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I'll never forget the look on your face.
I'll never forget that phone call at 7pm.
You nudged my arm and by the look in your eyes I could tell something was wrong.
"Uncle Markie is dead."
Four words that should never be in the same sentence.
The first thing you say to me is, "how do we tell her?"
My eyes filled with tears and they wouldn't stop falling.
This was the first time that my father;
The man who has always has the answer,
The one with the key to fix everything,
Didn't know what to do.
I didn't know what to do.
How can you tell your mother that her brother, her best friend is dead?
I'll never forget how she tried to run away.
She kicked and screamed and cried.
There was nothing I could do to fix it.
She kept saying, "it's not true, it's not true, how did it happen?"
My dad and I looked at each other
How do you tell someone that their brother took his own life,
Because he couldn't bare living life any longer?
I had to be the one to tell you,
I wish I could take it back.
Because seeing your mother break before your very eyes does something to you.
My uncle took a piece of me with him.
I'm still hoping for the day when I can be whole again.
But I don't think that will ever happen.
I don't know where
        I'm going
    or quite exactly
            where I want to be.

             I just know that
my feet keep moving,
                  my heart keeps beating,
      and there's nothing
            in my way.
We wear X's on our hands
Right below our middle fingers
That tap in sync with the music
Like a pen that bruises paper.
At age 5: always being wrong -that's not love
At age 7: being hit for mistakes -that's not love
At age 9: daddy leaving every night -that's not love
At age 11: daddy not coming home -that's not love
At age 13- mommy leaving emotionally -that's not love
At age 15- being left for weeks alone -thats not love
At age 17- mommy leaving physically -that's not love
At age 19: being pressured into "love" -that's not love
At age 21: you drinking away your life -that's not love
At age 23: putting up with your **** -thats not love
At age 25: I might not know what love is, but I know what it isn't
 Jan 2014 Katherine Brenna
The sharpest jagged nails
Sitting inside my mind
Like a jail cell with no clean air
I sit in the corner of my mind
***** and held by shackles
Dragging my jagged nails
Down the insides of my mind
And I feel it
I feel the nails on the inside of my skull
Clawing, digging, fighting
And now I know
The blinding screams
They were me all along
My very own prisoner
My little tortured soul
 Jan 2014 Katherine Brenna
I want to go to coffee shops with you
See the world from your point of view
Watch the ocean waves break and crash
Run through the rain as the thunder cracks
I want to sing with you in the morning light
Hear you whisper between us in the night
Stand atop a mountain and take in the view
I want to go to coffee shops with you
You’ve got me feeling things I said I never would
You’ve got me over analyzing every conversation and interaction we’ve had
You’ve got me going crazy missing you
You’ve got me hating her, and myself, and anything that reminds me of you
You’ve got me stuck between avoiding you, or hanging out at places you might be, hoping to see you
You've got me wishing on anything and everything just for a second chance
You’ve got me up all night thinking and moving; not talking to you like I should be
You’ve got her now and unwillingly, you’ve got me
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