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Meredith Jan 2016
Me; little did he know that I was more than nervous.
And that it took everything in me to pull his lips back to mine to allow them to meet once more . Kissing him was like my own personal sample of ecstasy, in that moment he was my heroine. The way his lips felt on mine, as if they had been carved to fit with mine so perfectly. The sweet taste of the kiss still on my lips as our lips parted for the last time. I wanted him. More than I had ever wanted a man, even though it was in the most innocent of ways. I wanted to just sit there and kiss him all day. With my arm around him pulling him close. I hadn't wanted to let him leave, and looking back I shouldn't have.
Little things in that moment didn't matter. It was just one of those moments I'll never forget, one of those moments you only get once in a life time.
Meredith Jan 2016
Him;Like, just the thrill of it. I was slightly nervous about kissing you and if I'd be okay... Wondering how you'd be.. Then I went for it, just a peck more or less... But then we kissed and as I pulled out and said I need to go, you looked at me and said, "you can't just kiss me and leave" and you grabbed me and pulled me back in to taste your sweet lips again. It was just almost a feeling of ecstasy just kissing you. Feeling wanted. Just the way you held me there and pulled me in showed you wanted me and I wanted you too. Little things in that moment didn't matter. It was just one of those moments I'll never forget.
Meredith Jan 2016
I'll never forget how you tasted that night, or how badly i wanted you.
I'll always remember how your hands felt on my hips, and your fingers felt tracing my lips.
Meredith Dec 2015
I once had a friend who told me
"I still love him. But I can't be with him, even though he still loves me too.."
And why's that? I asked
She replied "because even though you love someone doesn't mean you're meant to end up together."
And that hit me as one of the truest things I've ever heard.
-something I learned in A school.
Meredith Nov 2015
Honestly, all I want is a cute guy, who would like to read with me, listen to Elvis records, sip coffee, and like me enough to tongue kiss me.
Meredith Nov 2015
And then I saw her.
For the first time in four months.
I can't exactly describe what I felt at the exact moment that my eyes met hers.
Happiness maybe? But it felt like it was much more than that.
It was the feeling of finally coming home.
Upon laying my eyes on her, I ran up to her and wrapped my arms around her.
She squeezed me tight, as I did the same to her.
We held hands as we walked out of the airport to her car, as any best friends would after months of not seeing each other.
Even as she drove me home I held onto her as tightly as I could manage as she was driving.
In the moment it didn't feel real.
I couldn't believe I was really with her.
She dropped me off at my house, but not without a ten minute hug goodbye.
I promised her I would see her again before I left two days later.
Then Saturday came and I saw her again.
She spent time with my family and I. Holding my hand any chance she got. I knew she would miss me once I left, but I knew there was no way she could miss me as much as I would miss her.
As the night came to an end and we were on our way to the airport I realized something.
This women beside me holding my hand as tight as possible was not only my best friend, but something more.
She meant more to me than a best friend.
She meant the world to me. And I still can't figure out exactly what that feeling for her was.
Meredith Nov 2015
You see life doesn't always work out the way one would like it to.
Some times you have to be patient, and wait.
Other times you wish for one thing, and another happens.
But never question why things happen.
God has a plan for each one of us.
You and me.
No matter what you're going through he's there.
Watching you, knowing exactly what your thinking at all times.
Even when things are going downhill he already knows what's next that will lift you up.
Keep your head up kid, he's got you.
Ive never been one to write about my religion, but because of recent events taking place in my life it felt right to write and share this. I hope you enjoy.(:
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