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 May 2014 Kaity Hellen
You still hold my heart,
both broken pieces of it
 May 2014 Kaity Hellen
 May 2014 Kaity Hellen
let it be one kiss with pure consience
let it be one hug with a deep heat
let it be one look with a innocent grin
let it be the truth without an evil end
I'm   so   scared
Don't   slip   away
I   need   you*
 Jun 2013 Kaity Hellen
AJ Salazar
You’re often on my mind,
wandering in and out
I think about what we could have been,
should have been
But maybe it is all in my head
Maybe I just can’t move on
And believe me, I have tried
But still, you’re on my mind
I have mixed feelings about this one..
Get up
And pick your heart off the floor
Face it
He's not into you anymore.

Remember this
And try to stand proud and tall
Chin high
Change course once you've hit a wall.

Secrets hidden
To pretend that you're alright
Smile big
Don't let them know you've been crying all night

Move on
Because it's all that you can do
Head strong
No one needs to know you're bleeding black and blue.
 Jun 2013 Kaity Hellen
AJ Salazar
“No one’s perfect until you fall in love with them”
That’s what they say
And I've fallen for a boy
Who couldn't possibly fall for me
But I fell for him anyways,
And he is perfect in my eyes
But it is useless for he won’t love me back
Quite sad, isn't it?
He must not realize that he wanders
Into my mind every so often
I have him memorized
While he barely glances my way,
And has taken over my daydreams
I had no idea what to name this at first
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