely strands
You have buried nothing then
That is what it means to end

Over, under, up from there
Feet have traveled everywhere
Worn and famished state of mind

Looking for a vital sign
Wrap around the map you made
Circle back, forever fade
 Nov 2013 Keith J Collard
K Mae
you better be in the woods
with no phone
you better be doin okay
in your space
you better be livin your life
without me
I don't have to know
you don't have to tell
though I'd gladly be sharing
your heaven and hell
 Nov 2013 Keith J Collard
K Mae
this vision no vision
not gray that no matter how dense
can be softened with white
but this unclean mud
marbled with rust ore veins
that will not come clear

pulls me from sleep
finding no reason
  weary of wisdom

**rise then  
leave that realm
seek to embody another
Buzzard, eagle, falcon, hawk,
Tiger, cheetah, lion, leopard,
panther, cougar, wild cat
intense all these predators are,
in carnal love and the war for dominance.
Each has characteristic hunting ways,
in day time prowling,  plain beasts, they remain,
at sunset , each springs up,  party time starts.
Birds of prey in silence watch from above
and find the right target, at a time that suits.
No endearments, in love or in games,
only body speaks of desires or warnings
Swift expression of demand, quick strike,
overpower and make the other surrender.
Throaty growls hurting silence of the forest
double as their sparse love language.
Hunters can never be lovers, their actions speak,
they demand, commandeer, force to surrender.
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