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You said that satire is not your favorite flavor ice cream
well sweetheart that is too **** bad
the broken clock on my wall
is right more than you’d think
and this broken record may make you seasick
but I wouldn’t trade it for all the pretty girl smiles in the world
you said I dress like a poor man when really I’m a smiling white faced teen
well you dress like one of my wet dreams
so who’s really winning?
so my lines are played out? Washed up? Dried up? Flat?
So my howl is more of a yawn? My leaves of grass more like turf?
well crucify me to your canvas little miss art
I look good in red and blue
you said I take things too personally
or not at all
you said that apathy isn’t really that attractive
well neither is *******, but somehow you pull it off
you said you think we’ve still got a few weeks of winter left
so how come I can feel the clouds beginning to break over head?
you’re right. I am wrong. You are wrong. I am wrong. You are right.
would you pass me the ashtray please
I think I may have gotten ahead of myself
this headache is too large for advil to tame
and my throat is itching again
so, just for a while, I think I’m going to put you on hold
 Feb 2014 Karina Roman
Theia Gwen
She reads
                                          And she sleeps
                                                      Way too much
                                                            ­           It's her coping defence
                                                                ­               When nothing else will suffice
                                                         ­               She needs to get away
                                                       Without actually leaving
                                             Because she's too scared
                                   And too tired
                                            To leave her bed
                                                      So she cracks open a book
                                                            ­     To escape somewhere far away
                                                            ­             And she'll sob for the characters
                                                      ­                       Whose brokenness resembles hers
                                                            ­                                   And then she'll sleep
                                                           ­                                   And have sweet dreams
                                                          ­              Of realities that are not her own
                                                       Because pretending is so much easier
                                                 Than facing reality
                             So she'll sleep and dream
          And secretly wish she won't wake up
So she can finally escape
 Feb 2014 Karina Roman
Freedom enlightens
the chains on our souls
You want me to write something
about this holiday
but you want to know what I think
well this is what I say
I'll never be your perfect valentine
because the truth is
I hate it
I hate this
it's just another holiday
telling you how you should be living
but I don't care
no flowers or gifts will I be giving
no tacky greeting cards
telling you that I choo-choo-choose you
it's just another reason to spend money
just another reason to sit on your own
just another day to dream about
the one you love
or the one you're without
just another reason to be a couple
just another reason to be kissed
just another reason to hold hands
just another reason to get flowers
just another reason to say I love you
just another reason to go on a date
just another reason to be in love
just another day like any other...
An empty carcass,
beaten to death.
Left for dead,
in the concrete streets.

Cracked and all dried up,
it follows the breeze,
like autumn leaves,
dead and yet dancing.

The ground will open someday,
swallow you whole.
The sky is black as coal,
your soul will wither.

Like the carcass, you will die,
rise from your sleep,
deep underground,
but for now you suffer sin.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
 Feb 2014 Karina Roman
Here I go
          *So wide
An involuntary
Pure reaction
To the thought



Surroundings fade

I am fully submerged
          in Images and Dreams
Wholly immersed
          in Conversations and Schemes
Completely entrenched
          in Wondering
                    What this

I am here
          Right now
In these moments
A lifetime



So far gone

Transcended to a parallel reality
I could dwell here
          In my make believe
Make a life here
          For you and me
Stay forever here
                              My fantasy


Filled with
And Love



©Tina Thompson
Thoughts of My First Love
A year ago I was sitting in my room
dropping out of college
I found a pen and an old notebook
which I got for my creative writing class
in high school
So I picked it up, unsure of what was going to happen
but I wrote a poem called in my dreams
without meaning to
Dude, poetry is gay
but It seemed I had a taste for it
a week later I was writing to drown out the sound
of my roommate fighting with his girlfriend
and the couple was born

I was a secret drop out
I even made up a class schedule
so I would go at varying hours on varying days
to any cafe which had cheap coffee and free wifi
and I would write these ****** little poems
saved in a google docs folder called
I used to ***** around on the web too much
stuff like stumbleupon
and I found all of you beautiful sons of *******
a strange old website called
facebook for those young or foolish enough
to call themselves poets
I was skeptical
I’ve never been a fan of other writers in my atmosphere
but I’ll be ****** If I didn’t fall in love
with the ***** old dog
I wrote and I wrote and I wrote
I may not have been the best
but you can’t spell prolific without pro
and when I finally hit
it was like losing my virginity all over again
only not as awkward and drunk

I’ve been pottering around on here for a year now
and every person who read my work
every angel which clicked follow
Got to see me bang my head against the keyboard
in dark rooms on even darker days
and they’ve seen some of my best work
definitely some of my worst
and I’ve met some genuinely great people along the way
I only hope that you all know who you are
So let’s raise a glass to the year passed
and celebrate
a bunch of wild poet… things
and here’s to another year
of weird little poems
To all of you awesome ******* - thanks for helping me get to where I am today. Thanks for the chance at being a part of a community. Thanks for posting stuff which kicked my stuff's ***. Thanks for the motivation and support. Thank you.
       - Harry J. Baxter
Poetry taught me ******* myself
poetry taught me why I shouldn’t
poetry taught me that sometimes
a laugh is a whole lot more than a laugh
and poetry helped me get back in touch
with all of my long lost tears
poetry taught me that girls at a party
love a poet
but girls at a party
don’t know a ****** thing about poetry
poetry taught me that that doesn’t matter
I’ve got a **** and we’re all just animals
poetry taught me how to talk to girls
poetry taught me that I’m the type of guy
who strikes out way less on the page
Ermmm… yeah. Do ya like music?
poetry taught me that getting high
results in crashing lows
and it’s the ascent/descent which breeds art
passion comes from the destinations
poetry taught me honesty
and how to make a lie sound truthful
poetry taught me life and death
and made nihilism seem hip
poetry taught me that my Mum is on occasion
a crazy woman
and that my Dad is more like me than I’d like to admit
poetry taught me that that is all okay
poetry taught me how to be okay in the passenger seat
but also when to take the steering wheel by force
poetry taught me how to make the glint of
a neon sign reflected by a broken forty ounce bottle
into a dazzling beam of lunar light
poetry has taught me a lot
and I’m eager to learn
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