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You say Am I sure about my affection.
I reply together we have a strong connection.
So, how can I not love you?

Your love.
Your support have constantly pulled me through.

You say I'm just speaking words.
I reply that there's not a word that's not true.
Your love has kept me moving forward more.
So, how can I not care?

You might not believe it.
You might not constantly hear it.
But I'm not afraid to admit it.

Some speaks words with no truth.
Just know my caring is honest proof.
How can I not love you?
How can I not care?
You just too kind to me.
A sweet personality of magical worth.
What make us so great?
When people think we are the opposite.
Some say I'm liberal with a point of view.
And you a conversative with none.

But we are similar in many ways.
Just different on some things.
Maybe because I don't dictate to you.
Might be what have certain friends and people confused.

I could misinterpet the scriptures like many do.
When speaking about a woman being quiet.
But I notice many gets the message wrong.

I guess this what makes our love mighty strong?
I rather you speak up.
If I am wrong.
Again, I know.
This what makes our love mighty strong.

You let me be me.
I let you be you.
And this works out better for both of us.

We have a wonderful love.
I guess they talking about you.
I guess they talking about you.

You go out of your way to help others.
Which I knew was a quality you had.
Seeing you.
Instantly makes me glad.

I guess they talking about you.
I know for real they talking about you.

Others might be compared to you.
But they can't measure up to you.
But I know it's you they speaking of.
Because I'm the one you profess to love.
I'm blessed.
Blessed to be loved by you.
I'm blessed.
Blessed to be in love with you.

You this angel upon earth.
That was selected to be here.
A angelic wonder filled with good cheer.

I'm blessed.
Blessed to have the love of you.
For those that see.
And can't see the beauty before them.

You better believe
There's no way they can't see you.
Your goodness just comes shining through.

I'm blessed.
Blessed in just knowing you.
A joy worth more than gold.

And it's a miracle of miracles of loving you.
You just too good to be true.
To watch the sun glare,
a rainbow of colors shining this world,
to smell the rain fall
a reprieve from the chaos
splendidness surrounds life
the death of a spider
when the eggs hatch,
the larval caterpillar
wrapped up in a cocoon;
emerges into an elegant butterfly,
the bacterial decay of nature
into flourishing mushrooms,
the ***** of bees
into sweet, sweet honey,
waste and manure
encourage bloom of radiant flowers,
the grace and beauty of youth
becoming the wisdom and dignity of winkled skin,
lessons learned
from hardships experienced

when in negative light
there will be another chance to improve
another time to change the next outcome
your view, aspect of the universe
greatly changes the situation
your attitude, your reaction
towards others, towards life
is what monumentally effects the context

so prideful us humans
an ego trip indeed
an argument of the opposites,
a debate of loved ones,
are both sides wrong?
often not,
yet the argument remains
admit your id
profess your apology,
it does not have to
mean that you
are the one at fault,
(though you very well might be)
it does not mean
the other is infinitely correct,
sincere it should be
it simply states,
you are sorry for the distress,
sorry for the difference of opinions,
thoughts, ideas
that could not be controlled,
you are admitting
you value your relationship
much, much more
then your self righteousness,
if you genuinely care
you will listen,
and if you listen
you will be on the road
to understanding
*and only at understanding
can you truly love
The world has shined it's happiness upon my soul!
The light glistening off sweat in the mid-summer heat.
Beauty embodied in the emotional waves of pleasure.
you sacrifice for me
your body bleeds passion
as I whisper in your ears.
The love we make
Has yet to forsake
Extended through the years.
Tears of joy fall rapidly from my face
As it seems, I have won the rat race.
Not with money and riches
But with love and physical fixes
the sun appears high and bright
Day in and day out goodnight
Another day, with you by my side
another day, with the sun shining, warming our skin
a day for adventure, for pleasure and reflection
to be etched into memory for eternity

Walking barefoot over sand,
feeling the warmth seep from over and below
a dip in the cool invigorating water,
a dance of lovers, rippling in the lake

The calm water's embrace enveloping us
to swim, and float and cradle each other
intoxicated with this moment
and the trust of giving yourself

To hold your breath, and submerge
allowing your lungs to empty, bubbles defying gravity
to feel the need for oxygen, and rising to the surface
emerging breathlessly, water dripping from your nose

Seeing your face beaming at me,
sun and love reflecting in your eyes
head bobbing in and out of the water
gazing lovingly at one another

To float, buoyantly, carelessly
while the swallows playfully circle above
dunking into the water,  a soothing sip here
and a refreshing dip there

Treading to the beach,
walking heavily on the sand
to collapse into each others arms
and feel the love radiate

Radiating from each other
the sky, sun and lake
as I am listening to the beat of your heart
bees drunkenly bounce from flower to flower

The clouds lazily float above us,
the blue sky, like a surrounding globe
with a leafy and mossy treeline on all sides,
a green outline to this bliss, a speechless vision to behold

Creating the feeling of being at the center
the center of the forest, of the earth
to cherish this moment with you
to hold in our hearts, and never let go
at night
you seem to come
to me
through the warmth
& the quiet dark
the narrow slit
of the moon
& the cold champagne
that rests glassed within my

I've seen you too often
in the day
& there aren't many words
as we burn
underneath our angry

you look your most
when you dress in
& I would never dare
turn my back
upon you

even if I promised
my own heart

you weren't worth the
I will wait and breathe and die
& wait again
history of want
desire deep in her breath
"say you need me too"
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