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i'm cold                 yet thats nothing new                
i'm always cold lately        

i refuse to put more layers on
so i sit                          
and shiver        

i actually feel something        
it's bitter cold                        
but it's real    

not like the fake heat            
of thinking about you                
fake love
where it was real

no, instead                                    
i remain frozen                      

an ice statue  
where tears fall                    
but its okay      


they freeze
before they get far            
they roll down
to halfway                  
before stopping
on my cheek          

tiny frozen icicles
I wish you could hear what I have to say
But the problem is I can't put my emotions into words
Until 10 minutes after the fight is over.
Maybe they'll come at the right time someday.

I wish you would listen to me instead of ignore my yelling
But the problem is you're so **** stubborn
And I have too much pride to swallow my words
Maybe you actually understand what I'm feeling, but there's no telling.

I wish you would walk up to me and take my anger
And push it out of my body as you engulf me in your arms
But you have so many reasons not to forgive me for this
Maybe one day soon you'll stop looking at me like I'm a stranger.

I wish you would speak to me instead of only talk
And then things would become more functional again
But your ideas do not match up with mine anymore
One day I'll realize this parting shouldn't have been such a shock.

— The End —