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Dec 2015 · 364
Had it!
Kazian Dec 2015
It's either a whisper or an outburst
Either way it's done on purpose to make the target uncomfortable.

The target is better off not to hear any of those bullying comments,
although they hurt either way.
SHHHHH make sure she just gets our bullying point...
We're too smart to incriminate ourselves.
Those bricks pile higher and higher to build the target a big, strong invisible prison.


While the bullies dreaming the target can't sleep.

They collect the weak and meek or those who won't fight.
If you can't beat em' do you join 'em?
You know if you try to fight 'em you're bound to be next right?

It's wrong So wrong
So hurtful & damaging
ANXIETY, STRESS, PANIC & PUKE why not add some more to boot?
STROKES & SEIZURES, ULCERS & *****...why are the good ones the ones who lose?

Is this how giving, caring & loving humans are treated?
Oh nooooo, not here....we preach respect  then abuse it!

The bully is there no matter what, if you don't join them they lose their power! KNOW IT! LIVE IT! Don't take the cheap, easy & morally wrong road!

Don't let anyone change who you are inside
Because from yourself you cannot hide!
May 2015 · 632
Kazian May 2015
So furry and snuggly but not too much...simply a touch
Are we gonna run run? Where are we going mum?
Can I follow you upstairs so I can get under your feet while you try to get ready? I'm so excited to get to the trees, the dirt, the slime of the bog of eternal stench. Please don't shower me off if I get too stinky by maybe rolling in a dead animal left in our sanctuary. I just want to run and chase the deer. I'll come back to you no matter what Mum cause I love you, you know exactly where and how hard to scratch my *** mum! You feed me too and give me that tasty orange stuff. I know when you're gonna give it to me cause I have memorized the sound of the package when you take it out of the fridge. Ok Ok I'm just so excited I can't concentrate on one thing. You tell me to go get my collar...I think I know what you mean. I'll go look for it. I found it, let's goooooooo mum. Spin spin spin around we're close to the door now so it's going to be soon.  I know you want me to calm down mum but I just don't think I can! Oh wow , we're going out the door....
Trying to read my Akita's minds...ya not gonna ever happen. LOL I'm no poet nor writer...but this sure is becoming a fantastic outlet. Thanks for reading and liking it's so encouraging and beyond uplifting for me. Especially at this nasty time in my life!
May 2015 · 403
Rearview mirror
Kazian May 2015
When should I go?
I really don't know.
Fight with myself
Always by myself
Someone's interested
I'm super tempted
A blast from the past
Maybe it's too fast
Wanna get in my truck
And say what the ****!
Do something for me
Just even hug a tree
Why wait one more minute
There's no more commitment
Get going
Get going
Enough is enough
I know I am tough
So pick up your feet
Go hit the street
Go blast from the past
Don't care if it last
Need to see in my rearview
The nasty life go!
May 2015 · 369
Front and back
Kazian May 2015
Fighting with yourself is not getting you ahead but behind
So while you're there, give yourself a push.
May 2015 · 289
Kazian May 2015
The phone doesn't ring and neither the bell
You told them all to go to hell
You broke you're back and then discovered
That you're the one that only hovered
Slap across the face
But who can I replace?
None of you, because you were chosen
Long before my time was woven
In my life for a reason
Chosen by a higher beacon
How do I reignite the flames?
I'm done playing these games!
I need some help on the other end...
I don't want to pretend
Please respond if I do
I'm tired of feeling like poo!
ok well I know that ***** but ahhh whatever eh?
May 2015 · 323
Only now little fish.
Kazian May 2015
Only now can I save myself, before the time runs out
once it does, there's only one who can reset it.
She is far too busy for this little fish, she has too many in the ocean.
Swim little fish swim! You are the only one who can save yourself.
You were born with the fins but get too comfortable sometimes and forget how to use them.
Your sister swam buy and paused for hours.
She reminded you how to use them, but she can't linger forever!
For she too has her own life as well as three others to swim for.
So get movin' little fish for you're alive now and not forever!
First time for everything! First poem I ever wrote so hope it isn't too out there.

— The End —