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She's cheerful by her spirit.
She's beautiful by her nature.
She's youthful by her heart.

She's stylish by her spirit.
She's childish by her nature.
She's kiddish by her heart..

She's friendly by her spirit.
She's leisurely by her nature.
She's mine only by her heart...
My HP Poem #345
©Atul Kaushal
Ladies & Gentlemen, behold!
Listen to the story I have to share.
A fantasy from future.

Someday in Future
Setting: The underground metro train

Characters: She & me

Me: Now our stop is at the end, darling.

She: I'd just relax until we reach then, dear.

Me: How're you going to do that, standing?

She: I've my personal pillar to hold on to for relaxing, you know - I don't fear...

Me: ...and that is me?

She: Yes & no!

I look clueless and she lets out a laughter barely audible to others in the metro train.

She: You yourself are not the pillar but you've the pillar!

I blush big time and turn tomato-red, her delicately-soft hands come pull my cheeks and by now I am able to duly respond as the man.

Me: Oh I see! So madam is in a good mood to flirt. Good-good, even I was starting to get bored hearing only to the harsh sound of the metro train on the track, let us recollect the previous night.

She: Sure, you bear the onus of starting the account and I'll recount the ending as we reach home.

Me: Alright then, here we go.

Low voices
Me: Darling I started it all,
I came from the showers,
I carried a seductive grin,
As I moved forwards,
You started to fall,
Not caring where you fell towards.
And you fell in my arms,
I held you softly as my baby,
As you're precious to me like one.
I then lifted you in my arms,
You had a soft glowing smile on your lips.
Then I laid you on the bed,
You appeared like Aphrodite.
The white gown was off in a jiffy,
You looked at my towel's knot,
And you undid it the next.

She: As the pillar was unveiled,
I hoisted myself on it,
And we came together.

Me: Now the station seems closer, let us conclude our recounting Friday night. *(Looking at my watch)

She: Yes, we have a night every other night. (Winks)

Me: I love you, honey! (I smile)

She: Not more than me! (Her smile is more brilliant)

By now the train approaches our stop and we are smiling as we dismount the train.

On our minds for a sleepless Saturday night we are hatching a beautiful plan.
An advice: Being connected in every plumb aspect of a relationship is crucial for any relation.
Observations show that how most marital relations are getting converted into hostile cold-waves martial relationships due to reservations about some intimate aspects of the relationship.
Get more out of your lives.
Get more intimate! ;-)

Disclaimer: The author was an unmarried ****** man aged 22-years. Reader discretion is advised before adhering to this piece of sound advice.
My HP Poem #346
©Atul Kaushal
presume it was.    walking

the lane,         looked back,

boys in black,            turn,

suddenly run     shooting.

shouting.                  turn,

do it all again,

again.                  i   turn,

all i see is heat haze.

we have four horses now.

 Jul 2013 Katherine Del Rosario
My brain is losing touch with reality
I wish you were here with me
So lonely on my own
Be my everything
And let's make a home
For us to live in
A future for us
To look forward to
Me and you
© Natali Veronica 2013.
Beauty was never
enough because
some people have
deeper problems
(c) Brooke Otto
She stepped onto the driveway of her old house
She remembered the summer night
They had laid there for hours
And counted 8 shooting stars

She stepped into the foyer of her old house
She remembered the day he took her to prom
And stood in an old tux in that exact spot.

She stepped into the dining room of her old house
She remembered the first time he had dinner with her family
And they had chicken and steamed broccoli

She stepped into the kitchen of her old house
She remembered the day they baked cookies for her sisters birthday
And he threw flour on her smiling face

She stepped into the morning room of her old house
She remembered the time they listened to music all day
And it was rainy, and they cuddled

She stepped into the family room of her old house
She remembered the time he played board games with her
And he let her win every time

She stepped into the laundry room of her old house
She remembered how she would stand there by herself
And wash her favorite blouse, just for him

She stepped onto the staircase of her old house
She remembered leading him up
And holding her breath

She stepped onto the landing of her old house
She remembered how he would hold her while they watched movies
And he would kiss her whenever she looked at him

She stepped into the bathroom of her old house
She remembered how she would stand there for hours
And make herself perfect for him

And finally she stepped into her old bedroom.
Too many memories filled her mind
And she laid where her bed used to be.
And she cried in that spot.
Like she had done millions of times before.

She stepped onto the porch of her new house
No perfect memories filled her mind
And she felt dead knowing he wasn't coming back to make new ones
an impression,
       on your soul
Left by something horrible
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