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Chivalry is dead
and it was killed by the fairer ***
lipstick red cigarette butts
and wine glasses
squeezing the trigger
to complacency
and if romance is dead
then I guess I'm a necrophiliac
because I still believe in the chase
and the grand gestures
and don't tell my male friends
but I cling to the stories of true love
like a kid too stubborn to believe
that Santa is really just old ma and pops
blown out in a haze of smoke
the dust cleared to clarify
that crazy chaotic chances
won't always land on snake eyes
but I keep throwing the die anyway
and one day I'll die
and then I'll die a second time
when my words die
and maybe I'll be proven wrong
and be alone
but I won't stop
I can't be an atheist
because I understand all too well
the depth of the well of faith
so I'll keep on walking like a blind man
carrying my romances around with me in a hobo sack
until I find what I'm looking for
We used to hate each other,
Not daring to look at one another.
Hate and fakeness poured from our words to one another.
Rude looks
Condescending words

But then something changed:
Real smiles and heartfelt laughs
Words of kindness
Best of friends.
Together, we went through so much,
Telling each other so many different things.
Together, I felt no one could stop us,
Until high school came.

Slowly we were drifting,
I could feel it more every day.
Then, we stopped texting,
Hanging out,
And small talk became our language.

Now, I feel I lost a sister,
But I want one thing to stand true,
It doesn't matter that we've grown apart.
I know I'll always be here for you.
 Jul 2013 Julia Rae Irvine
One thing I have noticed about myself
Is that the person I am at the given moment
Is a true and honest reflection of what I feel like inside
I act differently
I think differently
I feel differently
I dress differently
I react differently
All depending on who I am and
What I am experiencing internally
At that point in my life

I think this is one reason I struggle with joy
When I think about it
Small and fleeting moments of joy
Are full of such immaculate beauty and tugging nostalgia
They're enticing
(Especially when you spend most of your time feeling sad and lost )
But that tends to change when you have a lot of those moments
And then when those moments happen more and more frequently
They start to become a normal part of your every day life
Until joy is something you are used to
And you struggle to find something to make you feel so intimately
Something that pierces the deepest part of your soul
Something that is unbearably painful but so magnificently beautiful
Just like all of those days you were so sad
But your joy is your sorrow unmasked
One cannot survive without the other
They coexist

So when the jar labeled, "Joy & Sorrow" is full
Filled all the way up to the brim with this Joy
There is no room for any Sorrow to join in
And with too much Joy and not enough Sorrow
Things are surely going to start feeling a little bit suspicious
And maybe even bland
So what do you do?
Do you just go on struggling with joy?
I wish I knew
I wish I knew
The day fades away
Black and grey
And black and grey
Until all that is left
Is cerebral thoughts
Bouncing against the shattered window pane
Which shows the way
To everything we are too scared to know
The sacred truths of our flaws
Too beautifully ugly to be recognized
Too perfectly imperfect to fit the leftover jigsaw pieces
Jesus pieces ring with fibs of green backs
And crack was distributed to poor neighborhoods
So a lot of the time a welfare check or food stamp
Ends up more like "my bad"
And no news crews roll through
Unless the person who died
Shares my skin color
White guilt making me feel less stable
In my bitchings and moanings
Like my bad feelings couldn't possibly land heavy
Like haymakers
Growing up we used to jump from hay bails
Landing in loose straw
Running away from farmers and their
Combine harvesters
Now I run from life
Too afraid to jump from the ground floor
Into the clouds
Life is hard
Living it the way you want is harder
I never felt before what I'm feeling now
This year I started feeling so madly in love with him.
Every time I saw I couldn't see anyone else
I would wait for him in the mornings to speak to!
I dream about being married to him all the time.
He is honest trustworthy , intelligent & polite ...Everything about him is so perfect.
I was a person that would say that no marriage and no children till 25 years but now I'm more than happy to go through everything with him!
I want to tell him sooner like now so I can get this heavy weight of distractions off my back ...
I'm so scared that he'll hate me or will find it awkward around me for next couple of days ...
I don't know what to do! I really love him I have never felt something so strong!
People thought I was being stupid and immature then when they saw me around him, they believed me!
I love the way he looks onto my eyes & I know that there is something.
Moonlight, sheathing the earth,
lost its heart to a shining smart satellite,
"moving speck of light, inching forwards infinity,
alas! our love lasts, not even a cosmic minute"
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