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JP Nov 2018
Where we fail to
understand the world.
We meet people
for the first time and record
a perception in our mind
Next time,
the perceptions are their faces to us.
But actually
Being human is not static but process. Next day he comes to you after chewing you in thoughts and he come as a new person. If you aware this is the world you live
Then... You're smart
JP Oct 2017
a cave
near our village
an exploration
Couldn't see anything..
Is Cave swallowed the
JP Oct 2017
the messenger
lost his
JP Jul 2018
In love
there is no others
only my lover
but in lover
the others is not me
But the lover..
JP Nov 2017
I gaze my girlfriend
her friend also
gaze at me..
JP Nov 2017
The followers of Buddha
are plenty
How to identity idiot
among the true follower??
The tree comes as handy to
The bodhi tree was just a metaphor
for an idiot and fools
to plant one in their garden
and sit under
While others move on..
JP Sep 2019
Every starring
of hers
was more like a dust
adding on my furniture..
JP Mar 2017
a severe Earthquake
he died  in office
she died at home..
his soul came out
and waiting
for a vehicle
to reach her..
JP Mar 2016
a kind of income
to postpone your
JP Jun 2018
a book lover
She moved...
her  like my eyes
whispers to my ears..
JP Jun 2018
a good book
may be an answer
to our prayer...
JP Apr 2016
a page is nothing …but
a breast
its reader eyes..
JP Nov 2015
Open and
entered into
a new world
new life, relationship
but not lost.
and it’s like a therapy
to move my soul
out of my body
for few days..
JP Apr 2017
am a book lover
a process in purchasing books
first the title selected in Goodreads
check the reviews
then browse through Amazon
Find and open
See the content
Read first page
If it's okay..... Go to Wikipedia
check author profile and
his prominent books
if the  book was selected
Check the price and discount
compare it with other online store
and call my favourite book store
and check price
am a regular buyer 20% flat discount
If available
Can feel the book
smell it to find the aroma of invitation
then bill it.... Or
Order in online
Saving on purchase
Will be used for further
Purchase of books...
JP Aug 2019
What makes
reading special
When you open the book
the author whisper to your ears
as your eyes touches on his words..
JP Jun 2018
pulled me in
to sink..
JP Apr 2017
New date
She was so interesting
we decided to understand
each other deep
walked in nearby book store
Selected a common topic
Bought 2 books of same title
Went home
After a week
We exchanged our books
to read the pencil marks of others
to understand
Each other perception of
JP Apr 2016
carried umbrella
to the book store
standing near fiction shelf
characters are raining...
JP Apr 2016
a hurt,
when I chosen few book and
select one before the billing...
JP Nov 2018
a good reader
who is like
sitting inside the garbage CAN
will take all the incoming
by way of his ear through eyes
and become unconsciously
strong and confidence..
JP Nov 2017
am interested in non fiction
While reading a new author
am not able to sync
to his writing
I practiced a technique
Leave the book
and search for his Videos
Listen few
and back to reading
I can sync to his perception
and find the book more interesting..
JP Mar 2016
my unread book shelf
an aroma of forest

a burning smell of jealous
fron the read book shelf

a joy of unexplored adventure
a joy of experienced wisdom

both shelves disturb me…
JP Nov 2016
They are trophy's
signaling the world
he really lived beautifully..
JP Jun 2018
She added
her favourite books
to play the role
of her hero...
JP Jun 2018
slipped a book
a feel of pain
as if
a child is fallen...
JP Nov 2016
an evidence
eyes has thirst…
JP Dec 2016
critic on the floor
a shivering
in book shelf
authors having deep breathe..
JP Jan 2016
I said, Love thee neighbor
she eloped with him

I said, aim for the sky
he committed suicide

I said, control your desire
my servant got pregnant

I said, Time is money
found watches in salarycover..
JP Oct 2017
She called me
She had nothing
to get disturbed....
JP Jan 2017
We hate our boss
an understanding
he play the role of
a extension of
he uses words with
harsh and heat
and insult at will
we hate him coz
he deputies our father...
JP Mar 2019
uses his left hand to slap
the groom for future problem
uses his right hand to handover
the bride for pleasure,
which he so long waited...
JP May 2017
Every invention
the process need cooperation
from the material
Inventor worked with
the material was nothing
but a woman
Who cooperate to the inventor
for the outcome
Woman cooperate in bed
with lover to give a child
a process need male and
JP May 2019
got Alzheimer's
I lost
my memory in her..
JP Nov 2018
This world full of systems
it has a default failure
and success is rare
First one is unconscious
later is conscious
Tasting success more like
living in present
But unconsciously, failure will
follow you as shadow
Motivation means
It's says more about conscious
energy. which we already have..
Failure is nothing but  forgot to move from unconscious
You can't be conscious all the time
Let taste failures to remember success and viceversa..
JP Oct 2017
Optimist, "Best way to escape
from the problems is to solve it.."
Pessimist, "why in the first place,
the problem exist??"
Who is intelligent??
JP May 2017
She resemble my mom
and gave all comfort
a thin line
she says, I have more
Priorities before you
that hurts
an understanding
is that priority reserved
for her children's
I move slowly
inside me
Knowing this hurt is permanent..
JP Jul 2016
Please love me
tried…. But
unavailable in market
JP Nov 2018
adapting to
new fashion dress
are more like
she was changing room..
JP Feb 2016
an evidence
you been robbed
with eyes open
JP Apr 2017
A disturbance
Though he seen as
an outsider
will become your insider
then he starts to change
the centre of your priorities
he hides in you
Changes your moods
alter your goal
a state of sense
either take him as a partner
Or ditch him
Both way he bring guilty
and stand in between
You can't live with him
or without.....
JP Jun 2016
a boy
become a Man
once his
began to dry.

a girl
becomes a Woman
once she
to forgive.
JP Dec 2018
10 plus 1
is easy
comparatively to
1plus 10
Life is easy when you
add the lesser one than the higher
That's how the brain work..
In Asian countries, most men marry a woman who educated lesser than him.
JP Nov 2015
I read few book about
the power of brain,
almost all books says
the capacity of the brain
can store entire library
of the world, still 90%
of the memory available.
Is it possible?

Went and tried
some experiment
One such, by reading 100 books
when recollected the main point
I could able to write just 50 to
maximum 60 points
this will  cover
just  2 pages on any book
In real sense, every book
can give not more than few points
So, I believe,  
If it is possible to read entire
book of the world, then the ideas
can be stored in maximum
of few hundred books…
and storing it in our brain
is very much possible…
JP Aug 2016
an understanding
the people around him
a kind of failure
to look past his surface.....
JP Oct 2018
How brave can be defined?
Brave people have fear
But in parallel his graph
of courage is high
he fights protecting fear
at the back
Just like
Motorbike Racer
wear helmet on Race
helmet protect his fear..
JP Jul 2018
understanding my girlfriend
I asked her,
Whether she understood
The process of understanding can be applied to static and not to process. These women's are beautiful and new everyday... That's the problem with women's.
JP Nov 2017
Anchor dropped
ship stopped
like a
Phone call
from wife...
JP Aug 2018
She left
After few years
Met an old friend
My friend asked, "you
put on weight.."
I replied, "due to her heavy memories!"
JP Jun 2016
It happens
when you are more concern
with priority..
JP Jun 2017
Deep sleep
a small disturbance
she was in my dream
all her memory
left without a trace
got up
looked fresh
for another date..
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