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 Jul 2017 kaycog
Slur pee
My stomach is a graveyard
Of exoskeletons
Bubbling, inside the acid of your hatred
Killing all the moths that dip and dive
Guised as butterflies.
Chaotically crawling, I squirm and I writhe;
Like a parasite trying to root myself deep inside your mind.
Let me hide in the wrinkles where your secrets lie,
And I'll lay my own for you to pry,
So you can see and feel the way
You exorcise the demons I try to **** everyday.
In this dank, ***** cage that tastes like asbestos
And weighs like mold; where rodents have made a home
You've scraped each layer of filth and carved a throne, for you to sit.

You make me feel less cold,
A little less sordid;
Like I'm useful and important
As if I have some kind of worth.

Please erase from me your damning antipathy.

I just want to hear your heart sing,
To feel my pulse when you're happy;
Even if I end up left alone
In insect wings and rat droppings.

My hands are on the floor.
My hands are in the blood.
My hands are covered in every choice I’ve ever made.

My eyes are closed.
My eyes can’t see.
The room is so dark, I can’t see the shape; I close my eyes.

Nothing but my silence.
I am coping with the decisions-
The blood on the floor.

My chest is bleeding.
Not my chest- my heart.
Is this my blood or yours?

My hands are on the floor.
There’s nothing on the floor.
I couldn’t find the floor.

I can’t open my eyes.
Because if the world isn’t the same,
As the way I once saw it,
I will lose my mind in all the blood.
 Jun 2017 kaycog
Zachary William
Sometimes you
just let the
bad ****
in the relationship
beat you over
the head over and over
again in the hopes
that you can convince yourself
that the dizziness
and the haze
are actually butterflies
like the ones you
got when you kissed
by your car and
you drove
home listening to
Van Halen's first
album feeling
like you had earned
the right to sing
along to
Runnin' With The Devil
and it meant something.
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