Oklahoma I'm a nurse who has always loved to write. Some poems may never see the light of day due to them being too personal. I hope you do enjoy what I do share.
Now then. I have finally decided I will try my hand at publishing. So if it seems I am bogging dow 214 followers / 16.9k words
Who is this woman staring back at me There is something different about her If you look just right, you can see her teen self a childlike quality still But then it's gone Replaced with one who is poised Who has been thru hell and back Stronger than she ever was subtle grey streaking her auburn hair Eyes wise yet scared, scarred But there is a light One that has been absent for so long It is now there *it has returned home
I smell him on the edge of a storm When the sky is pregnant with electricity The thunder resonates thru As though he is speaking to me The whisper of the wind His promise of love His scent of the earth and water Envelopes me when the rain falls So when I am without him On a stormy night My soul cries in loneliness I cannot touch the storm Only have brief caresses of his soul
Fingers feel soul sighs Swords ****** Into the depth you go Begging for more Barriers melt away Windows open amber in glasses swirl Inhales of the smoke Dreams become reality Whispers penetrate Calling to the other souls collide With a mournful *whiskey lullaby