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 Feb 2011 Kate Dempsey
Don't tell.
2011 Sam Dickinson
For all those who feel the pain
Of a tireless job, again and again

I salute you

For all single mothers all alone
Working and aching to the bone

I salute you

For all the soldiers away from family
Risking their life against a common enemy

I salute you

For all the nurses doing the hours godsend
Doing the night shift that never seems to end

I salute you

For the people reading this and relate
Knowing life can sometimes be a desperate state

I salute you

For all of you who find life can be a test
When you are out there and doing your best

I salute you
copyright Chris Smith 2011
There she layed alone in the snow
many people were searching.
Her name and image everywhere
silent frozen on the verge.
Somebody had ended her lifeforce
murdered with no remorse.

Evil person loitering in the shadows
waiting to pounce on others.
Destroying a precious living spark
for thier dispicable reasons.
Thrown aside like unwanted trash
a future wiped out in a flash.

Loved ones left with unspeakable rage
a Christmas day tragedy.
That will haunt them each festive season
always on hold without them.
Not opening thier presents but in a grave
a daughter you could not save.

There she layed on her own in the snow
taken cruelly and young.
Life should have been plentiful and long
knowing you can't right this wrong.

Hoping you're at rest in that long sleep
forgive us if we quietly weep.
    The Foureyed Poet.
At Christmas time in 2010 a young woman was found murdered. Just one more tragic death among so many. This is a tribute to these victims and the grieving families. We can only pray for them. The Foureyed Poet.
A woman
waits in line behind two kids
at the corner

She watches them
take their candy,
get on their bikes,
and ride away.

She sets her Ramen
and antacids
on the counter

and half smiles
at the seventeen year-old
high school drop out.

Without making eye contact,
he tells her:

She hands him the last
of her cash
with an apology.

As he opens the drawer,
she fumbles under her coat
and her trembling hand
pulls out the gun...
All rights reserved by the author.
 Feb 2011 Kate Dempsey
 Feb 2011 Kate Dempsey
Roses bloomed just below her eyes
The battle with the wind raged on
And as the Earth turned a tired gaze
It was left speechless by the energy
Contained in this slight figure

In her mind, she lives atop a great cliff
Threatening clouds of maroon on the horizon
And she gathers herself up
And she gathers herself up
To stand amidst it all

The roses flashing crimson
Signal to the world a soul who
Will not yield to adversity

But great rains fall and a massive wave
Crashes upon her
Her feet are swept out from underneath
And water closes in

The Earth holds its breath
Unbelieving, unwilling to accept what it has witnessed
Yet she surfaces atop a mountain
And she gathers herself up
And she gathers herself up
And she gathers herself up
To smile.
Audio of poem here:

2011 Sam Dickinson
Stop crying my sweet
You burnt the dinner
And it has got you down
Come here for a hug
Listen to what I say

Hello Beautiful

Don't you worry now
That dress suits you well
Never mind about others
Of what they might think
Because in my eyes I say

Hello Beautiful

From that very first day
I still feel the same way
Every moment I see you
Every day I am with you
Every time we make love

I say...

Hello beautiful
copyright Chris Smith 2011
 Jan 2011 Kate Dempsey
Sam Oliver
Spill it all.
Let her know
Every gory detail.
Bleed it out
And let it flow.
It's you
She should know
All about.

Breathe through bile,
Gasp for the air
To form words.
Become open-hearted
And let no surgeon
Stitch you back together
Until she knows your veins.

She'll walk away.
You can spill your guts
All you want.
The people will just
And call a clean up crew.
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