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I see the cardiologist today
My heart has been off
Instead of the normal
Thump Thump
It's been
I thought it was from
This new exciting us
But I feel sorrowful
maybe I missed a few pills
The ones that keep the smile on my face
But my heart
It's going erratic
It's doing it when I'm not with you
Becomes worse when I'm around you
you are bad for my health
There it goes again
My heart is broke
Even with you staying
I see the cardiologist today...
I do have heart problems. Hopefully a clean bill of health today. But it has gotten worse since we have become an us....
It's as though I am on a carousel
Just going in circles unable to get off
Repeating my mistakes over and over
My demise is the fare, my cost

To get off this circling ride
I've yet to figure it out
Since all I want is to just hide

So I will pretend I am a princess
Sitting upon her steed
the lion and the elephant
Always there for me

Then I can be a lady of status
In her chariot so fair
Led by horses magnificant      
Their manes obsidian, like your eyes and hair

Well, there goes the daydream
You've snuck right back in  
I just need to forget you
Unfortunately,  you are my favorite sin
#Carousel #forget #nope #sin
I want to sin some more...
How cathartic it is
To give oneself pain
Tiny needle brushes caressing the skin
A blank canvas made into art
The artist making love to the canvas
The canvas writhing in blissful agony
*For out of pain comes beauty    
Out of beauty shall come pain
Got some new ink today. Such blissful agony
#beauty #pain #therapeutic
In a cemetery upon a hill
Where even gale force winds
There all remains still
She lays herself down beside an unknown  mark
She believes she can still hear the beat of a heart
She hears his muffled crying
She knows escape he is trying
She sings to him a soft lullaby
Whispers words of goodnight and goodbye
Reminds him again what he shouldn't have done
That maybe then he could once again see the sun
You see,  she was a jealous lass  
He knew this but still laid with another
That broke her heart of glass
Her will though, was as strong as iron
She knew he could still be called by her siren
So call him she did
His body now forever hid
Underneath an unknown mark
Where here, for a while
She believes, can still hear his heart
you are my sunshine,
                        my only sunshine

Holding him close
Rocking my baby
He may be five but I still pace the floor and rock

                        *you make me happy
                          when skies are grey

Big changes are starting
He wraps his arms a little tighter
Safe, secure

                        you'll never know dear
                           how much I love you

Holding tight to his baby
Thumb in mouth
My little Linus
Safe and secure is what I bring

                           so please don't take
                              my sunshine away

*I don't want to go mommy.....
"You Are My Sunshine" is my youngest song. I have sung that to him since my Bug was born. We had a bad night last night. The divorce is drawing to a close (hopefully). He wanted me to hold him close and rock him singing his song.....
The moon wears a Cheshire grin tonight
Beckoning me down the rabbit hole
Her pull on me strong as the ocean's tide
I cannot help but go

I jump freely into the abyss
Looking only down, never right or left
I do not need to see what passes by
The words I hear, for I am not deaf

As I fall whispers caress my mind
Spoken words of love, longing, and lust
They are the things I must learn
For to court the dark side I must

The fall has ended, my feet firmly on the ground
There is no light here, all grey and gloom
But in the distance I do see a glow
Here from the dark side of the moon

First I must court the dark side
Attempt to help it find the light
All of this stemming from
The moon's Cheshire pull of the night
Only half her face was showing the other night. Instead of a frown, a smile was there.
#Chesire #darkside #lust #longing
Children for sale!
Children for sale!
I have two children for sale!
They're young and they're strong!
They're rowdy and fun!
They like to get muddy!
Don't like showers, they prefer baths that are sudsy!
They like to talk
They like to do that a lot!
They're sweet and cuddly
They're fun and bubbly
Forget it!
They're mine*!
I will love them until the end of time*!
"Mommy! Mommy!
Look what I drew!"
upon the page is a heart
He leans in to whisper in my ear
*"It's a picture of me and you."
Teetering  on the edge
Standing on the end of a chair with a rope around your neck
The tip of the knife poised
Now it's all a real choice
Gun is cocked and loaded
A hair trigger that won't take much goading
Are you ready for this step?
Are you ready to paint with your blood yet?
Are you ready for the mournful screams and wails?
Of those you left behind because you thought you failed
Go ahead,
I'll be the demon on your left  
I'll take away the pain and choices you regret
But in its place I'll give the pain to those dear to your heart
Instead of you, I'll tear them apart
I'm your mischievous demon you see
Where there is dark, there I'll be
Or would you rather me be the angel on your right?                                              
There to tell you all will be alright  
Your pain will stay
Along with the choices you have made
But Those you hold dear      
I will help keep healthy and near
I'll be there to show you light
That in the end you need to choose the right    
Fore the time is now!
Make that choice!
Pick one of us to be your voice..
Choose the right....
Three rows from the front
That's where I sit
Oh, and to the right of the pulpit
My eyes gaze upward towards our dear crucifix
I pray hard for salvation
I try harder to cast the devil aside
I listen with rapt attention when the priest begins to sermonize
During all this, I feel a tickle on my neck  
I feel as though I'm being checked
For whom I feel is watching sits about six pews back, and to the left    
I wonder, does he pray for penance too
Lord knows both him and I have given the devil his due
I try to brush it from my mind and listen like I should
But it's so hard when the one I want, though still far apart, feels like he sits next to you    
Time now for communion
I hope my vessel ready
I stride up to the communion minister
I'm starting to feel a little heady
As I walk back to my place
I take a chance and glance
He quickly looks to the ground
I know that he watched me
My cheeks grow redder as I remember last night's round
I kneel and pray, giving thanks to our God
And I say an extra special prayer
Thanking Him for letting him be there
Now that church is over
I breathe a sigh of relief
We didn't get struck by lightning
As been told in belief
Maybe my prayers or his and mine combined
Kept the devil at bay
Maybe God then was the one today
The one to show that it's ok, that this may actually be.
That him and I can quit punishing ourselves
That together we can be.
Oh how the devil likes to play even inside the Lord's home....
Today I was brave
Today I decided to go for it
Maybe not the best place to do so
You know, right before the pulpit
I planned it out carefully
Not wanting to mess up
I dolled myself up nicely
Coiffed my hair for the final touch
In I strode down the isle
Going to my seat
You know the one, that sits back three
Of course I had to pass him
since he sits behind me, 6 and to the left
To get to where I sit
Head held high and trench coat on
Hopefully reminded him
The night I won't soon forget
Black heels showing and legs galore
don't worry, I was still modest enough for our Lord
Under this black trench coat
That I had adorned
the same one he devoured me in
You see he hasn't ignored me
Since that spontaneous night
Oh no, we had plenty before
That one was just out of site
Yes I came to praise our God
But the devil wants to play
So black heels and trench coat it was
I hope I got a "rise" from him today
Yep, the devil loves to play.

If you'd like to, read the first one "Church".
The cicadas scream there mating song
Courage runs thru me
I'm gonna tell him
I am
The conversation has lulled
Perfect time
I'm gonna say it
 I'm gonna scream it to him
"Babe, I know you love me.
I know you tolerate my children for me.
But babe, my baby is sick.
He's sick in the head.

I'm gonna do it
I'm gonna tell him the rest of that sentence
My mouth opens
The words begging to come out
It's as though they know me
Know my fear of saying it aloud
Aloud to someone who isn't...
The cicadas crescendo their mating scream
We are deaf to anything else
The words die before they exit my mouth
But one day they won't be there
Summer will be gone
"Closed for the season" sign plastered in the sky
"Thanks for staying!
Come back again next year!"

That's what it says
Yeah, that's what'll happen
The cicadas silence
Fall will come
Along with the words that sit
Sit at the edge of my tongue
The reason I started smoking a pack a day again
Why I'm asked "why are you so pensive?"
"Do you really want to know?"

I'll tell you, then you'll go screaming from me
"An abomination! That's what it is!"
The cicadas stop me
But only for now
I will tell
In the dark
When there's no light to comfort you
Whlie I'm breaking
That's when I'll tell you
Don't leave me. Stay
This is when I'll need you most
When the cicadas have sung their last screaming ****
When the green leaves turn orange
when I tell you what he....
A little Stephen King inspired poetry
The cicadas are gone
The story has been told
And so she waits
To see what now will unfold

In the dim of twilight
With the air turning cold
She sits with bated breath
To see if her world does fall..
As I lay my head upon my pillow
Tears threaten to fall
Tonight, I will the "goodnight's" to never make it past my fingers
I do not believe when I wake I will let the "good mornings" go either
Nor will the "have a good day's"
I'll leave out the "how was work's" and "what to do for dinner's" too
Also the "kids are driving me batty's" and "what are you now up to's"
It will all circle back to me laying my head upon my pillow, my fingers itching to type
The tears threatening to spill like blood from a fresh slaughter
All from me willing to not send
A smile on her lips when she hears his name
A message from him and she does the same
He is like a drug that she  cannot quit
An addict she is  who is needing their fix
She likes the flush she gets when she see his face
When she hears his voice  it's like hearing grace
His eyes captivate her making her his
In his arms is where she feels secure and safe
Their encounters few but their talks long
And with each one her heart sings a song
She does not know if he feels the same
But she is there for the taking
Make the claim

is ours!
Stake your claim...
"How do I love thee
Let me count the ways"
Oh please!
What a cliché!
Do not tell me things in sonnets or rhyme
Tell me what's in your heart, not in your mind
There are only three words of poetry I want to hear
Only three words that are music to my ears
I Love You
I need to climb
I need the feel of the mountain beneath my bare hands
The rocks cutting into my palms

I need to fall
I need the feel of the wind beneath my body
The feeling of weightlessness through me

I need to drive
I need to push it to the red line
The feeling of losing control course through me

I need to climb
I need the feel of nature within me
The feeling of mother nature crying along side me

I need to climb......
I need my mountain again
#climb #fall #nocontrol #feel
The clock is ticking
The only sound I hear
Silence is deafening
When the clock just sits there ticking
I need noise
The white sound is hurting my ears
Speak, speak now
Don't stay silent
That blasted clock ticking it's painful
Driving me insane
Speak now, don't hold the peace
#Speak #white-noise #clock
I have no coin to toss into the air
To help decide to say or do as I dare
Heads or tails would seal my fate
If I had a coin for these decisions to make
It would be two out of three just to ensure
That I did not blindly follow fates first lure
Heads says yes and tails a no
Two out of three is how it would go
Alas I have no coin to toss
I bow to fate as I ponder the loss
The coin was found and heads it was...
What a wonderous feeling
The air is cool and crisp with a hint of heat to come later today
I hear the sounds of nature calling
Mother calling me home
"Come child, walk with me under the harsh sun"
I shall abide
Today I will leave my sins at the base
Today my mountain I shall climb
Reliving my hike from last weekend. It was glorious.
#mountain #climb #poetrymonth
Fingers feel
soul sighs
Swords ******
Into the depth you go
Begging for more
Barriers melt away
Windows open
amber in glasses swirl
Inhales of the smoke
Dreams become reality
Whispers penetrate
Calling to the other
souls collide
With a mournful
Love me...
******. I'm confused. You act like we're    together, then you act like I'm being used. When you write your poetry it strikes a chord in me, but you won't say and I'm too afraid to ask you see.  I think that we might be exclusive but it's hard to know.  Bring a toothbrush and bring some clothes. Is it the fact that I'm still legally bound? Or is it when you're drunk is the only time you want me around? You let me come over one night and just gave me your shoulder. That was the first time we just slept together. No ***, no attempts, just slept in pure innocence. We've had times since, just laying there. Holding eachother till dreams commence. Thing is, I need to know. What are we, where do you want this to go? One day I feel I am ready, take on a new journey, the next I'm scared and I don't want to be your hunny. I'm sure it's just because I don't know. Please tell me so I can go on with my show...
Just fyi, I'm legally separated and the divorce will be final in May.
Woke up alone in my bed
My kids at their dad's
I wonder what stories he put in their heads

Worked ******
Everyone was being an igit
I sometimes wonder if it's even worth it

Got paid today
Gone in a flash
Bills mounting up I have no cash

Picked up the kids from their dad's
He decided to fight
Called me a *****, man what a drag

After some movies the kids fell asleep
Alone now with my thoughts
Yeah, and my idiot dog just left me...
True story...
Yeehaw! That's right. I'm gonna be a cowgirl tonight. Put on my ****-kickers, tight *** jeans. Yeah baby, my *** will fill them nicely. Throw on my pearl snap shirt. The one that's a little too tight up top, but that doesn't hurt. Brush this burnett hair till it's silk. Last but not least, my straw hat to finish the look.
I'm a cowgirl tonight. Yeah, that's me. Looking for my longer than 8 second ride. Hey muse, think you can hold onto me? Cause I'm a cowgirl. I like to buck it around. Get ***** in the ring. Come out in victory. And cowboy, you'll never tire of me. I'm the un-ridable bull. Let's see if you can't tame me. You've said once you like to cowboy up. We'll ***, let's see if you can hold on....
#8seconds #hangon #muse #cowboy #*****
I stopped at hell the crossroads
Dug up the middle
Placed my trinkets down just so
Covered them up
Waiting for him under moonlights glow

I turn left, I turn right
Face forward
Turn to look behind
There he stands
My beautiful demon man

He strides towards me
A question and smirk in his eyes
He bids me a crooked brow
Asking what do I desire

I tell him what I want
I ask what my penance will be
He throws his head back and laughs
He's so beautiful, dark hair and eyes
Red eyes gaze and with a whisper he says
"You will someday see"

Though beautiful he is
I can't help but shiver under his gaze
He lifts his hand to my cheek
Giving it a soft lustful graze

He seals our deal with a kiss
One that leaves me weak
Oh how I love this demon man
How I shiver
Under his demon gaze

The crossroads I have come
The crossroads I now leave
With tingling lips and answered desires
I shall wait my penance to thee
#crossroads #demon #fear #desire #penance
They cry mercy
Into this void of despair
They cry mercy
While pulling at their hair

They cry mercy
For every bottle that they drink
They cry mercy
For the times they drive so fast wanting to be wrapped around that tree

They cry mercy
For every time they take the razorblade to their skin
They cry mercy
For all of their selfish sins

They cry mercy
Everytime they pick up the gun
They cry mercy
Hoping they have the courage to do this one

They cry mercy
For every needle placed in their vein
They cry mercy
As it all seems in vain

They cry mercy
Everytime their resolve hits the wall
They cry mercy
It seems no one hears their *call.....
Keep yelling, someone will hear.
What happened daddy
Where did you go
We had a rough start
You liked the drugs and alcohol more

Then you grew up
And so did I
I wouldn't speak to you
No, not for a long time

Then I was pushed
Call and talk
That's when I realized
I missed you all those years
I needed that rock

But you weren't a rock yet
Pebbles of sand
Finally glued together
To make you a father man

We grew to know eachother
After all those years
I miss you now daddy
Your voice and wisdom you bestowed
I want to break daddy
But I know
*In heaven, there are no tears
This is not your typical Father's Day poem. Anyone who knows me knows my father's and mine relationship was nearly non-existent. 8 years before his passing we finally reconnected fully. I miss you daddy. I love you. I pray you have escaped purgatory and are in the arms of God.
My heart cannot take anymore
You know not what you do
When you walk out the door

All my calm and peace
Watching you go
Floats away upon the breeze

They start to tease my inner mind
The fears and insecurities
When you leave me behind

So do not leave my soul
It is still healing
Keep holding me when you go
She used to dance so high
The stars her playground
Then became tethered to the earth
The moon now comes to her
Kissing her softly each night
With stars as his tears
Who the hell do you think I am
I am no longer that little lamb
No longer led to slaughter
This time I will not falter
Call me out I dare you
Watch as I push on through
Gloves are coming off
When I'm done you won't scoff
You'll lay there in your own blood
I'll be standing over you with my gun and slug
**** with me dare double dog
This stick on you I'll flog
I may be little but I have might
****** you just called my ***** out to fight
I'll flip your world till you can't stand
I'll take you for everything, you're not a man
A whiny ***** is what I see
Upset you can no longer control me
So shut the **** up you little ****
It's about time to take what you give
Karma has been waiting in the wings
So bend on over and take what she brings
He's decided to hire a lawyer 4 days before the divorce is to be final. He now wants to contest. ****** has no idea who he's ******* with.

ps. Sorry for the language
There is a dark man out there.
He stands beneath the light.
He is there one moment the next, vanished from site.
I fear for myself, so I lock the door.
I know that this is a foolish act.
He is the dark man,
No lock can keep him out.
For as I lay in my bed, I hear the steps.
Heavy and male they sound.
Striding with purpose towards my room.
The thing is, I live alone, and I locked my doors.
I hear the creak of the floorboard beneath his heavy feet.
The one that will enter my tomb like keep.
He is the dark man.
No lock will keep him out.
He is the dark man, there will be no time to scream or shout....
Something different
I went for a midnight drive
Going to one of my places to hide
Shadows lurk in the dark
Knowing what they are making their mark
Flashes of lightening in the distance
Illuminating objects for just a moment
Time is over, go back home
Turn on the lights, scared of what is shown
Where did this come from
This man in front of me
Heart beats fast pulling me out my reverie
He is dark, no face to be made
An evil laugh is what he bade
In one hand a scythe of dead
in the other holds a head
Without moving lips whispers hit my ears
*"Come to me now my evil dear
For here you shall no longer feel pain
I will take it away just like the rain
Once you are dead you'll be like me
Come to the darkness and see"...
Did go for a drive last night to ease my mind. That and the moon she was calling..
How fast it seems that darkness comes
Was it not just minutes ago was shining the sun
Now the bare trees have become black ghosts against the silver sky
The water that was just shortly before blue
Now murky and black in hue
The sounds of animals that were once scurrying about
Now all bedded down, silence abounds  
Was not my heart just lit with a candle of light
Snuffed out quickly with a whispered goodbye
Yes, how fast darkness comes
When just moments before all was bright
Dear Cupid,

I ask that you please go away today. You see, my heart doesn't want to play. The games you like to throw at us all. My love is always given but never returned in these games where I fall. You have yet to do me right. I've never had a happy Valentine's so why should it be different tonight? So go away I implore of you. Find someone else to shoot your arrow through. Yes I know you have given me a lover. That's fine.  But cupid, I can find those ten pennies on the dime. Your arrow it nicked me and now I'm mad. For a lover is all he wants to be. Now you've gone and done it. **** your arrow that has nicked me.

Forever loathing you cupid,
Happy Valentine's everyone!!!
I hereby sentence you to death!
Your crime is one of serious offense
You played your part oh so well
Offered shelter, promised heaven not hell
Did not stand to promise as said
Broke her down, nearly taking her head

Punishment will be as thus
Not a word! I command you to hush!
For crimes against the heart so frail
Instead love shown, you allowed love bail
Death to come as I now order!
You sir, shall be drawn and quartered
For my soon to be ex-husband.
I went to bed enraged last night. I wanted to lash out at everything I saw. My nerves were shot. The crowd too much. My children pushing every button till I about blew my top. So I had a choice to make, Xanax or a beer. I chose the one I knew I'd wake from, I chose beer.
        I'm gonna have to replinish it today. I think I'll grab some hard liquor too. I'm afraid that even though I awoke refreshed,  the beast inside is still there just waiting for its due. I used to be able to tame this beast with thoughts of happy things. Wait, what happy things? My life has been nothing but grey skies and doom.
       From early child hood up to today, I've been beaten and abused. My heart stepped on, my soul broken. My mind made lost and confused. So yeah, I think I'll drink tonight. I'll drink to my misery. I'll drink until I do pass out. I need to tame this demon within me, before he fully comes out.
#depression #curse
There is a demon inside trying to break free
It likes to come out
To take control
I love when it gets a hold of me

My mask tries to remain upon my face
This demon inside
Slides it down
Better eyesight for the chase

Crimson lights, crimson sheets
This is not my mask side
My demon has come out
Perfect for when flesh and blood meet

I am truly me when my demon comes to play
No secrets, no mask
When I let it out
It knows how to make the blood speak my way
What's behind your mask???
Here we go again
I knew it was to good to be true
I was feeling happy
Smiling more
Laughing, loving
Then out of nowhere
No reason
No real trigger
The old words flow in..
"you're not good enough"
"he must have someone else"
"you'll never work again"
"might as well just die"
"can't even take care of your kids"
"your whole life is a lie"

My heart races
My tears threaten to fall
I don't know why
It's just there
I can't turn it off
GOD! Please save me!!!
This is a real problem in many lives. We can't just turn it off. Unfortunately, it controls us. We can take medicine, but it's only a bandaid. Love us, remind us we are worth it. That our fears may seem real, but you are there to protect us. Please don't judge us. Stay with us. We always need a hand...
Sitting in front of the vanity
Going thru the motions of getting ready
Glancing at the floor
seeing myself lying there
fetal position, wailing

Sitting watching TV
With the love of my life
Glancing at the walls
seeing myself throwing the remote
breaking whatever I can, yelling

I'm at work
Talking to my colleagues
looking at their faces
punching everyone

Going into my room
Looking at my youngest
He's sleeping peacefully
Seeing myself holding him
Trying to keep his hallucinations
His depression
His suicidal thoughts
All at bay

This I do
I hold him
Only as a mother can
Praying to God
To heal his mind
Knowing this, this is why

Why I see myself
Lying on the bathroom floor
Breaking whatever I can
Physically assaulting my coworkers

All I can do is pray
All I can do is hope
Pray and hope for my child
For him to be better
For him to thrive
Depression in children is real. Wake up!
  That'll be me
       halo sitting all askew

   Yeah, that's you
        your halo lost somewhere

    Come on in here with me
         no halos anywhere to be seen

That's right
  You, me, and he

He's fun to play with
   *Yeah, the devil makes three
Been watching Supernatural. I'm on a demon/devil kick..  
Wanna dance with the devil?
Your words are my song

             the angel's choir itself

Your kiss my heavenly host

              we take this body

Velvet hands my drink

               we take this blood

You have become my blasphemy

                lord forgive us our sins

My vessel ready

                 as we forgive those before us

Stronger than lust, less than love

                  lead us not into temptation

**** you and **** myself

                 *we are the devil's playground
The tears came today
Staring at the papers
Letters turning into words
Words into sentences
Sentences into paragraphs
All blurring together
She has remained strong
For far too long
Never allowing
Her emotions to rise
the word sticks out
Begging to be understood
To be recognized
She understands the word
This is what she's wanted
Near two years in the making
With shaky breath
And trembling hand
She signs her name
Then falls apart
It is over
*her heart restarts..
It's official. I am divorced. It wasn't as dramatic as I believed it would be. I wrote this a few days ago when I was supposed to sign but it got held off until today. All I know, I am happy. I'M DIVORCED!!
Why* can it not happen?
Why does it fail everytime?
The *longing
for the end is excruciating
The pills did not work
The knife was too dull
The gun  jammed
All these things keeping the end away
The question begs answered
then  two  small  voices  ring  ­with  laughter  in    the   other  room
THAT is the answer
THAT is why the end is still far *away
Always wondered why I never could succeed.  That is why. My higher purpose. Pray for those who struggle now with this want of an end.
I want to follow the sun
Chase it across the western sky
Continue to bathe in his warmth
Have him steal me from the night

The moon she loves me
Whispers in my ear
The secrets she holds
Makes her to me endear

The sun in all his glory
Will not tell me his
Runs away
When asked his story

So it is he who I must chase
So he can kiss me with his warmth
And I will sacrifice myself to ash
Just to look once upon his loving face
The sun so loved the moon, he died every night so she could breathe...

I typically write about the moon, but decided to pay the "sun" homage
water pooled around my ankles

Hope, Peace, Love
All beauty, all light

it starts to slowly creep up

Desire, Elation, Bliss

                   *to my knees, continuing it's
                  upward path

Dark recesses of my mind break through

                  past my hips, to my abdomen
                  dark, stagnant water

Venomous thoughts start to flow as the water rises
Greed, envy, lust, hate

                  my chest, hard to breath,
                   the weight....

Hope, despair, Peace, chaos, Love, hate
Not strong enough! Not good enough!

                   my chin,
                    start gasping for breaths

desire, Lust, elation, Remorse

                  submerged now
                   dark, murky water
                  air bubbles of light slip
                   from my mouth

Darkness may have won this time, but there is still light left to fight

                 *don't breathe.........
hold you're breath, light will come again. Do not drown in the darkness
Don't look behind you
It is only me
The cool breath on your neck
My calling card you see
When you lay down on your pillow tonight
Don't worry the hands that encircle your heart
These ones of ice
That is just me letting you know
You can try and hide
But the reaper will show
I'll delve into your heart and mind
Show what you've missed
What you left behind
I'll make you crazy
Wishing that you could redo what's been done
I'll play with you tonight
For that is my fun
To make you cry and beg and lament
Of the one's whose souls
You left broken and spent
I'll play this game with you
For however long I please
Then when you think you can handle it
I'll do one last squeeze
My icy hands around your heart
You will wish then
To find her and make your mark
Though you will not be able to
For her I've given life anew
You see dear one,
Who is now turning deathly blue,
Her life I've now taken from you
#reaper #cold #hands #gone...
Your tongue is that of a double edged sword
The pain you cause my mouth makes me beg for more
As you leave your mark down my body
The trails visible
The blood that follows slowly drips down
You speak of lust only for me
But bid me leave
after my body you've left broken to bleed
Oh how I love your double edged sword
It may hurt
But I'll take more
#eroticism #rough
Men will come a dime by the dozen
But you in my life
You're not one of them
No, you're more
I don't know how much more but yes
More to me than you could ever see.
Ever know
And I want you back, I need my friend my lover back into my life
Don't deny it, I think you want the same
You can't help but put your fingers to the keys and respond to my words
You can't help but talk of future after we're done sweating out the nights alcohol
I told you once, I don't forget
I remember the words you say
I remember the games you try to play
I won't let you forget
I'll keep after you until you jump the ship
You'll have to delete me from every part of your life
I don't think you can
I think my blood is now on your hands, in your veins
That's where I am, that's where I'll stay
You can't outrun me even if you tried
But that ok
Because men come a dozen to the dime
#jump #ship #dozen #dime #in your veins #goodbye
I had a dream today
I guess you were just on my mind
For this dream I had was not of this time

I was sick
laying in bed
I kept trying to reach you
But I was reaching others instead

Then out of the blue
you were there, there you stood
We dared not speak
Oh no, our secret we must keep

But your parents were there
They spoke and they said
Oh yes, they were aware

I looked to you and you just smiled
Making my heart leap acting wild
Then you spoke like a song of the night
You said I love you and all is fine

Then I awoke
My brain fuzzy and confused
My phone went beep
I guessed it right, it was you

I looked and there were no words of love
For it was just a dream, that I believe
I just do not know
If that makes me sad or relieved.
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