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Apr 2016 · 642
In the elevator going up
Reaching for aspirations
Seemingly out of reach
Door opens
Flood fifth floor
Weird, didn't come in the elevator
Swim through the crystal water
Going for something
What, what am I reaching for
So thirsty, swallow my swimming water
Salty, no quench here
Back to the elevator
Cannot reach
Aspirations becoming further
Unable to grasp
Wake up, sweating
Heart racing
Sunlight spilling in
Take a drink of water
Aspirations, a new day begins
What happens when you only get to dream for a few hours......crazy
Apr 2016 · 2.6k
Yeehaw! That's right. I'm gonna be a cowgirl tonight. Put on my ****-kickers, tight *** jeans. Yeah baby, my *** will fill them nicely. Throw on my pearl snap shirt. The one that's a little too tight up top, but that doesn't hurt. Brush this burnett hair till it's silk. Last but not least, my straw hat to finish the look.
I'm a cowgirl tonight. Yeah, that's me. Looking for my longer than 8 second ride. Hey muse, think you can hold onto me? Cause I'm a cowgirl. I like to buck it around. Get ***** in the ring. Come out in victory. And cowboy, you'll never tire of me. I'm the un-ridable bull. Let's see if you can't tame me. You've said once you like to cowboy up. We'll ***, let's see if you can hold on....
#8seconds #hangon #muse #cowboy #*****
Apr 2016 · 225
I do pretty good most days
Battling my loneliness
Today is not one of them
I really need your hand
*I want to hear your words
Reverberate in my ear
I want to just lay next to you
Feel your skin upon mine
Warming me from outside in
I hate myself on nights like this
When my need for you gives in
This is definitely one of those times
when I wish you knew my kids
Then I wouldn't have to be lonely tonight
I could rest with the taste of you kiss
Missing my friend, lover, muse.....
Mar 2016 · 283
Untitled (explicit)
Blindfold on
Hands *******
Feathery delights
Scalding touch
Deeper still
Up to the hilt
Hands on neck
Don't need to ask what's next
Breathless lungs
Come undone
Hand prints bare
Claimed what's there
Over again
So many times
No longer a sin
Galaxies collide
What a hell of a ride
#fantasy? #ride #collide
Mar 2016 · 331
Such a beauty to see as in you knife

Such a song to my ear as blood
r D
i  r D
p i r
s p i
   s p

Such a feel it has upon my hands your heart
Q   i  e  s
   u  v r
Q   i  e  s
   u  v r
Q   i  e  s
   u  v r

Such a taste in my mouth while you
S   h
S  h  i
  h  i  v
    i   v  e
      v  e r
        e   r

Such a bountiful scent you release when you
C    a  k
   r   c

This devil in me, mine and yours, soul


Mar 2016 · 394
Untitled 25
As I lay here now near slumber
I cannot help but start to ponder
How my heart races forward
Leaving mind in starts far corner
Heart is speeding to lust but larger
Mind just sits and questions farther
Saying yes the heart goes further
Analyzing the mind still ponders
What would happen if both meet
Would my heart see my dreams
Would my mind accept heart's follow
Or would my soul be torn asunder
Even though it's dark I'm weary
I cannot rest till both state clearly
I wish upon the stars this night
Both agree this heart and mind
#lust #more? #wish #ponder #him #muse
Mar 2016 · 221
Untitled 24
Do not abandon me
Leave me here to rot
Scruff my heart you have
But break it please do not

Forever stay at my side
Whether lover or as friend
Do not behind your mask hide
Your secrets I will not bend

Let us ride this roller-coaster
Till it finally stops
Either being we are through
Or life has taken in death apart

So vow you will not abandon me
State this statement true
For dear I cannot live knowing you're gone
I fear I have fallen for you...
Lunch time ramblings...
I have a story to tell
One that may not end that well
It is of a man and woman
Their journey to eachother....

  There once were two children. One a boy and the other a girl. They knew eachother only from church. Sat in different rows but took the same Sunday school class. During breaks between class and church, the children were allowed to play. During this time the boy would pull the girls hair. Weather while in pig tails or down, he always had to touch her.

    This is how it went for years. The boy pulling her hair and she casting him ***** looks. Then after one summer, the girl had grown up. So had the boy. No longer children, yet not quite adults. The girl now found the boy handsome, but was shy to show it. The boys also found the girl pretty but was to afraid to tell. Then one day it happened.

      The girl had a simple party at her house. Invited her friends, including him. Surprisingly he showed. They all watched the game on TV then her and the boy took a stroll. He, as he did in their childhood, kept finding ways to touch her. Eventually he just grabbed her hand. That was it, a relationship started. They dated then for a while. Car rides, parties, parking and going to second only. Sitting together at church. Holding hands in the pews. Then, neither can remember, it was over. Relationship done.

       She went her way and he his. It never failed though. They continued to see eachother in church. The butterflies never leaving. Only now, she sat pews away from him. They only spoke to the other when needed. He then stopped coming, and so did she.

       The boy went on and became a father but not a husband yet. Joined the military and that was that. Came home after his time served. Met a woman, fell in love, and married. Marriage didn't last and divorce happened. During this time of supposed marital bliss, he came back to church for a funeral. There he saw her. She had just had her second child, but to him still looked beautiful. They spoke while they each had a smoke. The butterflies still there.

         She went her own way too after high school. Dated around, met a man, married. They had two children. She believed she was happy. Then she went to assist with a funeral at church. There she saw him. She lost her breath when their eyes met for the first time in years. Butterflies roared in her stomach. Butterflies she had not felt in a long time even with her husband. They spoke while they smoked. How she managed words to come out, she does not recall. She felt true happiness again for that small moment in time. Happiness she did not realize had left her. Five years later, she decided enough was enough. She left her husbandand filed for divorce. She couldn't quit thinking since that fateful day five years prior that she was no longer happy.


      During the turmoil of her soul debating to leave or not, the boy and the girl began to again talk. Completely innocent at first. He listened to her and she in turn learned what happened to him. Then, the week she left, they met again for the first time outside of church in years.

       They ate, they drank, they laid. Oh what a fateful day that was. It was to have only been a neutral meeting, but **** if curiosity did not come in. They wanted nothing more of eachother at that time. He still went his way and her hers. She dated, so did he. But they would still get together as though a magnetic force drew them near.

       Around the fourth month or so, things took a turn. They began to become inseparable on the phone and meeting together more and more. She tried to deny and he did too, that feelings had come into play. This was not supposed to happen. Not yet anyways.

       Fast forward to the now. Oh this here present day. Things have become quite serious between these two. Both delving deeper into the others psyche. Sharing with the other things no one else could know. Still not wanting to yet admit their feelings for the other. She remembering his words of "nothing until the divorce". Him remembering his words to her, "I'm here I am not leaving you again".

       How will this story end? Neither knows for sure. Predictions can be made. Prayers said to keep them together. Maybe after May the tides will turn full favor. Or perhaps fate will step in, once again, and tear them asunder.
Only time will tell....
Mar 2016 · 356
Not Me
This is not me
I am not a girlie girl see
I don't like to write about
Rainbows, butterflies, roses and such
I enjoy the macabre
Death, destruction, blood, and pain
My muse is making it harder though
To write about what I truly know
Blood red nails raking backs
Reapers coming ******* you dry
Black hole heart's and obsidian souls
Graves dug deeper
Just to place you in so you cannot talk my secret keeper
These are the things I know
Now here I am...
Sunshine, unicorns, and **** rainbows
Heart's a flutter
Rose's are red, violets are blue
Oh dear me, now what to do
Someone slap the stupid out of me...
Mar 2016 · 228
The stone rolled back
Women scared unknowing how
Two apostles came
Linens empty
He is gone
Angel tells them straight
He is Risen!
Kneel now and for salvation pray
Happy Easter hp friends! He is Risen! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Mar 2016 · 588
Good Friday
The church dimly lit by candles
The procession begins
Alter servers in white with crimson ropes
Solemn, quiet, mournful
They proceed to their destination
The priest lays prostrate before the alter
His crimson vestment starts to glow
The moon in all her beauty shines through
the glass of our Lord's home
Service begins
The Passion read
Our holy Cross brought forth
Chaste, mournful lips kiss our Lord's feet
Tears are shed is silent sobs
Our King has died
We look forward for three days
Trying hard to remember he rises
Knowing the end of the story
Yet still heart's break
Our King has passed
As silently as service began
It is finished
Into His hands we commended our spirit
"He will rise to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom shall have no end"
*exert from the Apostles Creed*
Mar 2016 · 239
My friend
My lover
My muse
It is you of whom I wish on me to abuse
Wrap you hands tightly around my neck
as you have already done to my heart
Grab my hair forcefully and expose my neck
you have already done so with my soul
But in return I ask of this
Let me bleed you dry
as my nails rake down your back
I want to swim in the vastness of your eyes
Take a trip inside your soul as we sweat
Let me nibble upon your heart
I want to make it quake as you do mine whenever you are near
My friend
My lover
My muse
Let us the galaxies explore
Let us do so hand in hand
#muse #lover #galaxies #explore
Mar 2016 · 319
Eternity of bliss spent in bed
Spent now they rest their heads
Did their demons put to rest?
Or did the beast they just test?
One night is never enough. Our demons are fighting their way up top again. We both know we're eachother's favorite sin..***** little secret
Mar 2016 · 209
The first breath of a babe
A lazy summer night
How the stars hang in the balance of the heavenly sky
The first snowflake of winter
The first flower of spring
The taste of lovers lips
The song the soul sings
A cold one on a hot day
Laughter of children as they play
Birds flying high
The beautiful blue of the sky
The beauty seen through my eyes
The simplest things in disguise
Find your simple beauty....
Mar 2016 · 365
Devil's Playground
Your words are my song

             the angel's choir itself

Your kiss my heavenly host

              we take this body

Velvet hands my drink

               we take this blood

You have become my blasphemy

                lord forgive us our sins

My vessel ready

                 as we forgive those before us

Stronger than lust, less than love

                  lead us not into temptation

**** you and **** myself

                 *we are the devil's playground
Mar 2016 · 268
Itches to the core
Butterflies begin to soar
Pupils narrow seeking
Heart's beat racing
Lips dry and waiting
Mouth waters
Nerve endings fire
A spark within desire
How you pray it stays a kindle
Oh this wonderful thing
Ready or not, here we go....
Mar 2016 · 283
he speaks of love as only a poet can
one who has had
 his heaRt
ripped out and placed back
in hIs hands,
how i long to
hold him tiGht
to show him that
it will be juSt fine
but no i must not, cannot
i must stay in this so called friend spot
hopefully one day though he will see
that i've been trying to put his heart back, along with mine
where it needs to be
Mar 2016 · 932
The taste of adrenaline sits on my tongue
Copper in flavor, or maybe zinc, or steel
I do not know
So many metals have I tasted
This taste burns
Sending jolts of electricity through my body
This taste of adrenaline only comes
When I think of you
Along with the butterflies
How they wreck my stomach
Wreaking havoc within
Causing the taste to become bolder
Unable to rid it with simple drink
The only cure for such a taste
The balm of your lips
The touch of your skin
I need it now more than ever
To push aside this metallic taste
Mar 2016 · 951
Silence is deafening
Words left unspoken
Screaming in my ears
How I long for your words
                                            ignite the fire

Avenues left unexplored

                      needing, wanting to investigate

Leave me not in dark

                   tell me how you want it too

Hush the unspoken words

*take away the deafness
Mar 2016 · 215
I see fire
Rising from the funeral pyre
Watching the smoke waft into the air
Creating shapes and forms
of once what was there
The fire burning an unnatural way
Searing into my soul
Saying goodbye
To what was once new now old
Ten years past
The flames rise higher
The smoke thicker
The love that once was
Burns the night sky
No longer trying to come back
Knowing defeat it succumbs to the fire
Sparking a new flame
Somewhere in the soul hidden deep
The smoke rising to the heavens
Upon the stars wishes meet
the love of old gone in the ash
A new love now burns
The heavens clash
Raining down embers of long ago past
Sparking anew the hearts of two
Out with the old....fate chooses to bring new.
Mar 2016 · 249
Green eyes
Hard and piercing
Not likely to let go
Not until to her
Loyalty you show
Beautiful as she may be
But when her eyes turn green
A monster rarely let out
Takes charge and screams
You'd best show her boy
Tame the beast let loose
Or it will be you two
Swinging from the hangman's noose
Green eyed monster is abound. Make her yours lest it'll turn to a "see ya 'round"....
Mar 2016 · 300
Loneliest (haiku)
The loneliest time
It's when your heartbeat is gone
When it's not with mine
Cannot wait till our paths bring us together again...
Mar 2016 · 283
The Dark Side Red
Pregnant clouds darken the sky
Winter gives one last sigh
Nor'easter blows strong
Through the city it's goodbye song

Into the storm she goes
Down the walk water flows
Deftly on the cobblestones she steps
Leaving where she never should have been

Ladies and gents in uniform black
Scurrying about to find shelter from the wet
To their respected office these drones
In black suits and umbrellas they hone

Upon umbrellas of black
The rain plays their song
Pitter pat-a-tat tat
She herself hums along

An enigma in the mass
She adorns red from the rest
As the blood that had pooled at her feet
Red as the ones of whom she left to bleed

Upon this dreary rainy morn
She does not in humanity conform
Standing red amongst the black
Red as the ones of whom she has broken and left
Mar 2016 · 258
Lead me into temptation
Keep me not from the elation
Deny me tonight once again
Keeping us both from our favorite sin

Deny me once
I shall forgive
Deny me twice
My will starts to bend
Deny me thrice
my soul becomes ice

Engage me soon
Forever my angels sing your tune
their song is deafening
My will is breaking

Return to me my favorite sin
Hold me close once again
Thaw this soul of ice
*Ask for penance of denying thrice
Deny us no more...
Mar 2016 · 536
In the mountains of old
A sword rests having just been forged
Waiting now for the respectful keep
All bow to revenance of thee

Years will pass before claim is made
One whom has a soul that bleeds
Broken yet still fights
One who loves with all might

The sword shall rest until such time
For the one whom she has in mind
Forged she was off blood, sweat, and tears
Lays in wait for years

One has come who demons have fought
Gallantly trodded the Devils lot
Ripped was the heart of this keep
Only to love again wholeheartedly

Once eyes were set upon this sword
Her beauty seen from the delicate forge
Though covered in dust from years of wait
The keep takes her as is fate
Just some 3am ramblings of middle earth....
Mar 2016 · 156
Not Enough
Is it not enough............

you hold my world's desires

             *i've blossomed like a wildflower

           that the moon at us she smiles

       you have awakened my inner wiles

                             my heart beats for you

                      this ember burns true

         my body aches for your touch

                  of you I cannot get enough

Is that not enough to keep you....
can it please be enough........
#enough #keep #feelings
Mar 2016 · 365
I just want to lay here
Wrapped in your arms
Skin to skin
Souls laid bare

Don't want to leave
Knowing I must
A feeling of peace
It completely engulfs

Take me once more
Show me how we're wrong
I don't believe it's true
Since my angels now sing your tune
sigh.......their song is deafening
Mar 2016 · 224
Dogs are barking
Though none to be found
You're stuck in your cubicle
Devoid of all sound

The radio plays
But a voice yells in your ear
It's not part of the song
The one you know so dear

Sitting on the sofa
Just reading a book
Your names been called
You turn frantically to look

Alone everytime
You just know you're losing your mind
Perhaps you are correct
These voices say inside your head...
Or is it the ghosts of the past coming for you?
Mar 2016 · 228
Am I really here
Are you really you

Was everything I've ever seen really so
Have I really done what I've seen do

Is your life really yours
Do you control it, or does it control you

Are you really reading this
Or is your mind playing tricks
I know, I know...posting a lot from my past.  Just want to get them out before I lose my nerve. Another one from when I was around 15 or 16. Wow, so long ago...
#tricky #mind..
Mar 2016 · 580
My Ghost
He calls on the phone
We say hello
He says "I love you"
He then let's go

He walks in my dreams
I catch a glimpse during the day
His cologne lingers in the house
He comes to see me somedays

He's become the ghost
The ghost of what once was
He holds me in his ghostly presence
He holds me for real, a few times a month

He's the ghost of my dreams
He's the ghost of the day
He's the ghost of cologne
He's the ghost of which I pray

He's the ghost of the phone
He's the ghost of hellos
He's the ghost of I love yous
*He's the ghost of let go's
Another old one that I found back from high school. I wrote this one when I was around 16, back when we didn't have cell phones and the Internet was still being discussed. Haha
Mar 2016 · 294
Time Change
The sun wakes up later
The moon she's groggy in the night sky
The circadian rhythm off kilter
This time change can kiss my knickers.
Second **** day in a row I didn't wake up on time. My internal clock is off...
#time #change #kiss #knickers
Mar 2016 · 268
Sin is just a string which we are all on
the more sin we commit
The stronger the string becomes
The stronger it is, the harder to break

When we are born
We have one string on us
As we become older
More strings appear

Pretty soon we become Satan's marionette
His own little soldier
Even though we reach this point at least once in our lives
We can always turn back to the Lord, Jesus Christ

Though the strings may be hard to break
Through the power of the Lord
We will overcome.
Ok, please be kind.  I wrote this one about 19 years ago. Hard to believe I still have my old high school works.  I have not tweaked it any. This is it in its raw form. It was published in a poetry journal. Again, please be kind.
Mar 2016 · 230
Church II
Today I was brave
Today I decided to go for it
Maybe not the best place to do so
You know, right before the pulpit
I planned it out carefully
Not wanting to mess up
I dolled myself up nicely
Coiffed my hair for the final touch
In I strode down the isle
Going to my seat
You know the one, that sits back three
Of course I had to pass him
since he sits behind me, 6 and to the left
To get to where I sit
Head held high and trench coat on
Hopefully reminded him
The night I won't soon forget
Black heels showing and legs galore
don't worry, I was still modest enough for our Lord
Under this black trench coat
That I had adorned
the same one he devoured me in
You see he hasn't ignored me
Since that spontaneous night
Oh no, we had plenty before
That one was just out of site
Yes I came to praise our God
But the devil wants to play
So black heels and trench coat it was
I hope I got a "rise" from him today
Yep, the devil loves to play.

If you'd like to, read the first one "Church".
Mar 2016 · 210

is ours!
Stake your claim...
Mar 2016 · 169
I Wish
I wish I never searched that day
                                        for old photographs
Of times from far away

I wish I never sent the first hello
                                                    just saying hi
Do you remember that time from long ago

I wish I never would have suggested
                                 let's do dinner this night
I only meant the water to be tested

I wish I never saw your face again
                          though it was hard not to do
I've been seeing it every Sunday weekend

I wish I could remember
                       why it was gone the first time
Did we truly leave a sparked ember

I wish the butterflies to escape
                  how they rage when you're near
They've been for years that way

I wish I knew you want me too
                                                     like I am
I wish to be held next to you
Loving having my little ones with me. Missing my lover. Maybe one day soon it won't be this way....
Mar 2016 · 202
I tried to sleep tonight. I'm exhausted but sleep will not come. You're on my mind. Tis like my soul you've made undone. I cannot see you for a while, the little ones won't agree. But oh if you could hold me in your arms, at peace I could be. I pray to God that you dream a little dream of us. One that puts a smile on your face and makes you, for us, full of lust. I know that when I dream, we are together, a picturesque serene. I also pray that if you read this, it will not scare you off. Dear my heart is not quite ready for that L word, love. But to have you stay in my life, would mean the world to me. Maybe soon it'll be ok, and the little ones will agree.
My lover, my friend has yet to meet my children outside of church. I don't know if he ever will. That is for me to decide and him to want.
Mar 2016 · 1.5k
Up, down, round and round
To and fro
Back and forth
Dance with me
this dance of ambiguity
I say this
You say that
I do this
And you do that
Sometimes on the same page meet
But most of it
You reach to touch
I hold still
I lean in close
You back step twirl
I lean away
You lean close
Like two teens
Discovering love
Morning comes and goodbyes said
Till next time
We're in the others head
Awkward stance
Both you and I
We finally touch
It's not goodbye
One day soon
We'll be in tune
Until that day
*Ambiguity shall stay
One day soon...
Mar 2016 · 232
Slumber Prayer
For you, for them
For me, for him
I bid adieu
Sleep tight
May the angels keep you tonight
May the darkness not swallow you whole
May the suns morning rays
Be the first you behold

Upon waking from your slumber
I hope tomorrow you remain humble
To all the gifts you are given
Even the pain that is risen
I have said it once
I will say it again
For beauty will arise from pain
To feel pain is to know you are still living, be thankful for that...
Mar 2016 · 223
Last Night
I know I was quiet last night
Don't think to much into it
I really had no desire
To retell my day, my week
Finally I was falling asleep
Then when you rolled over
And cuddled me tight
Memories came flooding back
Cut like a knife
It startled me awake you see
Been a while since you just held me
Didn't know where exactly I was
Thought maybe everything had been a dream
That maybe the marriage didn't fall
Angry I became
Then I heard the whir of your machine
I knew then, this was real
After the memories subsided
I eased back into you
That's when I felt right again
It felt right, brand new
Then the hours passed quick
My alarm went off, time to split
I awoke with you holding me tight
Have to go, but this feels so right
Never before have I felt this good
Even with him I couldn't handle his touch
Last night though and this morn
It finally felt as it should
Nope. The ex was never one to fully cuddle. Excuses ranged from "hair's in my mouth, you're elbows too bony, my leg hurts too much". But him, no excuses, just pure bliss. So comfortable,  didn't want to leave... thank you for that and times to come
Mar 2016 · 658
Poet I
I want my poetry to feel to you as such
That I have ripped out your heart
                                and on it I stomped
Broke it into
         a thousand  p     e 
                                 i   c  s

Placed back in your hands while you stood
on knees shaking

Making you  f

 onto the ground
Begging God for lost love while
your weeps and screams

A     B    O    U   N   D

This may be very vain of me to say
If my poetry did not make you feel that way

*then I am no poet today
Wrote this one day after trying to explain why I write. It's not always this way, but misery does love company..don't get me wrong, I love to write and I love the relief it gives to just get it out. Took me a long time to want to share this one.
Mar 2016 · 420
Black Hole
Her body is that of the milky way
Light flooding from her like the sun
In her eyes you can see the stars
Her mind, the planets Jupiter and Mars

Her skin is soft
Like the moons light
Her soul is earth
Lush and ready to bloom
All made just right

One part is different from all the rest
Dark, lonely, a void
Obsidian that lies within her breast
Don't stray too close
In a wink it will **** you in, tear you apart
A black hole has become her heart
#broken #tomanytimes #blackhole
Mar 2016 · 1.0k
Listen and listen close

the wind she's telling you her secrets

She's telling you about your ghost

Look at the trees that bend

they are leading you

Leading you to him

Feel the dirt beneath your feet

it is no longer dry

Feel the earth as she weeps

Taste the rain upon your lips

smoke and ash raining down

Taste like the fire from his kiss

The ghost is ghost no more

wind, trees, and rain

They have led him to your door

Open it slowly with intentions true

upon your mouth a smile coy

*He is waiting out there for you
Listen you hear the call?
Mar 2016 · 403
I Need More
I need more than just a text
I miss it so
It has been weeks
The feeling of skin

I miss the reverberation of the voice
How it sends shudders
Throughout my body
Making even my bones pliable

I miss the eyes on me
Penetrating into my soul
Seeing what I try to hide
Not caring, searches for more

I miss the taste of mouth
The way it's salty and sweet
How it quenches my thirst
My being hydrated to bloom

I miss the scent
The one that is truly unique
How it lingers upon me
More than skin deep

So yes, I am a ******
Withdrawls I'm going through
My body yearns for it
I need more than just text
Mar 2016 · 500
Answers Needed
Why do I still feel drunk
Why is it that the trashcan and I have become best friends
Why am I still so dizzy
I didn't go past my limit
Last night has many holes in the story
Did I really do that or is it a placed memory
How did I come to having my shoes off
What would have happened if I didn't have my friend
How did I make it home in the morning
A twenty minute drive took sixty
Couldn't hardly move when I made it to my bed
Except to lean over my new friend trashcan
Call a bud come help quick
Line started, bolus given
Stay until I crash
Hot/cold, shivers and hallucinations
Thank God for my night friend
I could have been a statistic
Roofie it may have been
Still am unsure if it was just alcohol poisoning or roofied. Just thankful I was with a trusted friend. Never left my drinks unattended but you never see the magicians slight of hand...
Mar 2016 · 175
I seek a piece of home
That is becoming hard to find
This piece that I am seeking
Forever eludes my mind
Where is home?
Mar 2016 · 375
(not) A Good Day
I must say that today was a good day
I kept a smile on my face
but now it's night
Out come all the feelings I have tried to fight
Bombarding me with their essence
Clawing their way inside my head
Searching hard at my wall
Built around them, to keep me from my fall
Looking to find a breach
I must have one, for out some have leaked
the not good enough's, strong enough's, smart enough's, pretty enough's
for you
All my smiles vanish from the day
Gone like the suns rays
My insecurities flit about
Teaming my mind
Filling it with doubt
The crack must have become a crevice
A true breach in my defenses
For here I am laying in bed
*thinking how to just end
Insecurity is thine own worse enemy
Feb 2016 · 152
They're Back!
The boys are back in town!
Actually just in my house
The dogs are crazy happy too
The boys and them
Running around, letting out shouts
Laughter fills the rooms again
Along with it my heart
I shed a tear of joy just now
This week I shall not hear
The mournful cries of the lark
They're back for my week. Love my boys!!
Feb 2016 · 179
I'm kinda cold tonight
I kinda feel alone
I kinda want him to hold me
I kinda want him to know
But my pride isn't kinda
It's an all sure thing
It keeps me from telling
It keeps me from him
One day I'll have the courage to say. One day I'll let him know when my pride doesn't get in my way
Feb 2016 · 213
  That'll be me
       halo sitting all askew

   Yeah, that's you
        your halo lost somewhere

    Come on in here with me
         no halos anywhere to be seen

That's right
  You, me, and he

He's fun to play with
   *Yeah, the devil makes three
Been watching Supernatural. I'm on a demon/devil kick..  
Wanna dance with the devil?
Feb 2016 · 165
For He has been called many things
Teacher, prophet, Jesus, God
But to me He is called
*King of Kings
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