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7.8k · Jan 2016
Speak the truth however bold
Speak what lies inside the hearts folds
Do not fear the pain it may cause
Live the moment, do not once pause
Take the chance and feel free
Speak from the heart so it can be
Forget the cowardess you feel
One minute of bravery can dispell the ills
If you feel it may cause you disdain
Remember true beauty rises from pain
15 seconds of courage is all you need..
7.2k · Jan 2017
Softly whisper
Can you not
Spare a soft word
You look at her
With devouring eyes
Grasp her in your arms
Pull her close
Anger when another dares touch
But yet
You do not speak
Not what she needs to hear
Tell her she is beautiful
When you hold her near
Speak not only with actions at hand
You are woman, I am man
When you stake your claim
For the world to see
Lean towards her ear
Whisper you are mine my dear
Be not only a lover of the flesh
Speak that she is tantalizing
When both you mesh
It should not be hard
To utter the sound
From your gullet
Out of your mouth
Those lips produce
Ectasy abound
Create more
With words from whence for
4.1k · Jul 2016
She is Lilith
Temptest unleashed
A malestorm of unbridled lust
Seeking her next prey
Uncaring of hearts broken
Wild, unpredictable desire
Lilith in motion
Aphrodite at the core
Freya in attitude
Set lose upon the score
Eyes that capture
Temple upon to feast
When she has you in her sights
Her true nature unleashed
Feeling sassy.
2.8k · Apr 2016
Yeehaw! That's right. I'm gonna be a cowgirl tonight. Put on my ****-kickers, tight *** jeans. Yeah baby, my *** will fill them nicely. Throw on my pearl snap shirt. The one that's a little too tight up top, but that doesn't hurt. Brush this burnett hair till it's silk. Last but not least, my straw hat to finish the look.
I'm a cowgirl tonight. Yeah, that's me. Looking for my longer than 8 second ride. Hey muse, think you can hold onto me? Cause I'm a cowgirl. I like to buck it around. Get ***** in the ring. Come out in victory. And cowboy, you'll never tire of me. I'm the un-ridable bull. Let's see if you can't tame me. You've said once you like to cowboy up. We'll ***, let's see if you can hold on....
#8seconds #hangon #muse #cowboy #*****
1.9k · Oct 2015
Black cats race down the street
They all stop and stare where the cross sections meet
Normally you wouldn't care
Normally you wouldn't shiver under their stare
But on this night
With a chill in the air
As the fall leaves rustle under the glare
A full moon hangs with a wicked stare
You hear something on your right
You look but nothing is there
Out the corner of your eye you catch a glimpse
Something dark, you can't see, just feel it's presence
You start to shake
Your mind going wild
The fear tonight you cannot reign
It is Devil's night
In anticipation!
#Samhain #devil'snight
1.6k · Apr 2016
Love Affair
I'm having a love affair
Multiple if you get down to it
The sun, he kisses my cheeks every morning
My coffee frenches my mouth
My clothes caress over my body
At night
The stars whisper sweet nothings into my ears
And the moon penetrates my being
And they all become jealous when he is near
For he gives me all of this
He adds the butterflies that wreak havoc within
I am having a love affair
One I will not quit
Mmm, how I revel in my lovers....
1.6k · Mar 2016
Up, down, round and round
To and fro
Back and forth
Dance with me
this dance of ambiguity
I say this
You say that
I do this
And you do that
Sometimes on the same page meet
But most of it
You reach to touch
I hold still
I lean in close
You back step twirl
I lean away
You lean close
Like two teens
Discovering love
Morning comes and goodbyes said
Till next time
We're in the others head
Awkward stance
Both you and I
We finally touch
It's not goodbye
One day soon
We'll be in tune
Until that day
*Ambiguity shall stay
One day soon...
1.5k · Apr 2016
Cotton fields in our mouths
Quenched with a kiss
Rain soaked ground
Or is it the bed
Flower petals opening up
Relishing in the dew
Or was it your stamen
Revitalizing in the rose
Apples in your hands
Unable to bite through
But yielding to your grasp
Hungry we were
A meal set before us
Dates, apples, steak, rosehips
Adam's Ale our drink
Pulled apart and snapped back
Ivy entwined together
Our bodies and souls sated for now
What a garden my muse and I create

#ivy #apples #rose
1.4k · Oct 2016
Samhain (re-post)
Black cats race down the street
They all stop and stare where the cross sections meet
Normally you wouldn't care
Normally you wouldn't shiver under their stare
But on this night
With a chill in the air
As the fall leaves rustle under the glare
A full moon hangs with a wicked stare
You hear something on your right
You look but nothing is there
Out the corner of your eye you catch a glimpse
Something dark, you can't see, just feel it's presence
You start to shake
Your mind going wild
The fear tonight you cannot reign
It is Devil's night
Happy Halloween!!!!
1.4k · Jan 2017
I look into the mirror
Trying to see who I am
Who I have become

There is a shadow
One of my former self
I catch fleeting glances
Of this shadow
I attempt to capture it
Place it back on me
For where all the world can see
She is in there
Free spirit
No ties to anything or anyone
Struggling to break free
I can hear her
Screaming, pleading
Feel her
Attempting to re-emerge
Through the distortion
*that life has made me
Tomorrow is my birthday. Today, I dread it..
1.4k · Sep 2017
The cicadas scream there mating song
Courage runs thru me
I'm gonna tell him
I am
The conversation has lulled
Perfect time
I'm gonna say it
 I'm gonna scream it to him
"Babe, I know you love me.
I know you tolerate my children for me.
But babe, my baby is sick.
He's sick in the head.

I'm gonna do it
I'm gonna tell him the rest of that sentence
My mouth opens
The words begging to come out
It's as though they know me
Know my fear of saying it aloud
Aloud to someone who isn't...
The cicadas crescendo their mating scream
We are deaf to anything else
The words die before they exit my mouth
But one day they won't be there
Summer will be gone
"Closed for the season" sign plastered in the sky
"Thanks for staying!
Come back again next year!"

That's what it says
Yeah, that's what'll happen
The cicadas silence
Fall will come
Along with the words that sit
Sit at the edge of my tongue
The reason I started smoking a pack a day again
Why I'm asked "why are you so pensive?"
"Do you really want to know?"

I'll tell you, then you'll go screaming from me
"An abomination! That's what it is!"
The cicadas stop me
But only for now
I will tell
In the dark
When there's no light to comfort you
Whlie I'm breaking
That's when I'll tell you
Don't leave me. Stay
This is when I'll need you most
When the cicadas have sung their last screaming ****
When the green leaves turn orange
when I tell you what he....
A little Stephen King inspired poetry
And as I sit alone
Silence abounds
My mind begins to take off
Racing into different directions
A firework bursting forth
I hear voices of past and future
Ripping into my soul
Taking the calm tranquility
That lied so within my breast
Creating chaos
A storm of storms
Threatening to tear down
the walls I have built
Flashes of red and green
Passion and jealousy
Blind me into submission
I strain for the voice that's whispered
the calm within this pandemonium
the one who's screams
Are hushed by the violence
The words that soothe the fire
The past is past
No more can be done
The future is not yet writ
Your path yet traveled
Cling to today
To the moments of now

The assault over
I lay my head
Smile and drift into the *now
1.3k · Apr 2016
So I Spoke
Letting the vibrations be carried upon the breeze
While the moon bathed the hushed twilight in her soft glow

I spoke
The plateu's grasses and mesquite
Bending to carry my words
Across the miniscule miles that seperate us
The nighttime creatures deftly run towards you
Carrying my message

I spoke
Now I wait for the words in return
For the grasses to bend towards me
Carrying your words I long to hear

I spoke

            i       need      you   
The night land creatures scurry to my feet
The Hush twilight speaks

                  *i            am           yours
#muse #lover #us
1.2k · Nov 2015
I have made a sandcastle as my heart
I guess I should have used wood or brick
Not as easy then for it to fall apart  

But sand is such a resplendent thing
You can mold it, shape it, create it
                  Make it it's own being                  

The only visceral part about a sandcastle heart
Is when your tears fall upon your soul.   
   *their waves rip it apart
1.2k · Mar 2017
His Eyes
She loses herself
When she looks into his eyes
A vast storm in the universe
Holds her spellbound
The collapsing of stars
The birth of new
All in his eyes
She has the VIP view
Entranced in the darkness
The planets play
A series of falling stars
Each a wish from her
Praying one will come true
She dares not look away
Intense is this night
She sees dancing in his eyes
She yearns for a kiss
To intensify the heavens she sees
Captured in his gaze
Kiss me already....again...
1.1k · Feb 2016
I peer into the hole
Six foot deep
Upon inside
My doppelganger, me

I shovel dirt
Till my hands bleed
Into this hole
Six foot deep

Cover me up
The old me has ceased
Risen from the dead
The new me set free
1.1k · Apr 2017
Somewhere Over the Lie
Kiss her like you mean it
Even if you have to lie
Just kiss her like that
One more time
She will see thru it
See the truth behind the lie
But it will bring a ghost of a smile
As she remembers
How it was
Once upon a time
1.1k · Feb 2016
Echoes of Boys
Laughter echoes the walls
Pitter-patter of feet on the floors
An empty bowl here
A discarded sock there
Our dogs lay upon their backpacks
Waiting and wanting
To no longer hear only echoes
My Friday cannot come soon enough
We have joint custody. This is my week without them.  I miss them terrible. Our dogs even laid by their bedroom door last night. They miss them too.
1.0k · Mar 2016
Listen and listen close

the wind she's telling you her secrets

She's telling you about your ghost

Look at the trees that bend

they are leading you

Leading you to him

Feel the dirt beneath your feet

it is no longer dry

Feel the earth as she weeps

Taste the rain upon your lips

smoke and ash raining down

Taste like the fire from his kiss

The ghost is ghost no more

wind, trees, and rain

They have led him to your door

Open it slowly with intentions true

upon your mouth a smile coy

*He is waiting out there for you
Listen you hear the call?
1.0k · Dec 2016
I watch as a ****** of crows fly over
Cawing loudly
Deafening in their wake
Landing upon a barren tree
Giving the illusion of life
I stare pointedly at this ******
Then, they quiet
A fog of silence
Loud and unrelenting
No cars to be heard
Insects hushed
The only sound is the beating of my heart
They move as one
Heads turning simultaneously
Eyes staring back
Only one opens its maw
A screech of terror comes out
They are warning me
Of what, I do not know
In the screech I do understand
A trial is set before me
One I must withstand
999 · Jul 2016
She hangs on by a thread
Becoming old and tattered
Knowing soon it will break
Unknowing what will happen after
All her dignity her grace
Wrapped into this thread that's worn
Her strength and fortitude
Teetering on the edge
Fingers numb and bloodied
As tight as she has wound it
Just hanging on for sanity
Pain letting her know she is alive
She wants to say enough
Just let go
But her will is stronger
than this thread that binds
The thread will not break...
998 · Nov 2015
Ghost II
It's 5am and she is awake
Something woke her from her fitful sleep
She wanders the halls
          each step getting colder
Taking in the photographs on the walls
She sees a smiling beautiful couple
She wonders if they're  not just the doppelganger, their double
           she sees movement out of the                       corner of her eye
She stops to stare at one in particular
Back then, her hair fuller, nails thicker  
          a soft, cool breeze upon her neck
Then he fell into the water, never to come up for breath    
Since then, she too has wished for death
            she believes she hears his voice whispering in her ear
Today though death will not come
              "I am here waiting for you to come to me"
The sun is up, death is again gone 
                *she turns her head, nothing to see
I decided to make a story out of "Ghost"
This one is more of the back story. Please enjoy, this is the first time I've tried this. The last "chapter" I hope to have finished by weeks end.
982 · Mar 2016
The taste of adrenaline sits on my tongue
Copper in flavor, or maybe zinc, or steel
I do not know
So many metals have I tasted
This taste burns
Sending jolts of electricity through my body
This taste of adrenaline only comes
When I think of you
Along with the butterflies
How they wreck my stomach
Wreaking havoc within
Causing the taste to become bolder
Unable to rid it with simple drink
The only cure for such a taste
The balm of your lips
The touch of your skin
I need it now more than ever
To push aside this metallic taste
972 · Jan 2016
As I sit here on this cold winter's morn
I ponder my life and what is now in store
Here on the day of reckoning before
The sun has yet to crest over the eastern sky
The moon still clings fighting to give one last childlike lullaby
Am I like the moon, fighting to stay
Not yet wanting to be chased away by the brazened sun.
The moon soft, comforting, familiar, like my past
The sun, harsh, brazen, unknown, sharp, new as my future can be
Shall I stay with my moon and continue with my soft light
or shall I rise in the eastern sky like the sun and shine with a boldness of things to come.
A scary new adventure.
A choice I must make, for the sky is changing from grey to pink.
It is time, the past I cut my strings.
No longer a woman-child, matriarch let me be.
My past, I let it go to float upon this winter's breeze.
Come upon me now sun, it is you and I, a new life for us to write....
My mother is to have another heart procedure tomorrow morning.  If it fails,  then she is done.  She wants nothing more done for her. She refuses to have another open heart surgery (this one is not that). As a nurse, I know what this means. She will not be long for this world. I will have to step up and take over her role as "matriarch" of the family. I am the youngest in my family. I have been at war with myself over this for a while now. I've known this was coming, I am finally ready. I have cut ties with my childlike attitude to only visit now in my dreams. My waking times, I will be the woman my mother has groomed me to be. I love you momma.

#matriarch #strings #cut #past #future
966 · Nov 2015
She Told You
She told you she was afraid of flying
So you grasped her hand tightly as you both jumped and wings sprouted from your backs

She told you she was afraid of commitment
So you sat back and waited patiently while showing her warmth and love

She told you she was afraid of falling
So you held her close while off the ledge you both fell. Making sure it would be you who first hit the ground
One day
#jump #fly #ground
958 · Mar 2016
Silence is deafening
Words left unspoken
Screaming in my ears
How I long for your words
                                            ignite the fire

Avenues left unexplored

                      needing, wanting to investigate

Leave me not in dark

                   tell me how you want it too

Hush the unspoken words

*take away the deafness
929 · Nov 2016
The heart wants what the heart wants
The mind deftly follows
the eyes open wide
The mouth cannot swallow
the skin starts to glow
The ears hear it all, even the lows
For when the heart wants
What the heart wants
You must let your soul follow
Follow not your heart or mind...your soul knows what is truly to be
916 · Jul 2016
Looking into the eyes of one
Attempting to peer deep in the soul
But only a glimpse you get
A speakeasy door
The only opening a slit
A password you must know
If you expect to see into their soul
Not all who look can see....
900 · Sep 2016
I do believe..
Love is like the rose
Beautiful, lush, fragrant
Yet forestalls it
Of being plucked
From the thorns
Of our own creation
Cut away your thorns and pluck love while it is ripe!
871 · Dec 2015
Cry Mercy
They cry mercy
Into this void of despair
They cry mercy
While pulling at their hair

They cry mercy
For every bottle that they drink
They cry mercy
For the times they drive so fast wanting to be wrapped around that tree

They cry mercy
For every time they take the razorblade to their skin
They cry mercy
For all of their selfish sins

They cry mercy
Everytime they pick up the gun
They cry mercy
Hoping they have the courage to do this one

They cry mercy
For every needle placed in their vein
They cry mercy
As it all seems in vain

They cry mercy
Everytime their resolve hits the wall
They cry mercy
It seems no one hears their *call.....
Keep yelling, someone will hear.
856 · May 2016
Nurse (re-post)
She sits as she holds a paper thin hand
She hears the labored breathing
She tells the others it's near the end
No family to be there
No mournful wails
It's just the nurses and aids to offer care
Slowly the breathing sings the song of death
The grip on her hand becomes less and less
Finally the hand loses all strength
The room becomes quiet
No one dare breathes  
Sound returns of the bustling in the ward
The others leave letting her mourn
She did not get to save a life that day
Instead she helped a soul because she stayed.
In honor of nurses week..
845 · Apr 2016
Cap v Scorp
The sting of its tail is oh so sharp
I should know it has pierced my heart
Injecting it's amorous venom
All while I lay upon pure linen

My tail and my horns tried to block it's path
But it found a way around my wrath
Softened me up with its silver tongue
Before I knew I was undone

My fault I'm sure
this hunter at heart
I zeroed in on my prey
I chose my mark

Did not expect
for it to hunt me instead
I realized too late
He was in my head

I try to want to shake him off
To no avail
He has me in his grasp
Upon my being, his venom has assailed
#capricorn #scorpio #****
821 · Oct 2016
Red Dirt
Back road red dirt
Sipping Zima with the jolly ranchers
Hanging with the guys
The girls just too much drama

Having to be carried in
Only 17
Momma shaking her head
Waste basket and a hair tie for me

Growing up small town
Cruising the drag
Drinking at the tin barn
Watching fights turn into love
Memories were made
The ones that'll never fade

Had my first boyfriend
From the rival town
We were the talk of everyone
Twenty years later
Giving it another go round

Had my first kiss
Parked by the y
Being carried in again
Momma just shaking her head

Cruising the red dirt
Mesa's all around
No guardrails to protect
When my heart was broken and down

These are the memories
Ones that'll never fade
Hitting that red dirt
Even to this day
814 · Dec 2015
Not My Type
You are definitely not my type
Except for the dark hair and dark eyes  
You're eyes, intimidating as hell
At the same time they show kindness flowing from a bottomless well
Taller than me, but not by much
You're not body builder built
Instead built with a teddy bear touch
You act aloof, uncaring, so confusing
Then you turn around and make me smile, find life amusing
You know when to tell me to pull myself up
You know when I just need your touch
You take in stride my analytical ways
You haven't left, so far you've stayed
You call me a saint and you the devil's advocate
And I swear the line wasn't erased, you took it and smashed it    
But no, you're not my type at all
So I wonder why it is that I have started to fall
#notmytype #fall #?
799 · Dec 2015
Dance around the subject
That's what we'll do
Let's continue to dance around
this elephant in the room

An elegant waltz around an animal so large
Careful not to bump into it
We don't want this monster
The one of me and you at us to charge

So let's continue to dance
Round and round we'll go
The elephant will remain
Until we decide to let it go
794 · Sep 2016
Then All Was Quiet
Then all was quiet in the world
As the shouted goodbye was said
Hanging head in defeat
The last candle snuffed out

The book being read finished
Climbing into bed
Last chapter done
Not knowing if tomorrow will be new

A lone candle stands
It's light not lit
Bursts forth into life
A new chapter started

Then all was quiet in the world
Head now held high
The candle burns bright
As the whispered hello is said
The mightiest of words come from the most quiet....
792 · Nov 2015
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet, such a tragic tale of woe
It truly speaks to one's heart
Speaks to one's soul
How every girl dreams of being said Juliet
Of having the houses fight, Montague and Capulet  
Girls will beg and plead, for a nanny such as she
One who will let their lover come to the window and take her virginity
These girls will also be ok with death
As long as it ends just like Romeo and Juliet.    
But what they do not know, what they cannot see    
Is that true love should not **** thee
There should be not a fight
Of who's house holds the most might
True love should not end as tragic as this
True love should continue to flourish with true loves kiss
Just some rambling thoughts on Shakespeare
780 · Oct 2015
Goodnight to Good Morning
The moon has gone
Sun now on the path
The stars of dreams
Vanished for the blue
The dreams she had vivid
Wanting to remember
The suns rays have taken them too
773 · Feb 2017
I see the cardiologist today
My heart has been off
Instead of the normal
Thump Thump
It's been
I thought it was from
This new exciting us
But I feel sorrowful
maybe I missed a few pills
The ones that keep the smile on my face
But my heart
It's going erratic
It's doing it when I'm not with you
Becomes worse when I'm around you
you are bad for my health
There it goes again
My heart is broke
Even with you staying
I see the cardiologist today...
I do have heart problems. Hopefully a clean bill of health today. But it has gotten worse since we have become an us....
772 · Feb 2016
I stopped at hell the crossroads
Dug up the middle
Placed my trinkets down just so
Covered them up
Waiting for him under moonlights glow

I turn left, I turn right
Face forward
Turn to look behind
There he stands
My beautiful demon man

He strides towards me
A question and smirk in his eyes
He bids me a crooked brow
Asking what do I desire

I tell him what I want
I ask what my penance will be
He throws his head back and laughs
He's so beautiful, dark hair and eyes
Red eyes gaze and with a whisper he says
"You will someday see"

Though beautiful he is
I can't help but shiver under his gaze
He lifts his hand to my cheek
Giving it a soft lustful graze

He seals our deal with a kiss
One that leaves me weak
Oh how I love this demon man
How I shiver
Under his demon gaze

The crossroads I have come
The crossroads I now leave
With tingling lips and answered desires
I shall wait my penance to thee
#crossroads #demon #fear #desire #penance
757 · Oct 2016
Into the wild
is where she roams
Path unseen
Destination unknown
Following hearts desire
Leading her to
Blessed inner fire
Trees do sway
As she spares not a glance
at the lights play
The grasses bending
To her will
Forest creatures
Gaze standing still
For never a sight they have beheld
This woman running free
Here in the wild
753 · Dec 2015
Ave Maria
Christmas Eve mass
The Ave Maria begins to play
Images start to run through my mind
Some of now and some not of this time

                    Ave Maria

I see the Manger before me with our dear Lord as a babe
It quickly switches to a stranger letting her babe be aborted away

                   Gratia plena
                   Maria, gratia plena
                   Maria, gratia plena

I see our Lord speak of peace
Then see our soldiers defending another's keep

                  Ave, ave dominus  
                  Dominus tecum

  I hear the mortar shells as they fly through the air
I hear our soldiers whisper their prayers

                Benedicta tu in muli eribus
                 Et benedictus
                 Et benedictus fructus ventris

I see Jesus take someone in
Only then to see someone not give a second look at the homeless man

                Ventris tuae, Jesus  
                  Ave Maria

A mother and child searching for shelter
Dressed only in thin clothes in a harsh winter

                 Ave Maria  
                 Mater Dei
                 Ora pro nobis peccatoribus
                 Ora pro nobis
                Ora, ora pro nobis peccatoribus

I see Him hung upon the cross
To now seeing a man beheaded for proclaiming his Christianity is not lost

                 Nunc et in hora mortis
                  Et in hora mortis nostrae
                  Et in hora mortis nostrae
                  Et in hora mortis nostrae            
                  Ave Maria

The song has now ended and my eyes are wet
The tears I let fall all for remembrance
Lest us not forget
These thoughts ran through my head during mass last night.  Merry Christmas everyone. Let is not forget....
749 · Jan 2016
Halos and Horns
Her wings are no longer as white as they once were, dinged so with her life.
Her halo does not sit as straight anymore
Sitting askew, more left than right
Her eyes still shine just as bright though
Surprising through all she's endured

His wings are as black as midnight
They shine like the onyx of his eyes
He lost his halo years ago
He's caused so much strife
He's played the world like Loki
Always looking on where next to strike

They saw eachother one day
An innocent passing of ways
Their souls didn't want to continue on
They wanted to stop and gaze

She, her ever stubborn self,
made the first move
He, his all so Loki ways,
tried hard to not follow her allure

But he was drawn to her halo of light
As askew as it set
He agreed to their first meeting
One neither would forget

Time and time he tried pushing her away
Give up though she would not
She saw lightness in his wings, in his eyes
she was caught

She knew that his halo was not lost
Just placed somewhere hidden deep
She was determined to find it
Along the way his secrets she'd keep

She found his halo one night
As tarnished as it was
She tried to place upon his head
Even asking for help from above

He had been attempting himself to set her halo straight
To once again make her wings pure as snow
To have her see that sinner she is not
He sees her as his saint

They finally gave into each other, one night without fear
His halo finally upon his brow
Unlike hers, his remains tarnished, never clear

His eyes still as black as ever
They'll never lose that hue
His demons will forever remain inside
Though peace in her green ones he finds

Her wings never quite fully recovered
But not as dingy as before
His wings as black as midnight, themselves changed too
No longer dingy and black as onyx
They both now carry true passions hue
#wings #white #black #halo #askew #peace #red
742 · Oct 2015
Mother may I?    
May you what?
May I reach the stars?
May I dream anew?
May I question life and also you?

May I  sleep in late?
May I drink the dew?
May I jump in puddles?
And muddy both me and you?    

May I be a superhero?
May I wear a cape?
May I use you stethoscope?
May I be like you and save a life today?

Yes, my sons.
You can do all.
And if it knocks you down,
Remember I'll be there to catch you if you fall.
742 · Apr 2017
You're Winning by Losing
You're winning you know
Pushing her away
She's tiring of this fight
So many times
She's been pushed away in life
She doesn't give up easily
If she sees something
There for to fight
She believes in you
An "us" and a "we"
She's still clinging on
To that so called dream
But she's losing her grip
Her will giving
Starting to slip
You're winning you know
So stop this pushing
Or tell her goodbye
Don't make her look a fool
She's been there
Too many times
Stop pushing away!!
735 · Oct 2015
Fairyland II
Round and round and round she goes
Weaving her trance between the stones
Raven hair flowing
Crimson dress glowing
Faster and faster the music plays
Faster and faster still she sways
Between the stones
She dances alone
Sultry and soft the temptest best
Looking at you to help her crest
Careful, do not go to the center
For there is permanent winter
She laughs and plays taking your hand
Too late my friend
You have now entered *fairyland
Something fun and not of unrequited love
727 · Sep 2017
Sitting upon a grassy field
Sounds of laughter around
There he sits still as stone
Eyes a glassy wonder

Again at home upon his bed
Headphones off
Staring straight ahead
Many times mom has called
Never hearing above the drone


whispers said unto his ear...
715 · Oct 2015
He comes to her in moonlights glow
Wraps her in his arms  
              it is so cold....

Protection he bestows
Yet she cannot feel his skin    

              so cold, she's shivering....  

Only the feeling from within
  He is her forever mate
At least in her minds sake  

              her breath crystallizes, frozen  

She cannot know if he is truly there
Or if her mind just fabricated him to help deal with what she cannot bear.
              so cold, dark, shivering,  can't see

For he is only a ghost that shall forever leave with the dawn
With the break of the sun he disappears
713 · Jan 2016
I climb this mountain alone
I require nothing but my own peace of mind
Along the way I found friendship that I believe will stand the test of time
Temptation has met me halfway up
One that promised to give back lost loves
But I've no time for empty promises and such
For my journey is not yet done
To the peak I must reach, and reach alone
707 · Nov 2015
She sits upon her throne
With a crown upon her brow
A tangled mess of dead vines and bone
She holds a scepter of rotted bough

Her throne is black as obsidian
The arms are made of skulls
Around her are her subjects
these regretful wails of souls  

This is now her kingdom
This place she was delivered
All consuming fear and fire
Where prayers cannot be whispered

Even though she did not want
She will be forever despite her quell  
She pleaded and begged all for not
She is now the queen of **Hell
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