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Kara Ashley Jan 2015
I want to please you
I try to please you
I can't
I won't
I'm wrong
So wrong
What is right?
I don't want to fight
Help me please
Just tell me please
Kara Ashley Jan 2015
Beauty doesn't mean
Pretty eyes
Gettin all the guys
Clear skin
Stick thin
Has beauty
Beauty is skin deep
The phrase is so cliche, yet so true
Ignored by the ones who need it
Beautiful soul
Beautiful heart
Beautiful personality
That is the beauty in us
God sees our true beauty, even if it's hidden from the world
You can go through with a false understanding of the word,
You can choose to see the beauty that God has put into each and every one of our lives.
The beauty of potential
Beauty is a choice
Not a fact.

— The End —