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A dark, sensuous, blithe, night
seduction is her sole intent,
beating in tune with the heart of
a lover, an adventurer, a crazy poet,
a beggar, a courtesan, a clown or a priest,
     prompts each one to do what to them please,
     to the manner born, unconcerned  of darkness and light,
     her knitted quilt thrown over their heartbeats rhythmic.
Sleep is the best refuge  for the uninspired, lonely, sick,
love, ***, any number of intriguing options she offers for her lovers,
and when the clock of night is torn open by the impatient sun
and day arrives with vengeance to reclaim its land,
with daggers of  sadness stuck to heart, bleeding
they move, like shadows doddering in the path of life.
It was with the sun
that they drove eighteen miles to every quarter of an hour
to the port
where they put down the car and started like petals from every dead flower they saw together.

Up the steps
he tried to steal her waist for his own,
willing his arms to stretch around widths they weren't made for,
only to cement the idea that they weren't alone.

In the cabin they fell asleep to familiar films
and woke up to see the sea out of a round window
and the guarantee they won't hit land nor port
until the captain's say so on the inbuilt radio.

They came back from a grand meal
that was of Titanic proportions, tidy suits and surreal women in waistcoats,
they made love in a bed that wasn't theirs,
and he witnessed it and saw
her new print dress that caught and tore and was reduced to shreds upon the floor.
from, a place for poems
 Sep 2013 Julia Rae Irvine
The same girl who always cares about everyone
even if nobody cares about her;
is the same girl whom her friends tell her she's pretty
but she thinks otherwise.
Is the same girl who seems to be happy,
but has scars that show otherwise.
Is the same girl that when she looks herself at a mirror,
finds every flaw on her body
and has no fingers left to keep counting.
Is the same girl who finds difficult to sleep at night
because she can not stop thinking
about things that have happened in the past that still hurt her.
Is the same girl who mortifies herself
by what people think.
Is the same girl that can be surrounded by thousands of people,
but always feel alone.
Is the same girl who helps everybody
knowing who most needs help
is herself.
Is the same girl who hates her face, her body
and everything about herself.
Is the same girl whom you will see smiling of happiness,
but most of the time
she will be filled with sadness.
Is the same girl who's looking for happiness,
although happiness
is not looking for her.
 Sep 2013 Julia Rae Irvine
Your eyes
Are my
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