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 Dec 2013 Katherine Del Rosario
Loving you drove me to the edge
And now I seem to have relapsed
Devotion put me to the test
It caused a major collapse

You broke me again
Just like I knew you would
All of this pain because
You were hard not to love
© Natali Veronica 2013.

I hate myself so much right now.
Caught in a crossfire
confused with desire
electric feelings
dangerous feelings
out of focus, a rush
longing for touch
two paths, which to choose
left or right
stuck in a plight
so very confused about what is right
Hope is foolish and love makes you blind, you seem to be out of time.
When stars twinkle, are they crying?
Crying because they are so far away from the skies they kiss as darkness descends?
Or is it, maybe, that the stars are whispering to one another, twinkling "I love you"?
Do they twinkle as tears because they are not near?
Near to their companion, who twinkles miles from afar?
Nervous. Boot heels click clack up steps. Walk around back.
Step in.  People in pockets everywhere. Swerve straight to cooler.
Take a beer. Cracks open with crisp click. Drink drink drink. Ellipse of friends block out world.

Finish beer. Talking a little louder now. Confidence enough to walk to cooler
alone and grab more beers. See Steph and stop to chat. Move on. Keep on drinking the whole way back.

Two and a half beers and I’m starting to feel it. The excitement, the loosening of social limits. The loosening of myself. Boy whose name starts with a “C” but I just can’t remember starts talking to us. He’s kind of cute.

My fourth beer drains down my throat and I’m laughing at a joke. I’m friendly, people are friendly. The world is all kindness.

My sixth(and three fourths) beer in my hand, my head starts to droop and my hips are swaying of their own accord. It’s like the sky has puppet strings, twisting me side to side. The beat controls me, the world whispers my movements. Who whispers to the earth is beyond me.

…am I on my seventh or my eighth beer? People walk off to dark corners, hands on hips and ******* and chests. Still I dance somewhere in the vast dim basement. Still I twirl, rhythm gone but gravity still clinging to the movements.

But where am I? What am I doing here on this dance floor, on this city-planet floating or falling or patiently waiting on the ice-slicked footsteps of space? The world is spinning as it pirouettes around the sun, the sun circling a superstar, that star swirling around the center of the galaxy, spinning like a top in the rest of the full dark silk of space, stars clapping and nebula soaring and supernovas shattering, guests all to the raves of light years. I dance on earth’s doormat drunk and spinning, feeling a giant in my world and a broken bottle in the worlds of others. Oh god, in the words of that song that’s beating in the bones of the earth and the air in my lungs, can we get much higher?
I may hate you more tomorrow , but i'll never love you less
for you're the one person i can always count on , you're simply the best
and everyone who knows us predicted we won't last a sec
it's like we're the opposite end
of a spectrum, yet a single entity
violating the norms of this hypocritical society
simple,yet so intriguing *

And girl , we go on so well together
like bread and butter
like milkshake and cookies
and God only knows,
the inspiration behind how many songs!
the ones i've lost
and also the ones i carry in my heart

And without *Nancy
(my bestie) , where would Aditi(me) be?
without you ...well that just can't be

you're always sure of somethings,
like the sun will always rise, that's the way you make me feel
you're probably the only thing ..that drags me to the boring premises of dav{my school} (also the fact that 75%attendance is required but you get the idea)

and looking at you , and looking at me ..
and looking at the ****
and crazy stuffs we do and we did
i wonder how effortless it is
how the kind of girl i'm ..everything looks scary to me
but you just make it better somehow ,without even doing a thing
and sometimes, i get this blurry pic of you and I
we're close to being 75**
silver hair , wrinkled cheeks
sitting on a park bench,eating(that's her aka my bestie's favorite thing..eating)
talking about the same old senseless thing
and looking at each other with contempt
and say
"hey ,we made it to the end♥ "
there was a little duck he just love to dance
he would dance all day if he got the chance
the duck he saw a notice pinned on to a tree
about a dancing  competition the entry it was free
the little duck he entered and he would do his  best
to win the competition would put him to the test
he began to dance  like he never had before
using all his moves across the dance room floor
the judges they decided the  little duck was best
he had won first  prize and better than rest
Take me away
Far away so I can
Away the pain
The hatred
This feeling I can't seem to shake

Take me away
Far away so I can be
Just for a day

Take me to our special place
Where you will always find me
Take me to the lake

The lake
My escape
From these
tearing me down

Take me away
So far away
Take me to our lake
So I can
Having a rough time lately...
When the darkness
Turns to light,
My sweet,
I'll love you.
When the moon
Gives way to the sun,
I'll love you
When the sun
Hides behind clouds
Of raging thunder
And lightning,
Don't worry, my sweet,
I'll love you
Even more.
When the sky once again
Welcomes the sun,
I'll love you

*And when a thousand suns
Have passed, and I have
But only darkness left,
I'll love you
Even by then.
This is for my beloved.
Dearest, you know I love you. I know you love me too.
That's all that's important.
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