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Meredith Nov 2015
Late nights
Random people
Loud music
Houses I've never been to, and probably will never go to again
Beer pong
Strange drinks
Car rides
2 am conversations
Left over Halloween candy
Empty glass bottles
Sleepy eyes
Sun rise
Meredith Oct 2015
I want to be the one you tell your drunk stories to
The one you tell every secret to as if it were a casual conversation
I want to be the girl that you smile at the thought of
The one person that's always on your mind
I want to be the reason you look at your phone and smile
I want to be the person you go on crazy adventures with and tell everyone how great they were
I want to be the girl you Skype for hours and then call when the connection fails because all you want is to hear my voice
I want to make you smile when you see things and think of me
I want to go to coffee shops we've never been to and find antique stores worth exploring
I want to talk about the universe and why you believe in God
I want to interlock my fingers with yours and go for a walk down the beach
But more than anything I want to tell you that i want all these things, and I want to hear you say that you want the same.
Meredith Jul 2015
As I sat on the back of his bike, with my arms around him, sweaty palms clenched tight. I realized nothing mattered. It didn't matter that I was being shipped off to boot camp in a week and a half.. It didn't matter that if my parents knew where I was that they would have killed me.. It didn't matter that I used to have feelings for him, or that I still did. On the back of his bike, nothing mattered.
Meredith Jul 2015
I could have fell asleep, right there. With my arms around him, and the sound of the wind. Leaving towns behind one at a time.
littlr sneak peak of a poem I have been  working on ..
Meredith Jul 2015
When we first started talking, I should have known it wouldn't end well.
When you took my hand and interlocked our fingers, I should have known those same hands would make me feel something I've never felt before.
After our first kiss, I should have known I would only want your lips on mine.
When you asked me to go steady, I should have known this relationship would be over in the blink of an eye.
When you looked at me the way you  did, i should have known you felt for me what I was scared to say I felt for you.
When you said you loved when we were together, I should have known I made you feel like no one else had.
When you let me meet your parents, I should have known I was something special to you.
When you stayed with me instead of going to hangout with friends, I should have known i already meant the world to you.
When you looked at me with a smile after just pulling away from a kiss, I should have known you could fall in love with someone in an instant, no matter how long you had been with them.
When you said you couldn't wait for me, I should of been understanding.
When we were wrapped up in each other, I should have taken the time to tell you what you meant to me.
When I knew what I felt for you was love, I should have told you. No matter how heavy my heart felt at the thought of you not feeling the same way.
And When I had to say goodbye to you for the last time, I should have known that love does not always die. But some times the perfect people come into your life at the wrong time.
Meredith Jul 2015
I write, because the things I wish to say come out a lot better when I put pen to paper then when I try to make those same words come out of my mouth.

Meredith Jul 2015
With how short life is, wasting time should be a crime.
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