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Oct 2013 · 1.7k
The little matchstick girl
Just Anna Oct 2013
Like a matchstick
Under pressure and friction
I light up

Heat surges through
my body
and then after glowing for awhile
it is extinguished

Sep 2013 · 459
Ironies #2
Just Anna Sep 2013
Because I can't stop
Sep 2013 · 450
Just Anna Sep 2013
Because I keep going
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
Just Anna Sep 2013
I've found a different method now
Because you've taught me
what I learnt as a child
Because words are too loud
So we turn to voice

Maybe I should turn to keys
Black and white keys
I play soft slow songs
Pedal pressing down

Maybe I should turn to art
each sketch releasing pressure
art reveals too much
and creates too much

No writing
Because that's the whole point
Words are too permanent
Words are too impactful
Words are creatures of immense power

Physical pain on the other hand
is too much pain
and keeping silent is just not

But no matter what
I must never turn to my mind
Imagination stopped being useful
About 2 years ago

My mind is too repetitive
Pictures repeat too much
Words flash too much
My mind adds salt
My mind adds fire
My mind adds ****.
Sep 2013 · 387
Just Anna Sep 2013
I have to admit.
I'm pretty sore

3 weeks of fixation
on writing this piece

Another 3 weeks
of anticipation

How about another 3 weeks
of heartbreak

Things always come in threes
Sep 2013 · 641
[ Criticism ]
Just Anna Sep 2013
Awkward rhyming
forced and cliche
question marks dotting the page
squiggly lines everywhere

I guess this is what I get
for writing poetry
to be judged

The worst part is
I agree.
Sep 2013 · 574
Aftermath or so I think
Just Anna Sep 2013
I drove myself to this state
This state of weakness
My body couldn't take it no more
It betrayed me
Left me burning through the day

All the emotional stress
created friction with my brain
decided maybe, if what you see with your eyes
pains you so much

*why don't we burn it?
Just Anna Sep 2013
My eyes cry out
Like a dry desert

I can feel cracks
at the back of my eyes
It's so dry
It's sore

It's the effects of a drought
after a long monsoon
Sep 2013 · 297
Just Anna Sep 2013
It's funny how I wake up
Feeling nothing of what I'd felt before
It's like a different person
I'm sorry
Sep 2013 · 519
Just Anna Sep 2013
There goes
I relapsed

How insensitive of me
Just Anna Sep 2013
There goes
the last string
I trusted not to snap

There goes
the last string
I trusted

All the other strings
are mended

Can I trust
strings again?

Such unreliable things strings are
how silly of I to think
the string wouldn't snap on me
Of course it did
you stupid gullible girl

It snapped and rebounded
stinging your fingers

I hate the violin
I hope you know that
all it does is cause me pain
Sep 2013 · 313
Sing for me
Just Anna Sep 2013
I sing

hoping that maybe I'll sing it all away
sing the pain away
because that's all a wounded bird can do
Sep 2013 · 339
Do not yield
Just Anna Sep 2013
Fight it fight it fight it*

Don't let your disease
become you
Sep 2013 · 374
Just Anna Sep 2013
I should have just shut up.
I told you so
Sep 2013 · 861
I am not one of them
Just Anna Sep 2013
Some people break bones
and still smile

Some people get cuts
and brush it off

I am not those people
I get paper cuts
And whine like my finger just got amputated

I am like a nectarine, I bruise easily
I'm different.
But don't shelter me, I need to grow up
Grow out of this weak and soft shell

It is looked down upon
to be a nectarine
and thus, the cardboard needs to be cut
yet again

Because bubble wrap
doesn't solve things
one day,
all the bubbles would pop

what happens then?
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
Is that all I am?
Just Anna Sep 2013
I got kicked.
Like a dog being called to obedience

I got stabbed
By my own hand

My fault
My fault my heart got broken again
Sep 2013 · 467
Going going gone
Just Anna Sep 2013
One day you would realise
That special fizz died

You waited and waited
But it just didn't seem to
Come back

You waited and waited
Till your tears dried up
It just didn't come back

You waited and waited
Only to find out
That fizz relighted somewhere else
And it's never coming back
Sep 2013 · 1.5k
A humble awakening
Just Anna Sep 2013
remember how it was treacherous to think of a person to be more than a person
I made that mistake.
I thought of myself as more than a person
a weak empty vessel
that can only function when God sends
that river to flow through you, empowering you
how silly of I to think otherwise
I see now
and I kid you not
This is the most humble I have ever been so far

Even the strength we have
is not of ours
not mine to give
not mine to take
but its by God's grace that we have

It all makes sense now
everything that had happened
it clicks
I see the connection
how blind I have been

My pride led to my fall
painful yet its an awakening I so gratefully receive
I must know my place
a mere human being.

We don't hold the ability to change people
don't you see
that argument we had about how class bonding was useless
how we tried so hard but in the end you told me
humans can't change personality
humans can't change people
only God can

I argued
and now I find that
you were right all along
why was I so freaking blind

I took matters into my own hands
and I would not now

Because I am but a mere human being
I can't force anything
because it's not in my power or right.

I can only wait for him
to use me
by his mercy and grace.

Have you ever felt that feeling
where your mind transforms
from being cloudy, dark and grey
sitting in that grey area that just grows larger and larger as time ticks

and suddenly it clears.
Like sunshine after rain
I was brought to my knees
I fell.

And I'm glad I did
because never have I been so lost and selfish
that was my lesson.
this whole week was my lesson

and I thank you Lord for that lesson
Just Anna Sep 2013
Dear velohomme,

I know you probably hate me for doing all this
for forcing you and everything
I know why you used that quote
you don't want to be seen as a 'freak'
But you aren't my dear,
you are my friend, my very best friend
and I know you are scared how everyone might view you
and honestly you are perfectly normal and everything
aside from those 3 brothers
but you must understand that they deprive you of sleep
you dearly need
those tears that fall. you are scared. You have written.

You are amazing in every way
but if there is something wrong
and you need help
I hope you reach out your hand to receive it

There is nothing wrong with a little help
I honestly don't mind being the bad guy
I mean, you can hate me
want to **** me
slap me
throw something at me

but if at the end of the day
everything falls into place
and you get better
though you may not agree.

It would be worth it
I wish I could tell you there is nothing wrong
but maybe sometimes there is
and we all need a little fixing
maybe its just society
I would love to agree that there is nothing wrong
but maybe there is
neither of us wants to admit it

by this time you are probably bursting
with anger and hurt
and maybe other emotions

I just want to let you know
that even if you won't talk to me anymore
even if you don't want to see me
I don't regret it.
I just don't want to keep closing my eyes
thinking its all okay
My mind has been clouded.

Well just to comfort you
I won't be doing anything or telling anybody soon
Just God.
Because its him who does the magic right?
He's the one with the fairy dust.

I'll leave it all up to him
It's not up to me, or you or anyone
it's up to him.

And tonight,
I really hope he answers my prayers
because wishing on 11 11 is *******
wishing on stars and believing about stardust magic
is *******

I've been neglecting him a bit
and I'm ashamed and sorry
But I trust that he'll save you lil' sis

He'll be by your side whenever you fall
in the dead of night
whenever you call and please don't fight
these hands that are holding you.

God's hands are holding you
Sep 2013 · 1.3k
My newfound skill
Just Anna Sep 2013
Oh great
Now I can multitask
Playing the piano and rethinking
All my stupid actions

Oh how great
Daydreaming even while playing piano
Simply marvellous
What a handy talent right?

Who doesn't want it
You get to practice
And set the background music
While you replay your nostalgic film
Of how dumb your words have been
How insensitive they were
How over the top you have been

A lovely talent
For a lovely mind
Just Anna Sep 2013
It's treacherous to believe that a person is more than a person
I never really understood this line
till now

It really is treacherous
feeds your thoughts

that person loses her identity
she just becomes an idea.
and you my dear believe in that idea of her
so strongly you forget who she is.

Because one day reality would come along
and turn the switch on to bring gravity back
leaving you waking up on the concrete floor
concussed and crying
bleeding and dying
**cheated of feeling
Sep 2013 · 487
Right smack on the face
Just Anna Sep 2013
What made everything sink in
fall on me
like heavy bricks
crushing every breath from me

was those words you said
"That's why I always ask you to take care of yourself.
Don't take all these small things lightly. You never know

And it hit me
Real bad.
What if one day these things happened to her
All those countless online medical checks
what if they meant more

and tomorrow
I hope it goes well tomorrow
It must
It will
Sep 2013 · 1.0k
Sarah Kay once said
Just Anna Sep 2013
If they make fun of your accent
I'll take you swimming because
we all sound the same underwater
Aug 2013 · 4.5k
cheeky ankle.
Just Anna Aug 2013
My ankle is naughty
yet I know not how to deal with it
I guess I'll leave it to its cheekiness
and hope it doesn't revolt
Aug 2013 · 1.0k
Just Anna Aug 2013
Its peculiar how life plans out
If she hadn't offered the girl at the piano her phone
even when I was the one whom she asked
I would have went to search for it
and realised it was missing.

but no.

Its funny how if we went to starbucks
we would have never had the time to take the round trip back.
back to square one

but no.

Its funny how the journey mirrored life
How we start off alone
Meet people along the way
Part ways midway
and then we go back separately
just like how we leave this world alone.

its funny
if all these didn't happen, laughs wouldnt happen. Conversations wouldnt happen. Mrt rollercoaster rides wouldnt happen. And a ton of apologies would not have happened. hahas life is peculiar
Aug 2013 · 704
Just Anna Aug 2013
I am as blur as Dory
you might say
as clumsy as baby Bambi

Its a miracle how I get by
Aug 2013 · 397
Help blinded eyes to see.
Just Anna Aug 2013
I know everything has a beginning middle and end
Though not necessarily in the same order

All I know
is that
I always meet them jumbled up.
Aug 2013 · 246
Just Anna Aug 2013
How naive of I to think
everything would be fine

at least I had today

I'm still not sure of
what is happening all around me
The tables turn too fast

I don't know what you said
I don't know what you did
I don't know what you see
I don't know what happened

All I know is that things change
                                                                         too fast
Things keep happening
Things that keep slipping out of my

         *small fragile hands
Aug 2013 · 246
Just Anna Aug 2013
How naive of I to think
everything would be fine

at least I had today

I'm still not sure of
what is happening all around me
The tables turn too fast

I don't know what you said
I don't know what you did
I don't know what you see
I don't know what happened

All I know is that things change
                                                                         too fast
Things keep happening
Things that keep slipping out of my

         *small fragile hands
Aug 2013 · 484
Just Anna Aug 2013
Why do people only notice
when tears start to fall

Ain't it sad
how no one cares
during the point
where you are holding it all in

It's the part
where no one notices
that unlocks
the dam

To feel left out

It *****
I know
I've been through it

The quiet one always
gets left behind
because she lets go too soon

I'm sorry
I was a tad too late
to stop those tears

I noticed too late
I was lost in something else
not worth
my attention

Im sorry
You had to cry
to get noticed

Im sorry
I realised too late
that watching you draw
made all the difference

*Im sorry
Aug 2013 · 535
Make you happy.
Just Anna Aug 2013
I'm holding water
Salty water
Its spilling out my hands

United we stand
divided we fall

I guess we're all falling
not together
at the same time

No matter how hard
you try to make things better
to cheer everyone on
solve issues
fake happiness

It doesn't work if I can
see through that
mask of smiles

To make someone else happy
you have to first
make yourself happy

because genuine happiness

can only be translated
and spread
If it comes from deep down
Seeing you force it out
just makes me even more sad.
Aug 2013 · 617
Just Anna Aug 2013
I come to school
Each day motivated
To make someone's day

I set targets each night
To whom I want to

Sometimes they succeed
But most times
I just fail

Or it just becomes a feeble  attempt

People just do it so effortlessly
Like how

I stutter trying to say
Words I've spent time planing

I wait hours
Before I finally decide
To hug someone



Jul 2013 · 436
Just Anna Jul 2013
I guess I spilt today.

I have a tendency
to word *****

So now you know,
both of you
I don't know what you'll do

And I hope
you don't fall apart
like I did

I trust you.

I guess things just got
a tad too much
you made me realise it

Im sorry
I passed it on to you
" I wish I was strong enough, to lift not one but both of us" ~ Both of Us
Jul 2013 · 473
Night guardian
Just Anna Jul 2013
I thought I could
but I couldn't

So I guess
I'll keep to being your
night guardian

Always there
for you to spill out
all those

I'll take them all in

I can't do much in person
In the virtual world
There is always time.
It is mostly coherent
Things get expressed

I'll be there in the dark
She'll be there at dawn

I guess we're even
Jul 2013 · 293
Just Anna Jul 2013
If I told you
In that moment of embrace

I was so close to breaking down
I teared

Would you believe me
Jul 2013 · 465
If I lay here
Just Anna Jul 2013
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me
And just forget the world?
- Chasing Cars, Snow patrol
Jul 2013 · 619
Stirring Shit
Just Anna Jul 2013
I was asked to 'stir ****'.
Because she said I did that the best
She said I always stirred it

I guess I was mad for a while
But then
I guess she wasn't wrong

I did like to stir ****
be it intentionally
Jul 2013 · 463
Am I normal? Mm Maybe not
Just Anna Jul 2013
Its like I was                                 a minute ago

then Its     bittersweet

slightly happy

what is wrong with me. Now even my parents think I've a ***** loose.
Jul 2013 · 514
My chain of laughter.
Just Anna Jul 2013
Jul 2013 · 582
Supporting actor
Just Anna Jul 2013
not the hero
not the villain
not the love interest
not the clown

Im the supporting actor

The one that can disappear for a while
then reappear

The one that is there so often
Its just granted if its there

The one that
if it leaves,
The story just goes on.

The hero defeats the villain
Marries the love interest
Has the clown there for laughs
maybe occasionally think
supporting actor.

Sometimes they die
Sometimes they turn dark
Sometimes they have a movie
about them that just doesn't quite take off.

but supporting actors
are cool.

They were always my *favourite
I would cry for them when they die.
I would wish so hard for them to turn back.
I would watch their movie no matter how ****** it was.

They were my favourite...
Just Anna Jul 2013
I've set the bar too high
for myself,
now I'm struggling to reach it

Give your best to

Be nice to

Notice and care for

Be there

Have good grades

Be more outspoken

Be independent

Do well musically

Do well artistically

Be a good daughter
Be an obedient granddaughter
Be a loving sister

Be *sane
Jul 2013 · 526
I've gone insane (10w)
Just Anna Jul 2013
My grandma says i've gone

I'm not denying it
To her insane means crying for no reason. Laughing and crying at the same time. Talking animatedly. Being expressive. Being a little over the top with happy. Being a little too sad. Everything that's normal to me. Is insane for her
Jul 2013 · 829
You got the wrong girl
Just Anna Jul 2013
Everyone is cranky
Everyone is breaking
But everyone is blaming

Can't you see
The ticking timebomb
Wasn't her
Can't you see. It's me. I started all this ****. Not on purpose but it's me.... I triggered everything
Jul 2013 · 892
Monochrome weights
Just Anna Jul 2013
As I enter
this monochrome

My heart sinks
I read its text

So painful
So powerful
So sad

I feel it weigh
heavy on my chest
Jul 2013 · 409
Its the small things
Just Anna Jul 2013
Its those small things
that cloud your vision
the most

just a few words
can ruin everything

Its those small things
that build up to big things

Its those small things
we try to ignore
until one day,
they come back
bite us in the ***
Its the small things that count.
Jul 2013 · 438
Just Anna Jul 2013
I have this bad habit
of digging up
old stuff
scrolling through it
feel each stab
grinding itself
into my chest

Its like I'm asking for it
each time I read them
I understand
Jul 2013 · 371
who are you
Just Anna Jul 2013
Something troubles me
every time
I re-read
old and new

Who exactly
Is it generic, specific, or just there.
Jul 2013 · 660
That feeling.
Just Anna Jul 2013
Have you ever felt
this sickening feeling
build up
in that space
just between your chest
and your stomach?

Its this feeling of
unexplainable sadness

The best way to describe it
is that sinking feeling
you get when you are on a swing
you get too high
and whoosh back down too fast

Its just there
I don't know why
I don't know how

I just wish it would go away
right now
Jul 2013 · 756
Outsmarting Anger
Just Anna Jul 2013
You see the thing with anger
is that it spreads
like a rampant disease

From one person
to another
Infecting more people
as it passes on

You see,
you need someone
to stop that anger
and turn it
into something

You should not keep
that anger inside
Let go

turn it into something beautiful
for it spreads
wondrous things

instead of hatred

This is something
I learnt
from all my wicked
experiences with my old enemy

It is scheming
love always outsmarts it

And so can you
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