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JP Nov 2017
Betting was prohibited
Betting on life
encouraged by Govt
in the name of Insurance..
JP Apr 2020
Very presence
of Court
We humans are imperfect...
JP Jun 2017
Is death
just a God way
transfer us to another planet
like getting promoted
after we done our Karma
Man invented hospital
to drag our life
to little more to suffer
in this Hell...
JP Sep 2016
hating someone
in our circle
a time given
to explore their childhood
a strange
that they were
very good
infact too good
what made them bad??
an understanding
Life is a big question
and answer is
how good you live...
his answer depends on
his situation
hate is just a perception
hate his situation
don't hate him....
JP Apr 2017
She left
Walking down the road
a feel of rejection
Entered Book Store
Bought some books
went home
Read a concept called
"This too will pass"
"This Love too will pass"
JP Oct 2016
Cattle as speed breaker
on the road
Is its way of saying
that World belongs to everyone..
JP Dec 2016
Seeing pain
after another
like a layer on memories
......a new pain replaces the
older one and
a new love temporarily
erase the old one...
an understanding
a pain is just an emotion
attached to events
arising out of loneliness..
JP Dec 2016
a noise is
but freedom
JP Sep 2017
Always push your life a little
towards your goal

In life, face one problem
at a time

Concentrate only on
which falls inside your life net

Apply always controlled

Sometime catch other legs
to reach, also part of life

exercise your animal characters
within the ring
JP Jun 2017
Riding a bicycle
was not a magic
a courage to fall
only to raise or
to learn the balance
an awareness
when you move to your left
shift your balance to right
a simple logic
During Bad think Good
and viceversa
You love take you places you want
you hate you stay there
Like peddling
without taking off the stand...*
People learned bicycle
can live better life than
Who don't....
JP Dec 2017
Seeing them
50 years of married life
No one has won or loss
No one was cause or effect
Life went far from Logic
Reason no relation to karma
Even failure treated as drop
but it has become an ocean
While victory as gain
evaporated into the sky
Nothing could be found
for debate to debate...
when knowledge disappeared
life appeared as love..
JP Jan 2020
stands in front
to lover
stands next
to wife...
JP Nov 2018
May be
the oldest form
comparing to homos
a sign of birth
to give freedom to suppressed women's
taking their turn to
stay top on each other...
JP Jun 2018
to have ***
and to go for Restaurant
remains the same
Before *** you want to
apply some creativity
Before going to restaurant
you plan to eat new variety
But in process
In ***
You rush to eject and
In Restaurant
You order the same old dish
We never know we are fixed.
JP Nov 2017
Birds has a
purpose for migration
like humans
am awareness
birds return back
once the purpose are met
But human
never know
apply for Green Card..
JP Oct 2015
My experience of love

I joined as an  Associate Manager in a firm,
We used to have parties in a year.
I used to make arrangement in Luxury way,
but one of my associate (she was beautiful and diplomatic)
always suggested me to spend
less on decoration, food, gifts..etc.
Her advice is 'Less is More'. I got irritated and
told her to mind her business.
Years went through,
I moved out of the branch.
I still invited for the parties and the problem
is whenever I been in the party,
she comes and tease me like talking to
everyone (except me) and sometimes hug them.
She never look into my eyes and
she avoided me particularly.
Its hurts a lot and also made me to
feel small in the party. So I said to my friends not
to call me for the party and explained
my inability to them. They agreed and
stopped calling me.

Few months before, one of my client called about
his daughter's wedding and likely to spend 2 million.
He can only mobilize 1.3 million and wanted me
to arrange loan for the rest. I told him to send the
details on Excel sheet. After going through,
I discussed with him about reducing the expenses and
advicing him about 'Less is More'. After the marriage,
the client invited me to his house gave a warm reception,
hugged me and praised the concept of 'Less is More'.
And that day onwards, I started passing the
concept of advice 'Less is More' to every client
and got appreciated. Then one fine day,
I started thinking, Why the same advice brought me
bad memory and when it worked nicely for others.
And it also costed me a relationship. I started respecting her
and its grown day by day and started loving her.

A few weeks back, there was a call from my
old office to join the party and assured she was not
participating in it.  I went to the party all went smooth.
Suddenly, she entered the party with well groomed Saree
and started to steal the attraction. Now, I am
even more disturbed coz I started loving her
and cannot take any more insult. and
I had no other choice decided to leave the party
but my friend explained that her presence is surprising
to them. then I had an another choice, to join another female
colleague to whom she doesn't have a proper terms.
This time, she never came close to me but that
female colleague said she is staring at us as if
she going to burn both. The party ended and I was waiting
alone at the office entrance for my friends to drop me.
Suddenly someone pushed me a little and left.  
I found it was her, she wiping her tears and
going to the car park. I went behind her and to ask what happened?.
She never responded and got into her car.
And, she almost banged me with her car and left.
I almost collapsed of her behavior and started to
walk alone to my home (its few kilometer away).
Thinking, thinking about the incident and
my perception slowly changed that…. 'LESS LOVE MEANS MORE'.
JP Oct 2018
What you learn from
a tale of
Fox and the Crow
If you meet an
average looking girl
tell her voice was awesome
For girls
If someone tell
your voice is beautiful
he already skipped your
outer beauty
Don't speak
Fly off from him..
JP Jun 2018
thief escaped
from prison to
expose the door...
JP May 2017
My friend overspending
and got into
hell lot of trouble
like a bird
to far reaching height
Only to
pull down by gravity...
JP Apr 2017
After her relationship
am running from
Company to Company
Promotion to Promotion
Increments to Increments
atlast retired
Now, I saw her
She was weak and pale
looked too old
a feel of hurt
how come
I never saw her
Where her youth?
Where her beauty??
where her health???
I forgotten her on survival
Missed her
Missed life
this is what some folks
calls it a Career..
JP Dec 2018
First love failure
It hurts
but not because of love
It's due to shock
to believe
There is no unconditional love
Break in our innocence
There after few love will pass
without trace...,
JP Dec 2017
My friend assembling
a Robot
a frustration in
making the robot to walk
but he never understood
that he also struggled
during his infant..
JP Apr 2018
If your love left
you will know to live alone
with alone
JP Oct 2018
If your girlfriend
avoiding you
inspite of your true love
The fox and the grapes
JP Oct 2018
If someone brings
the story of
Hare the the Tortoise
You just walk off
The logic behind the Race
was wrong
It should Hare vs Hare
Tortoise vs Tortoise
JP Apr 2017
Final countdown
when Berlin was attacked
by allied forces
so many innocent people
died......... they died not
of thier enemy allied forces
But because
they never protested
against their own government
for their atrocities..
JP Mar 2017
In life
so much competition
few won
many lost
an understanding
my failures were protected
by success...
JP Jul 2016
a dream
the year 11748
a celebration
of finding the best
period of human life
from 1996 to 2016
are named
"Best ancestor period"
rushed back from DREAM
to live remaining
part of my life
before year 2016 expire!!
JP Jan 2016
kissed Earth
only planet can tolerate humans

looked up
two Stars carryout shifts neatly

feel the Air, taste the Water
eat the Light…

carry our Dead
have to earn four hearts

survive the survival
keep my Senses on condition

fumbled here,
hearing six as ***

JP Jan 2016
retiring rich was a myth, the world
carry cotton on to the fire
never understood, we don't need  
anything at old age
see the fake inside and try
escape from conditioned thoughts
let chased by  diseases
a reward of our life…
waiting for our death
in hospital, was not for
we are born..
come out, live like animal
die peacefully, we have
enzymes in our body
to bear the hell…
JP Mar 2018
New friend
She was beautiful
Now my mind
Is it she really beautiful?
or my perception made her beautiful?
Let me think
Sun is radiant
Is my perception says so
Or the Sun was..
The truth is
Sun is radiant
So, my mind just vouching it
here the same
My friend is really beautiful
My perception just vouching it..
JP Apr 2016
it’s a common word
used in our life
you cannot eliminate
miserable from our life
miserable is Life

Cave man lived miserable life
his survival was miserable
hunting was miserable
he stand naked before nature
that's too was miserable

to move out miserable
he found civilization
schooling is miserable
job is miserable
marriage is miserable
running family is miserable
old age is miserable

what we have understood??
the term miserable
is nothing
but the life
another name of life..

If you want to escape from miserable
Death is the only exit….
JP Jun 29
She said, 
She hate me...
I understood
there is no 'I' in me
but there is me in 'I'
whether she knows
I have two me in 'I'
which both listen but never meet in person.
whether she hate me, the 'I'
never going to meet in my lifetime or
the in the 'I'.
I ask for a date to clarify her hate...
JP Nov 2018
she entered
in my heart to return
hers on time...
JP Jun 2018
You borrow the books without  knowing you are separating the friends in shelf.
How much of these books
going to fill your eyes?
when you going to stop reading and start writing
More than few years
Watching you every day in library, there your heart looking for spark..
Like a subject observing the object but for the past few month you never came..
Now, observer became observed..
I hobbied myself in nearby library. Where she came looking for something and I looked for something in her. She was beautiful when she is with books. She deals books like her children's. Not once, she listen to my eyes..Now, She stop coming.... But am waiting in library everyday not for her but chew her memories..
JP Dec 2017
Right to express
in your own way..
JP Mar 2017
live to die

die  to live

live to ****

die to ****
Suicide bomber

live today

today live

live to cheat

cheat to live
JP Nov 2018
inseminate Earth
by way of light...
JP Apr 2017
From office.... came home
washed face. Why??
to remove mask and
be original..
JP Jun 2017
the hunter
in the forest
he never know
his death
even hunting him
JP Jan 2019
a symbol of
Do and Don't
when God advises
don't eat the apple
Eve advises Adam
'do' what i said...
In modern world
Eve remains the same
God is replaced by mother-in-law
tussle continue....
JP Mar 2019
divorced one
married another
Just prison changed..
JP Aug 2016
the history
of the world
while some lived
just watched..
JP Mar 2023
A bland day
No joy
No sadness
you're experiencing
JP Dec 2017
Every failure
carries the germ
of future success..
JP Jan 2017
She always blame him
for the wrong
It's a way of escape
her decision of
marrying a wrong person...
JP Apr 2020
Every time
raise a question
it means
You want to continue..
JP Jun 2017
when i get hurt
never go to therapy
like happiness
even hurt is a feeling
an other side of the coin
i need both to balance
JP Apr 2017
Every one
starts drawing a circle
But ends with some distortion
on completion
Other says,
it's not perfect circle
a simple reply
It's mine, that's how
my circle look like
was a way to move
toward life.
In life, every imperfections
is an identity of
JP Apr 2017
Middle class family
being Son
listening to Dad
After retirement
It's reverse
Being Dad
listening to son..
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