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 Jul 2012 Kasandra Curtis
As my small fingers,
try to fit through yours
more than words,
eyes express through silence for hours
I want to live with you forever, in a house of reciprocating joy.
I want to devour your body like an endless buffet of sighs.
I want you to caress me with your voice, and stroke me gently with your eyes.
I want you to live right here beside me, together we can weather any storm.

The stones and arrows of the foes of love, cannot break the skin of our passion.
The house we've built, of joy and affection, will outlast any disaster.
The depths of the earth conceal an ancient fire, but my desire for you blazes like solar brilliance.
The end will not come, until life drags us apart. Death it cannot touch us, here in our little cottage

by the sea, we'll live forever, in this house of reciprocating joy, that we have built together.
My desire for you is a raging stallion,
bucking and frothing, unruly and wild.
I thought that it would remain unbroken forever,
until you fashioned a bridle of compassion thread by thread,
with each glorious gift from your horse tamers lips.
You have tamed the brutal passions that drive such an animal,
and you've contained my fiery longing, in your corral of endless loving.
You have lead me with your kindness, to the waters of your loveliness.
I will drink, drink deeply, until this wet and passionate world of ours is a desert.
How many lifetimes? Unlimited mouthfuls. It would take my whole existence
to make a dent in the bottomless sea of your radiance,
I want you
to ride me forever, with wanton abandon, as I buck and I surge,
wild and unruly.
I want to feel
your warm thighs wrapped tightly around me, your relentless
hands caressing me endlessly, as we ride across these plains,
with unbridled ecstasy.
Cling to me,
press your face into my neck, and kiss me my lovely,
as we ride on as far as my desire, and your magnificence will take us,
and even then we shall go a league further, until we collapse in our embraces.
They will know that we have lived, and loved, they will know we were wild,
just a stallion and his rider, who cares about anything else?
All I want
is to feel
your body
against me
as you ride me, and cover me in your pleasures.
All else is immaterial.
You my sweet rider, are all a stallion like me needs.

A Burns 2012
Still in Boston, I wrote this for you my love. Until I see you again, my words will have to serve as a substitute for my lips.
The stars are fading,
the moon is still sleeping, tonight.
Wherever you are,
you will remain inside my heart;
we will move the mountains and hills
and we will be forever till the end,
oh my love, I have been captivated.

I will be able to accept all the risks,
even if it will take away my breath.
Wherever you go,
you will always be my soul;
we will walk on the horizons, and stay
and we will be forever till the end,
oh my love, I have been captivated.
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© 2012

She draws from me fantastical energy
her succubi passion knows no bounds,
bodies devoured as we entangle.
A writhing mass of probing flesh,
lips and ***** become one
in the intensity of unity.
Rough hands on supple flesh,
tingling pleasures
elicit deep moaning.
Bodies burst into flames,
In the fiery chambers
of the furnace of Eros.
Writhing increases
moans turn to howls,
the finale begins
animalistic fervor escalates.
A shrill shriek of excess rings out
the threshold is crossed,
the awesome ecstasy is swirling madness.
Max Goering May 2012
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